"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 7 & 8



  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, so I just need to brag a minute and I know you won't hate me, right???? I needed a new swimsuit for the summer. I mean, I'm nearly 40 pounds lighter than last summer and the suit I had was from a year before that... and was a tad big last summer. Ok, there were a few different ones from over the years in my closet and NONE of them worked. The smallest was even way too big... ok in a pinch, but not appropriate for public viewing if you get my drift (the girls are smaller for sure!). So tonight I went out to Kohl's and got a nice deal on a new one... and it's a size 8 bottom and 10 top!!!! Apparently the girls aren't as small as I thought they were, and I'm good with that! The only reason I didn't get the 8 top was I was squishing out the top (armpit muffins.. not cute!)!!! Yup, my last suit was at least a 14.... so I'm super happy. Now I'm ready for summer to come back so I can take the boys swimming in our community pool, or to the beach, or take the boat out... you get the idea! Bring it on... mama's ready to swim!!!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Nikster...you go right ahead and brag! Awesome!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Nikster...you go right ahead and brag! Awesome!

    Thanks, girl! And I ran 5 miles today.... yup, I'm on a warpath!!! Oh, and I had to see my allergist today and she was THRILLED for me with my weight loss!!!! Hadn't been there for six months, which was a good 30 pounds ago.... yup, it's a good day!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Nikstergirl it sounds like you are doing GREAT!!!!! Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:

    How is everyone else doing?

    I had a bridal shower for a friend yesterday, so I've been busy this week getting ready for that. But that's over and I survived and the wedding is next week, so I just need to get this crazy dress modified and put together and get the whole thing over with. :laugh: I'm happy for her and her new life. She seems very happy.

    I still haven't re-started p90x. :ohwell: Next week, maybe. :wink:

    I everyone had a marvelous weekend!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Good saturday morning....seems many of us are MIA...summer plans will do that. I hope everyone is well and enjoying the weather. I am about to embark on a challenge...the Warrior dash. Of course, I cannot complete a couple of the obstacles because of my work injury, but I am gonna give it all I got! Pics to be posted later.

    Thinking of all of you!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have been MIA too. I haven't been weighing in, but I have been working real hard. lost 1.9lb last week and its looking like a loss again for this week. I need to move nicely away from the 150's been stuck for way to long. Glad to see everyone is doing great.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Linda, I hope you rocked the warrior dash!!! Sounds like fun...

    I completed my training week yesterday, but it was HARD!!! The temps and bright sun were a little more than I bargained for and that 7 miles about did me in. I ended up walking about the last 1/2 mile, but still managed to keep my pace under 12 min miles... so that's something. Anyway, no running today, but I'm hoping to get up to the gym to lift for a while, it's been too long!!! Time gets away from me sometimes...

    Happy Father's day to all your dad's, hubby's, friends, whatever... I miss my dad so much, but am so glad my hubby is an awesome dad to our boys!!! Enjoy your kids if you have them, your dad's if your near them, and your friends whereever you are!!!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    The Warrior Dash was so much fun! Hard work...climibing slippery mud hills, doing some crazy obstacles. I had to skip a couple of them due to my work injury but all in all, it was a blast. The mud at the end....OMG! I so definitely want to do it again, my daughter said no but I convince her again...lol!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Ladies, to be honest.. Im almost wore out on making these challenges.. I know i need ot get week 9 & 10 up. and i will when i have time.. its been a VERY busy weekend. Im sooo tired today. Been trying not to spend very much time online anymore.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    April, no worries. In my opinion, I'm just trying to finish the mileage one!!!! It's not been easy, and I've missed a couple runs, and as we're creeping up on the end, I've decided to add in some of my walking miles. I know it's for any miles, but I had challenged myself to only count my running miles! But I caved... I just want to finish this! I have 18 run miles planned this week, and then a taper week (only 14) so I wasn't going to finish, but I think if I include the walking (maybe the bike too?) then I will. This was quite an undertaking!!!!

    That being said, I'm going to push myself to do another 150 miles between 7/4/11 and Labor Day (only 9 weeks, yikes!)... just my own personal goal. If you all want to join me, great! If not, I'll just keep track like I have been... so motivating to see that ticker move!!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April, don't worry about it. Maybe make these last two weeks a "free for all", where we just go back and do our favorite challenges from weeks past.

    I know I've been terrible at keeping up with everyone! I'm very sorry for that. I joined a gym, yay! It isn't fully built yet, but I still had an orientation training today. It was exhausting, the damn guy tried to kill me! The cardio (treadmill) test was fine, but it was when we were on the mat doing vigorous calisthenics that I started feeling weak. The non-air conditioned room was too hot for me. I thought I was going to puke so I went over to the restaurant next door for the bathroom, and walking over I thought I was going to trip over my feet and I saw spots EVERYWHERE. Like, there were moments where I was blinded by spots. I didn't end up getting sick, but I was definitely done for. That was only after 7 minutes on the floor! I was embarrassed but oh well. Looking forward to the gym opening in August. :)

    Oh yeah and my trainer did a body fat test and whatnot and said I should shoot to lose 17 more pounds, which is more or less what my goal was already. That made me happy!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Pink, congrats on the gym!!! Awesome that you were on track with your goal... at least they didn't tell you to lose like 30 more or something crazy!!! Make sure you hydrate... sounds like you were having a heatstroke, and that's not good at all!

    Did another 3 miles tonight, but had to do it at the gym. Severe thunderstorms and a tornado watch were the deciding factors. Not my favorite, but it's effective. Hopefully I'll get to do Thursday's 5 outside! Plus, there's some cooler weather coming with the storms, so that might be refreshing!!!!

    Have a great day!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Nikster I think you're right. The only other time I've felt like that was on my honeymoon in the Bahamas when I was out in the sun and for dang sure I wasn't drinking nearly enough water then.

    The trainer was funny, he kept trying to school me on weight loss and how it is 80% mental and 20% physical and all of this other talk...I just kept surprising him with my answers...like when I told him how I know I can eat what I want but I have to work that much harder to make the input/output balance. And when he asked what my goal weight was I told him that I know it isn't the best to rely on the numbers that come from the scale since they take into account so many different things so I'm shooting for a dress size instead. He was just kind of a deer in headlights. :laugh: That made me realize that I've learned SO MUCH from MFP and you ladies...I'm very very grateful!

    So I have to ask - when you go to the gym what do you like to do? I know you like to run outside, so do you use weight machines/classes when you do some gym time?
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Hello, Ladies!!! Seems kind of quiet in here, except for the occasional drop-in. :wink: I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. Pink and Nikster - sounds like you all are doing GREAT!!!! Pink.......:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I am BUSY!! We're doing some repainting and things like that, so that's fun, but keeps me busy.

    Yesterday I walked and hubs calculated the miles and said with was the same as a 5K and I did it in 45 min - is that good, or bad time? I'd like to try to beat it every time. I'm sure not ready to run it. It's gravel road and up hill - down hill - flat - curvy road. :laugh: It made me feel so much better though. I MUST get back into a regular workout routine. I feel so much better when I do.

    So my dreaded "hefty" dress is finally done - I'll post a picture when I have it on Sat for the wedding. :wink:

    Have a lovely Wednesday, My Friends. :flowerforyou:

    I almost forgot - I was UP 1.5 lbs this week. :cry:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Nikster I think you're right. The only other time I've felt like that was on my honeymoon in the Bahamas when I was out in the sun and for dang sure I wasn't drinking nearly enough water then.

    The trainer was funny, he kept trying to school me on weight loss and how it is 80% mental and 20% physical and all of this other talk...I just kept surprising him with my answers...like when I told him how I know I can eat what I want but I have to work that much harder to make the input/output balance. And when he asked what my goal weight was I told him that I know it isn't the best to rely on the numbers that come from the scale since they take into account so many different things so I'm shooting for a dress size instead. He was just kind of a deer in headlights. :laugh: That made me realize that I've learned SO MUCH from MFP and you ladies...I'm very very grateful!

    So I have to ask - when you go to the gym what do you like to do? I know you like to run outside, so do you use weight machines/classes when you do some gym time?

    You rock! Yes, I'd much rather go for a run, but when I'm at the gym, I lift weights. Mainly I use the machines that are there. I go to Snap Fitness and they don't have classes or anything, but I was given a rundown on their "basic 8" routine which works really well. I've expanded on it since I learned it in December with more moves, more machines and definitely more weight and more reps!!! I also found a neat core workout in Women's Health last month I'm trying to do but haven't been regular enough with it yet to know how it's going to work. I change it up sometimes, but usually I warm up on the treadmill or ellpitical for 5 minutes and then lift for 30-60 depending on what my goal is for the day. If it's a basic sort of day, it's 30 min weights and 30 cardio (I like the ARC trainer which is like the elliptical) but if it's a day I just want to pump iron, I do 60ish minutes on weights and some abs and call it a day. I like to lift 2-3 times a week, but this training for my 1/2 marathon is really making it hard to dedicate extra time to lifting. At this point I'm not worried... but I'd still like to get in there more and lift. Tomorrow will be a 5 mile tempo run, so seeing as that's nearly an hour, I won't lift. Friday night I now have a funeral visitation to go to, so I may not even get in my 2 mile "easy" run!!! It's ok, as long as I get in my 8 miles on Saturday before the funeral and open house and other open house.... it's a crazy world!!!! If I don't see the results I want by the time my 1/2 marathon is done, I may invest in a few sessions with a trainer to get my strength mojo on. We'll see. I'm in no hurry, but would love to look as good as I feel!!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello, Ladies!!! Seems kind of quiet in here, except for the occasional drop-in. :wink: I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. Pink and Nikster - sounds like you all are doing GREAT!!!! Pink.......:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I am BUSY!! We're doing some repainting and things like that, so that's fun, but keeps me busy.

    Yesterday I walked and hubs calculated the miles and said with was the same as a 5K and I did it in 45 min - is that good, or bad time? I'd like to try to beat it every time. I'm sure not ready to run it. It's gravel road and up hill - down hill - flat - curvy road. :laugh: It made me feel so much better though. I MUST get back into a regular workout routine. I feel so much better when I do.

    So my dreaded "hefty" dress is finally done - I'll post a picture when I have it on Sat for the wedding. :wink:

    Have a lovely Wednesday, My Friends. :flowerforyou:

    I almost forgot - I was UP 1.5 lbs this week. :cry:

    Ok, my first 5k I RAN in 41 minutes... so if you're walking... you're KILLING it!!!! Holy moly!!!! My most recent one was just under 30 min... I have another next Tuesday, but I'd say you're almost ready to run at least parts of it! Just keep moving, sounds like you're doing great!

    Don't worry about a little gain... it will work itself out. Enjoy the wedding and get back on track after that! Oh, and ROCK that dress, girl!!!!! Can't wait to see!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Another 5 miles done this morning.... I think I just might make this 150 mile challenge after all!!!! It's a craptastic weather week for us, but whatever... that's what the gym is for!!!!

    My son gets his driver's permit today... freaking out just a little... but it's gonna be ok, right??????
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Not sure where you all are, but just posting that not only did I run another 8 miles this morning... I'm down another 1.8 pounds this week! That makes 10.2 pounds since we started this challenge!!!!

    Moving works... along with logging food and not going over on calorie goals. It really truly works, and I thank you for being there along with me! I'm so close to my goal that I may lower it again. Not sure really where my body will settle at, but I'm ok with letting it find out! Hope you all have an amazing weekend... I'm on vacation but not going anywhere, so I'll check in again soon... right now I need a nap!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Not sure where you all are, but just posting that not only did I run another 8 miles this morning... I'm down another 1.8 pounds this week! That makes 10.2 pounds since we started this challenge!!!!

    Moving works... along with logging food and not going over on calorie goals. It really truly works, and I thank you for being there along with me! I'm so close to my goal that I may lower it again. Not sure really where my body will settle at, but I'm ok with letting it find out! Hope you all have an amazing weekend... I'm on vacation but not going anywhere, so I'll check in again soon... right now I need a nap!

    You are doing fabulous! So very proud of you!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi guys! So sorry I haven't been in here recently. Hubby has been home a lot these last two weeks and I haven't had much time to play around online and whatnot.

    Nikster, congrats on kicking those pounds to the curb! That's fantastic - all of your hard work is showing.

    Hi Nursee!

    Crystal, I'm so very much looking forward to seeing you in that "hefty" dress. I'm sure you'll look smashing!

    So what's going on in my world...not a whole lot. Haven't been keeping up with my exercise at all, especially since that short session with the trainer. I continued to feel funky, especially two days later. I was still out of it and feeling funky, which is easy to tell with me - when I don't feel good, I don't talk. Usually you can't shut me up, but when something's not right, I just clam up. I drank over a gallon and a half of water that day (thanks to the hubby) and woke up the next day feeling practically normal. So I think the moral of the story here is STAY HYDRATED.

    I've got definite plans this week to kick my exercise back into gear. Today I'm cleaning all day. Later this week I'll be cashing in my Groupon for Cardio Barre classes, hitting up a friend's water aerobics class, and visiting the track for some good running time. I have the bug to find another race, to get me motivated and to propel me towards a goal. I'm thinking of registering for the Disneyland Tinker Bell Half Marathon in January. I find the 13.1 miles daunting, but hubby thinks I can make it happen, since the race is at the end of January 2012. The only bummer is that it is a ladies only run, so I can't do it with my guy.


    I mean, LOOK at this medal! I need this!!!
