What exercises do you do during your TOM?



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I just do my regular scheduled workout:smile:
    Me too. Although my TOM is not severe in terms of cramps at all.
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    My normal workout, which takes some serious motivation, but I feel more like my non-TOM after I do it. I have been advised to take it a bit easier, especially on the first couple of days.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I follow my normal routine during TOM... and I've found that exercise helps tremendously with my cramps and bloating!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Before this new lifestyle change I use to have the worst cramps ever (felt like labor pains) and now that I exercise the pain isn't as bad anymore. I just do my regular workout routine as usual. It really does help with the cramping anyways so it doesn't bother me :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I varies for all women. I know that mY TOM is not nearly as bad as a lot of women. If you have really bad cramping you might throw in a nice stretching yoga DVD. A previous posted mentioned walking. Just keep moving - it's all good.
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    **** ton of midol and my regular workouts.........

    If I went easy on my period times.... add all those workouts up throughout the years and I would be missing out on some serious gains.. thats how I look at it
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I try really to do my regular workouts but it never happens. I get really bad cramps like you. For some reason, working out makes my cramps even worse. Once my cramps go away (usually the 4th day) I'll get back on the workout wagon.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Work out! I've noticed that not only have my periods gotten lighter, but my cramps aren't as bad anymore. So... take some asprin and go work it out for about an hour and you'll feel a lot better. :)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I wasn't able to workout for 2 days each month. Flo was way to heavy for a workout! Other than those 2 days, I continue with my usual stuff, my elliptical, Zumba (Wii, dvd or class) I'll also do some stretches and have thought about Yoga.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    yeah I workout most days at that time just ot stay out of the house.......................ya know moods and all.....LMAO.......joking!

  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    Same exercises. Running does great things for cramps. Me personally, if I've started my run with cramps, they are at least better through my run and often better afterward.

    I also do my same exercises and find the above to be true. At first the run sucks but it is so much better throughout and afterward. They say exercise is one of the best things you can do for cramps. Also - might be worthwhile talking to your OBGYN to see what you can do to relieve them. Ibuprofen an hour or two before your run/exercises?
  • heatherjm27
    I normally stick to my routine. Running and other cardio help with cramps. When cramps are bad, I normally avoid doing a ton of ab work.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I try to stick to routine, but of late I've been getting a really bad lower back for two days that spasms if I do the wrong thing, especially stepping downwards, like off a kerb. It was tough even walking on Monday. I'm changing contraceptives this month which might improve matters.
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    I continue my exercising. I've found that if I don't, the cramps are a lot worse than if I do. They pretty much almost go away when I exercise!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I have terrible cramps during the first 2 days of my TOM. I always get told to go take birth control....Which annoys me because I don't want to take a pill for something that I don't *need* every single day. I don't really complain about them either, it's just if someone asks me if my cramps suck

    me: "yeah they do"
    them:"oh you should take the pill!"


    So I usually take 2 Midol immediately when I start my TOM because my cramps usually take an hour or so to set in, so if I get that under control right away I might be good. I also run really hard on my TOM, because it does make them better. I never feel like doing it but afterward I always feel better...But I def think you should try working out and drink like gallons upon gallons of water.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yeah I keep going...I don't feel bad if I bail out on the second half of my work out, but I make sure that the cardio is done. I feel like crap today, but I'll still go...
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    It's no surprise to probably everyone, that when TOM is in town, none of us want to work out. we'd rather lay on the couch, nibble on a square of giradeli chocolate, and just try to be smart with what we eat since we won't be burning calories.

    I know as far as mine goes, it is killer almost every day, I have the cramps that put me in the mood of curling into the fetal position and willing myself to fall asleep ... the last thing I want to do is work out.

    So, my question is .... Does anyone work out during their TOM, and what workouts do you do?

    ME too!! and right now. About 2 months ago I started to work out (during TOM) as a friends advice and holy crap - She was right!
    I felt so much better. I was shocked. I also make sure I take 2 pills in the morning, I work out :) appx 4pm-5pm EST
    Good Luck to you!!!
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    Wow! Thanks so much everyone for your input!! I didn't expect that many responses so quickly, lol.

    Looks like most of you continue your exercise as it also helps the cramps go away. I think i'll do the same, but start off easy ... i would normally do a spinning class tonight, but its only my 2nd one, and it kills me on a regular day, so I think I'll use the treadmil tonight at a good incline and speed ... just to do something, but not quite the same "butt kicking" as normal ...

    i have talked to my doctor, she can't see anything wrong with me, i've just always had horrible cramps. they stink cause they really interfere with work and life in general ... i'm usually out of commission for a day or two ... and I am on BC, it doesn't help much though :/ ...

    buuuut i'm gonna try my best and will work out tonight ... thanks so much everyone!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I usually work out but it isn't usually my choice. My family kicks me out of the house because I become a moody witch and nobody wants me around so I blast some Music and start walking rather grudgingly and it turns into a run and I feel better afterwards. I almost never remember this as my husband is handing me my shoes and nudging me out of the house. I have actually accused that wonderful man of thinking I was fat because he said I needed to workout! I apologized when I got back ;)
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Wow! Thanks so much everyone for your input!! I didn't expect that many responses so quickly, lol.

    Looks like most of you continue your exercise as it also helps the cramps go away. I think i'll do the same, but start off easy ... i would normally do a spinning class tonight, but its only my 2nd one, and it kills me on a regular day, so I think I'll use the treadmil tonight at a good incline and speed ... just to do something, but not quite the same "butt kicking" as normal ...

    i have talked to my doctor, she can't see anything wrong with me, i've just always had horrible cramps. they stink cause they really interfere with work and life in general ... i'm usually out of commission for a day or two ... and I am on BC, it doesn't help much though :/ ...

    buuuut i'm gonna try my best and will work out tonight ... thanks so much everyone!

    I just use the treadmill too :) give it a try!