I'm back after a year..

4me72 Posts: 13 Member
Yup.. I'm back, but this time trying not to do it alone... Hence, the post! LOL! Looking to make friends & hoping to stay motivated


  • loumay34
    loumay34 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I am back after having a Baby... I want to get my figure back now and feel good for the summer. Hoping to lose a stone (14lbs) but really to improve fitness and tone. Xxx
  • zoomybird
    zoomybird Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new! But not new to dieting...so not new to dieting!!!!! But the big step is getting back here... so... GO YOU!!!!!!
  • 4me72
    4me72 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks to you both! Its good to hear the positivity... I <3 positive energy! Wishing you both great success :)
  • 4me72
    4me72 Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2016
    Looking to add buddies...for motivation, support & accountability... coming from the mentality of " it takes a village" so I'm trying to get my village together! add me
  • jennnco
    jennnco Posts: 516 Member
    Hey I'm in a similar boat! Finally getting serious about my mental and physical health! Add me and we can stay accountable together
  • 4me72
    4me72 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you to those who added me :D
  • Hjaye7512
    Hjaye7512 Posts: 116 Member
    Hey welcome! Feel free to add me I could use the support also
  • anavar1
    anavar1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Alex! I started using my fitness pal back in 2014 lost almost 70 lbs in about a year!! Gained a little in 2015!! But I am back!! I went hiking today and to the gym !! And back on my eating regime as I call it!! Lol
  • anavar1
    anavar1 Posts: 2 Member
    One thing that works for me really good is protein shakes ,and protein bars as snacks after or before workouts ... Also fiber in the morning a little fruit and a hard boiled egg! Even if your are not hungry!!!
  • 4me72
    4me72 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Alex! Welcome back! Thanks for the helpful info...

    add me ... still looking to add buddies...for motivation, support & accountability...
  • thymurdock
    thymurdock Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I'm Ryan. Trying to shed the pounds. Got a long way to go but I think motivation helps the most. Will send a request! Let's do this!!
  • 4me72
    4me72 Posts: 13 Member
    Nice ! Welcome Ryan that's what I'm talking about!!