How do you stay motivated each day?

I have done this so many times. (trying to lose the same 20 pounds) I KNOW that it takes time, that losing slowly and steadily is the healthiest, etc etc. However, when I don't see changes in the scale I just get SO impatient. I've been watching calories and exercising for almost 2 weeks now and it's like a part of me thinks the 20 lbs should be gone already. I know that's stupid but when I don't see much weight loss I start thinking WHY bother, etc. etc. I love ice cream and haven't had any in several weeks, really have been wanting some but I don't dare bring that in the house because I know myself and I can't stop at a 1/2 cup. then I start thinking, why am I depriving myself when the weight isn't coming off anyway...sigh.....

sorry to ramble, just wondering, how do you stay motivated and focused on the big picture??


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    If I'm not seeing the numbers drop on the scale I can see & feel how much better my clothes fit me. I also enjoy the feeling after I worked out and that helps me get up every morning at do it again.
  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    Having to weigh in infront of someone at the beginning of each week.. lol
  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    What I've been doing lately is seeing how far I can push myself doing my cardio workouts- and i've been basing my success on how much harder I can push myself each time I work out, rather than trying to see the actual results on my body.

    We see our bodies everyday, and if you look and measure and weigh every single day, you're going to feel frustrated because you're not going to see any instant results.

    My motivation ultimately comes from trying to beat my previous times/calories burned :)
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    OH I don't know. I stuggled today. Ate the rest of the oreos in the house. UH-OH. but they are gone. Tomorrow is a new day. Also I go back and look at my old pic and dont' want to go to that place again.

    BTW I ate at a restaurant yesterday and noticed how SKINNY I was in teh booth. There was so much room.

  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    OH I don't know. I stuggled today. Ate the rest of the oreos in the house. UH-OH. but they are gone. Tomorrow is a new day. Also I go back and look at my old pic and dont' want to go to that place again.

    BTW I ate at a restaurant yesterday and noticed how SKINNY I was in teh booth. There was so much room.

  • i am the same way. as far as ice weakness...plan for it in your calories and buy a cone or something at a restaurant or gas station. that way you can enjoy it...but once it is gone it is gone.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i just know that if its coming off slowly by not eating icecream, its certainly gonna go back on a lot faster from eating it.

    It all depends how much you want it
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I lost 25lbs in winter only to gain it back so now I have a picture of my abs from march as my profile pic on here and its my desktop background. I tend to watch shows on my computer and snack but I'll see the picture and put down the Madonna Inn cake. I also have my mini goal written on the white board by my door. That way I see it in the morning as I go downstairs to eat and get ready.
  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    Your ticker shows a 4 pound drop iin the two weeks. That's actually pretty great, as weight loss goes. Just try to make yourself understand it'll take some time.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Girl, I know how you feel! I have given up so many foods that I was used to eating. But I think it's more about consistency than anything. I get antsy too but once you start to see results each week, it will push you harder. Keep working!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    For me it's about how my clothes fit. I am a fashion junkie and enjoy playing dress-up. I take pictures of myself with every outfit. They normally don't look as pretty as the super models or those fashionista bloggers so I keep motivated. :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    instead of a half gallon of icecream; buy a small little serving size, OR a box of low calorie ones--like skinny cow or weight watchers icecream for only 100calories a bar, enough to satisfy a craving.. or breyers brand real fruit bars at 40calories each (dreyers brand has 25calorie ones, but not nearly as good at the breyers); or fat free sugar free fudgecicles.... this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. This is not a way to cut out life entirely, this is a way to work life into your life without over doing it. Youve lost 4lbs this month; isnt that better than none? And its not even a whole month!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    We do it because we're not satisfied with our bodies. We have to carry on because really there is no point in going back to what you're not happy with!

    We all get disheartened, it's a natural thing to go through, just have to get past it and carry on.
  • How do I stay motivated? Well, I think about WHY I'm doing this and WHO I'm doing this for: I'm doing it for ME and for MY health!!!! Sometimes it gets tiresome, but I push through it. I'm not going to lie and say that everything will be Greek Yogurt and low fat cookies ALL the time, but I just thank and praise GOD for giving me the strength to be able to endure it.

    Another thing that keeps me going is to prove a point. My doctor diagnosed me last month with high BP :noway: (and I'm 26 years old you guys), and I'm DETERMINED to prove her wrong,:tongue: that I DON'T need medication, but a healthy lifestyle. I haven't taken a BP pill in about 3 weeks. I'm resting good, I'm not having mood swings, and I'm not tired all the time. I've been checking my pressure the three weeks I've been off, and the most my pressure has been is 119/81. :-) So there you doctor and pharmacutical companies. You will NOT get my money. :laugh:

    Once I got real with myself and really looked at things, I've pretty much been motivated to stay on track.
  • dannidomer
    dannidomer Posts: 17 Member
    I can relate. I would love for the weight to come off as fast as I gained it. I get frustrated when I see the scale fluctuate to dramatically too. I think it's a matter of putting one foot in front of the other each day and doing the best you can. But, I will say 4 lbs in two weeks is great results! I am down 1.6 in two weeks if it gives you a comparison.
  • taralynn06
    taralynn06 Posts: 13
    I know everyone says not to, but I weigh in every starts me out thinking about my goals and when I see even a half a pound loss it keeps me motivated to see more and more... if im not down..or even up it pushes me to be better that day then the last... I know a lot of people disagree with weighing in everyday, but that is what works for me...
    good luck :)
  • I give myself rewards! For example, last month I bought myself a dress I loved on the model, even though I know it wouldn't look that way on me. It's hanging in front of my wardrobe where I see it everyday. After I fit that dress, I will get another reward (like a pair of shorts a size smaller etc) fitting into cute clothes and looking as good as models do motivates me.
  • vetty41
    vetty41 Posts: 17 Member
    thank you for all the replies! I appreciate it so much. I really don't have anyone I can discuss weight-loss with in "real life" friends all say "you don't need to lose weight" (yes, I do) husband is supportive but loves me however I am.

    Yes, my scale showed a 4 pound loss....and I KNOW I should be proud of that. I am trying to weigh in only once a week. My gym scale shows my weight as exactly 5 pounds heavier than my home scale....UGH! but I am going by the home one because that's what I have here.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I have a t-shirt and a skirt that I've been wanting to fit back into, and they were always hanging in my bathroom. That's my motivator, along with the new swimsuit I bought. Well, the skirt isn't hanging there anymore. Now that it fits, it's in the closet!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I do a variety things to keep myself motivated. I plateau all the time. It sucks, but got to keep going.

    I look at how much I've already lost.

    I look at pictures of what I looked like when I was at a good weight.

    I ask myself if I'm eating something because I'm hungry or for another reason (emotions).

    Every time I lose even a little weight, I use it as fresh motivation to keep going.

    I remind myself I exercise because i want to be stronger, not "skinny".