Bad weekend...stop the madness

So I had a very high calorie weekend because I had a lot of stuff going on and I didn't stay focused on eating right. The worst was Saturday night at a function for my daughters school where they served lots of food, dessert and booze. I overindulged to say the least. Today I feel sluggish and tired but I am going to make myself accountable and get back on track. I need to lose 5 lbs in order to break into the 230's which is a short term goal for me. I am going to do it over the next 2 weeks. I haven't been that light since I was in high school 20+ years ago. I am posting this so it will be out there and I will be accountable. No more weekend slacking!!!


  • charglamour
    charglamour Posts: 2 Member
    We all have our cheat moments... But if I do then I get straight back on track and push even harder at the gym! I have lost 5lb in the last 2 weeks ... If I can do it, I'm sure you can
  • mabinethin
    mabinethin Posts: 93 Member
    You can do it!!!!.... Weekends are my downfall as well.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    My weekend is almost never easy with eating. My wife sort of needs to go out so it's difficult to control it.

    However it seems ok when I pay close attention to what my body wants. Like, last weekend I realized I just craved, wanted to eat fat, protein. I was surprised that I ate soooo much and only beef and chicken dishes (El Torito lunch buffet) and felt really stuffed and satiated but the scale only move up half a pound next day!

    This fits with my philosophy. I don't eat indiscriminately. I don't like moderation that is a bit of this and that. This helps with satisfaction and craving control.

  • dopeheathen
    dopeheathen Posts: 11 Member
    I ate two boxes of frozen white castle burgers and copious amounts of booze over the weekend. It happens but one or two bad days is not going to hurt in the long run. Just keep doing what you do.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I ate two boxes of frozen white castle burgers and copious amounts of booze over the weekend.

    You. I like you.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    We all have our cheat human moments...

    Fixed that for you. I ate a big breakfast and then went out to eat last night, on top of a hockey game on Saturday. Life happens.
  • serenaraven84
    serenaraven84 Posts: 17 Member
    I always seem to slack on the weekends. For some reason, Friday night rolls around and I am like, "Screw it, I need a beer and some tacos!" And then that attitude persists throughout the weekend and I wake up Monday morning feeling horrible and having regrets. So I start all over. It's a never ending cycle that I can't seem to get out of.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    So I had a very high calorie weekend because I had a lot of stuff going on and I didn't stay focused on eating right. The worst was Saturday night at a function for my daughters school where they served lots of food, dessert and booze. I overindulged to say the least. Today I feel sluggish and tired but I am going to make myself accountable and get back on track. I need to lose 5 lbs in order to break into the 230's which is a short term goal for me. I am going to do it over the next 2 weeks. I haven't been that light since I was in high school 20+ years ago. I am posting this so it will be out there and I will be accountable. No more weekend slacking!!!

    It's really difficult to undo a whole week's deficit in just one day/weekend. If you overate, don't stress over it! Just pick back up and keep on trucking. As long as you don't do it every single weekend, you will do just fine.
    My weekend is almost never easy with eating. My wife sort of needs to go out so it's difficult to control it.

    Not your wife's fault that you overeat or find it hard to stay within your goals. You have total control over what goes into your mouth, no matter if you're at home or eating out. It's up to you to practice mindful eating and to learn how to live your life while still doing things, like dining out or going to parties.
  • kat_para_
    kat_para_ Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going to try reducing my weekday calories by 200 so I can eat a bit more on the weekends.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Good luck!
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    No one said about anyone's fault in my post :)

    Something is difficult is difficult. (I don't know if that's correct English or not but sure does sound right)

    Other than that thanks for your sage advice.

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    No one said about anyone's fault in my post :)

    Something is difficult is difficult. (I don't know if that's correct English or not but sure does sound right)

    Other than that thanks for your sage advice.

    Saying that it's difficult to stay within your goal because "your wife needs to go out" is placing blame on her rather than yourself, whether that was how you intended it or not.

    I just think that it's healthier to recognize that the responsibility is always on yourself to not overeat. There's nothing morally wrong with overeating from time to time, and it shouldn't be something that you feel like you have to make an excuse for. Hell, I overate this past Saturday, too. I was at my mother's house, but I wouldn't say something like, "My mother always has her pantry stocked with treats, making it easier to overeat." It's not the treats in my mother's pantry that are to blame, it was only myself because I chose to eat them.
  • sshammond598
    sshammond598 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! It happened, your human, and move on! Nobody is paying you to lose weight so if it takes an extra week to drop the splurge pounds who cares!
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    I will just be glad when Girl Scout Cookie sells come to an end...."DAMN YOU THIN MINTS!" One box gone while watching House Wives of Atlanta. It happens. But I got right back on track today. The problems comes when it happens everyday.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Log it, learn from it, and move on. If you and your wife go out to eat on weekends, do a little research ahead of time. Find out which restaurants you like that have online menus and plan what you're getting BEFORE you get there. That way, you're not tempted as much by everything else and can still stay within where you should be. Might also consider getting a dish to split between the two of you. Most restaurants tend to serve big meals that are really two-three servings, not one, so splitting something is a good way to go if you can.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    No one said about anyone's fault in my post :)

    Something is difficult is difficult. (I don't know if that's correct English or not but sure does sound right)

    Other than that thanks for your sage advice.

    Saying that it's difficult to stay within your goal because "your wife needs to go out" is placing blame on her rather than yourself, whether that was how you intended it or not.

    I just think that it's healthier to recognize that the responsibility is always on yourself to not overeat. There's nothing morally wrong with overeating from time to time, and it shouldn't be something that you feel like you have to make an excuse for. Hell, I overate this past Saturday, too. I was at my mother's house, but I wouldn't say something like, "My mother always has her pantry stocked with treats, making it easier to overeat." It's not the treats in my mother's pantry that are to blame, it was only myself because I chose to eat them.

    I see what you mean. In that case I also blame weekend for its existence, my genetic makeup for not letting me be discipline, not being able to burn calories by lots, the foods for being too good and too cheap, my sin of gluttony, anything but myself, me and I.

    (Way to twist a simple situation)

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    No one said about anyone's fault in my post :)

    Something is difficult is difficult. (I don't know if that's correct English or not but sure does sound right)

    Other than that thanks for your sage advice.

    Saying that it's difficult to stay within your goal because "your wife needs to go out" is placing blame on her rather than yourself, whether that was how you intended it or not.

    I just think that it's healthier to recognize that the responsibility is always on yourself to not overeat. There's nothing morally wrong with overeating from time to time, and it shouldn't be something that you feel like you have to make an excuse for. Hell, I overate this past Saturday, too. I was at my mother's house, but I wouldn't say something like, "My mother always has her pantry stocked with treats, making it easier to overeat." It's not the treats in my mother's pantry that are to blame, it was only myself because I chose to eat them.

    I see what you mean. In that case I also blame weekend for its existence, my genetic makeup for not letting me be discipline, not being able to burn calories by lots, the foods for being too good and too cheap, my sin of gluttony, anything but myself, me and I.

    (Way to twist a simple situation)

    eh, no. Your original post saying "my wife needs to go out," is what's termed passive-aggressive speech. It's laying blame for a situation without actively saying it. You could have just not mentioned your wife at all and said you went out over the weekend, but by mentioning that your wife wanted to go out, you're handing off the culpability in your own mind.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    Dont ask me how much home made chicken and dumplings I had last night.
    Just. Dont.
    It was enough that I skipped weigh in today. lol.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    edited March 2016

    If I said there was a wedding party over the weekend and I binge ate and drank, would any reasonable person start to question me: are you blaming the wedding party?

    I would think that would be very strange thinking on the part of the person that asked that.

    I thought I was describing a challenging situation. My wife's going out is just one link in the long chain of events. There are also my uncontrol of the situation, my eating, but the point isn't about laying blames. If I weren't taking responsibility for myself as Alyssa was suggesting I wouldn't be in a self help fitness forum. You would find me in or

    Look, we're not in a self improvement or couple relationship forums. Keep your unsolicited advices on that part to yourself.
  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member

    If I said there was a wedding party over the weekend and I binge ate and drank, would any reasonable person start to question me: are you blaming the wedding party?

    I would think that would be very strange thinking on the part of the person that asked that.

    I thought I was describing a challenging situation. My wife's going out is just one link in the long chain of events. There are also my uncontrol of the situation, my eating, but the point isn't about laying blames. If I weren't taking responsibility for myself as Alyssa was suggesting I wouldn't be in a self help fitness forum. You would find me in or

    Look, we're not in a self improvement or couple relationship forums. Keep your unsolicited advices on that part to yourself.

    Good point using the wedding party example.