What am I doing wrong????

Ok I need help bad. I have been on a serious diet and exercise routine for 7 weeks now and I cant seem to lose any weight. I have uped my calorie intake three times. I started at 1200 then 1300 and now I try to eat 1400 but I struggle to eat that many. I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I do 30 mins of intense cardio and about 30 minutes of weights. I dont know what im doing wrong and why all the sudden I cant lose. Im getting extremely discouraged and want to quit. PLEASE HELP.......
I posted this in the motivation and got nothing so I will try here now! : )


  • Terriberry
    Terriberry Posts: 100
    You need to look at what your eating. And are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, your body is in starvation mode and is storing everything you eat. If you havent lost any weight in 7 weeks, it sounds like you need to really look at what your eating and how much. Friend me and let me look at your food diary. Maybe I can help.
  • Jessica5000
    I would move from processed to fresher foods. (If you haven't already). And If you are doing the exact same work out every time, I would switch it up. The boday gets bored and stops changing. Soduim is could be a part. Try not to consume to much. How I do that is make my meals vs. eating out. Ummmmm. You probably are getting smaller inches wise. Did you measure or take pictures to check your progress that way? Whatever you do, don't give up. You don't want the scale to move up.
    Good Luck, Jessica
  • joymeg1
    joymeg1 Posts: 24 Member
    If you are doing weights 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes you may be building more muscle mass which will weigh more. Did you take starting measurements (waist, hip etc.)? Do your clothes feel different? Just don't give up. All that new muscle mass has got to kick up that metabolism. Good luck!
  • aberkdaber
    aberkdaber Posts: 12 Member
    ok to both of you I am doing everything that you are both saying. It doesnt make sense. I even met with a trainer last week and told him my problem and told him about my diet and exercise routine and even he is stumped....
  • joymeg1
    joymeg1 Posts: 24 Member
    Can you get your thyroid checked? Its a simple blood test, but in know it can affect your metabolism.
  • aberkdaber
    aberkdaber Posts: 12 Member
    My doctor checked it two months ago. I thought of that too.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Can you open up your diary? You'll probably get a lot more advice if you do.
  • joymeg1
    joymeg1 Posts: 24 Member
    hmmmm....Are you weighing and measuring ALL of your food? Calories can creep in there. Maybe its time to revisit the doctor and see if he has some suggestions.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Ok I need help bad. I have been on a serious diet and exercise routine for 7 weeks now and I cant seem to lose any weight. I have uped my calorie intake three times. I started at 1200 then 1300 and now I try to eat 1400 but I struggle to eat that many. I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I do 30 mins of intense cardio and about 30 minutes of weights. I dont know what im doing wrong and why all the sudden I cant lose. Im getting extremely discouraged and want to quit. PLEASE HELP.......
    I posted this in the motivation and got nothing so I will try here now! : )

    Let me see your food diary....also what is your water intake a day?
  • lanie25
    lanie25 Posts: 42
    I agree with most of the other posts---muscle is replacing fat, eat fresher, less processed foods, weigh your portions, vary your exercise, don't eat after a certain hour at night (that food just sits in your tummy and doesn't do much to help you), and my tip is---hire a personal trainer. It it is too costly, split the cost with a friend. Their tips and input can help you change your ways to better ways. And no, I'm not a trainer, but I use one at my chiropractors. Best money I've spent on me. I'm worth it.
  • aberkdaber
    aberkdaber Posts: 12 Member
    diary is open and I forget to enter my water a lot but I know I drink over 100 ounces a day. I have taken measurements and they are staying the same as well.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Are you eating healthy? No processed or fast foods? Are you limiting you junk food? Are you drinking a lot of water? If you are eating enough and exercising as much as you say and nothing is happening. You may want to talk to your Doctor and have some blood work done to check for Thyroid or Diabetes.
  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    Maybe you have a thyroid problem?
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    Read the book, Body for Life, it helped me though a rough time. Found I was over training... Good luck. Stick with it!
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    your might want to go see your physician to clear any thyroid, insulin resistance...problems. make sure you mention this to him
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Alrighty, reviewed the diary for a few days. Way too much processed and packaged food. Lean pockets, frozen dinners, cookies, ice cream. You need to try to clean up your diet. You might be at or under your calorie goal, but they are empty calories.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I looked at your diet... It doesn't seem like you are getting enough food. You are eating enough calories...but it seems there is a lot of processed food. Eat clean foods if you can fruit, veggies, and stuff with only a few ingredients on the label. Your body cant break up foods that are made up of hormones and sugars which are in almost all processed foods. Good luck!
  • neotiger
    neotiger Posts: 6
    My take and my suggestions use them if you like. :) Your sodium intake is through the roof. You need to eat lower sodium foods and drink more water. I would stay away from processed meals. Buy fresh vegetables and steam them. Cook your own oatmeal don't use instant. The best way to diet is to stay away from processed foods, it is garbage. If you must then use frozen vegetables like the ones you steam in the microwave. Do weight training and cardio at least 3 days a week I personally would do 5 to 6. Do your weight training first and you will burn more calories when you do your cardio because your heart rate will already be up. Do at least 45 mins to an hour of cardio. Don't give up and get discouraged. We all have those days.
  • cstelzer
    cstelzer Posts: 2
    I looked over your food diary and it appears that you are very carb heavy and you're not eating enough protein. Carbs energize the body (much like what gas does for a car) and protein repairs and rebuilds. I would suggest bringing your carbs and protein to a more equal balance and lower your fat intake. Try the 40/40/20 approach with fat being the lower of the two. Are you recording every single thing you're eating...if not, you're only cheating yourself. If you are then there are days when you are not even eating 1,000 calories and your body is going into starvation mode. You need to eat to lose weight. I am a NASM certified personal trainer and I have clients that utilize myfitnesspal.com and have been having tremendous success. I monitor what they take in and they work out with me three days a week for 30 minutes and an additional 20 to 30 minutes of cardio after our resistance training. your workouts should be challenging and you have to keep changing things up to keep the body confused in order to see change. If you are doing all these things and you are not seeing any results then I would suggest a visit to your doctor to have your hormone levels and thyroid levels checked out. Good luck to you and I will check back in with you from time to time.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Looking at a weeks of food: you are eating a huge amount of processed foods (chocolate chip cookie dough is not a dinner), don't seem to be getting any vegetables, and aren't eating back all of your calories. Food is important, it's not just about the calories, but about the source of the food. You want your foods to be more whole or raw rather than processed. You seem to be getting a lot of sugars or simple carbs that turn quickly into sugars.

    To add to the muscle confusion, you should be switching up your work outs at least every 6 weeks, but probably even more often then that. The variety alsom keeps things interesting for your brain not just your body.

    Funny, I've always do my cardio first because that gets my hr up so when I do my weight training I burn more calories (per my hrm). Then again, I do group classes, so that may make a difference too, but I find my total calorie burn is higher when I cardio then strength than when I strength then cardio.