Need to lose 100+ pounds to join the ONEderland club!

MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member

My name is Adia (uh-dee-yah) and I'm a 33 not so recently single mom. I gained all of my weight after pregnancy and after "the divorce".

After gaining 50lbs, I signed up with a personal trainer. I followed his nutrition plan, did cardio 6 days a week, strength training 3 days a week, cut out soda for 6 months and lost 10lbs. Yes. It was super frustrating and I feel like a waste of money. After that I was diagnosed with PCOS and it's been a struggle revamping my diet. I've never been into sweets, but apparently even a small amount of sugar was sabotaging me.

I'm now on Metformin and have cut my sugar and the weight is slowly coming off now. Now that I have my diet on a stable path, I want to get back into the gym.

My stats:


Looking for friends who are also gunning for ONEderland (199lbs)

My first goal is to get to 299.
Who wants to be friends? Male or female! Young or old! Come join me so we can inspire each other!

PS. I like Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, tattoos, beards (not the trendy hipster looking ones!), pretty much everything Hayo Miyazaki, Mass Effect and Final Fantasy are my favorite video games. ^_^



  • MaydayAquiles
    MaydayAquiles Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm also going for 199. I'm currently at 267, add me! I also like mass effect and can't wait till Andromeda.

    Ps. From Up on Poppy Hill is a favorite of mine.
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Welcome. I recently hit onderland. Still more to lose
  • islalondon
    islalondon Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Isla :) Losing 10 pounds in 6 months sounds rough, but it sounds like you're finding what will work for you. My HW was 280 pounds and I had been down about 60 pounds, but I've gained 10-15 pounds back which is why I decided to join MFP. The first big goal I want to hit is under 220 (starting weight in college). I've added you—anyone else, please feel free to add me as well :)
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hello, I'm also going for 199. I'm currently at 267, add me! I also like mass effect and can't wait till Andromeda.

    Ps. From Up on Poppy Hill is a favorite of mine.

    I'm sad that it's been pushed back to 2017 (Andromeda) but it's going to be amazing!
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    Welcome I am looking to get to 160 again which is what I was down to til I got prego almost 6 years ago and was in a super bad marriage and gained some weight back. I am not at 276 and working on getting back down there. feel free to add me good luck.
  • mskimmy23
    mskimmy23 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Adia! I'm Kim and I currently weight 361 at 5'8''. Just started on MFP again and my first goal is to get to 299. Let's be friends. :)
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    two years ago i was almost the same weight you are .since then i have lost almost 70 pounds and had most of my meds cut down or next goal is 11 pounds by mid may when i started mfp to of lost 52 in a year.
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm at 244 and aiming for 180! Let's be friends!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Woot! nice to meet all of you!
  • adrienne_raquiza
    adrienne_raquiza Posts: 1 Member
    How did you get diagnosed with pcos? I am aiming for 199 also and currently 288. Gained all weight after my son (14 yrs old) ..use to be 150 lbs..then slowly 190. Then 220.. Then now. I start strong then fall off. Eating clean is such a challenge for me. Good luck!!
  • amandaagin
    amandaagin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Adia! I joined MFP awhile back but havent utilized it yet ! I'm 5'8 281 Lbs and am looking for ONEderland as well!! FInally ready to get my rear in gear! Good Luck everybody and fell free to add me :) Would love some accountability partners!
  • glivinlife
    glivinlife Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies... I too want to get under 200 lbs. I'm probably the old lady of the bunch at 50 however I'm cool... I think? LoL (You can decide for yourself) I am 5' 9", 310 lbs. I have a 22 yr old college kid.
    Feel free to add me! I believe a strong support system is so important. I would be glad to cheer you on too!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I've added the both of you!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You go girl! I love all the motivation here. Glad you found the PCOS and can do things the way your body needs to! Have you also had your thyroid checked? A lot of times that can be off too. Hyper or more likely hypothyroid and that affects plenty with the body too. The Metformin should really help!

    One day at a time!!!! For all !
  • kids2911
    kids2911 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Adia. I am 5' 9" and weight in at 309lbs. I am also aiming for ONEderland. I have 5 kids and want to be able to do things with my kids that I can't do now because I am over weight. Please add me.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hello. Started at (at least) 275 pounds, right now I'm a little over 20 away from wonderland en route to a final goal of 150-170 pounds depending on body composition at that point. Send a friend request if you'd like.

    What's the oldest question in history?
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    How did you get diagnosed with pcos?

    Your OBGYN will do a pelvic exam. They check for things like large ovaries and then do blood tests to see what your hormone levels are.

    nancybuss wrote: »
    Glad you found the PCOS and can do things the way your body needs to! Have you also had your thyroid checked?

    Yes, and in my doctor's words, "Is functioning perfectly." lol

    The medicine is helping and tracking wise I went from about 80 grams a sugar to about 30-40 per day. I'm trying to go even lower if possible!
  • faithsstaircase
    faithsstaircase Posts: 97 Member
    Hi there, I added you. I started at 311 and am S L O W L Y working toward onederland myself. Seems impossible some days, but I'm super motivated and chipping away at it! Hope I can help!
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Your are my nerdy soulmate!!! Lets Motivate each other!!!
  • Parisgirl0408
    Parisgirl0408 Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me. Would love some friends and motivator on here as well. I need to lose 100+.