As I read the food diaries of MFP members..

I notice that they are lacking in one characteristic all around:

Speaking as someone who often eats the same types of food out of comfort (mostly because I'm on what my brain thinks is a DIET, so I want foods that reassure me that I'm NOT DIETING)... what is your answer to this claim?
If you eat most of the same types of food is it out of convenience, comfort, cost? (That's a lot of reasons that start with a "c." Strange.)

I think, for me, if it is not comfort then it is most definitely because I bought a pack of something and have to eat it because it is perishable. I'm curious to see what others think, though. :)


  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    I buy things mostly out of convenience & Low Cals, although I too eat alot of the same things day in & day out But I'm ok with it as long as I'm losing!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    Lack of imagination? Ha ha, the thing that cracks me up about some people with open diaries is that a lot of people are drinking a lot of supplement shakes, and eating a lot of sugar, and not much else.

    That's gonna work long term.......
  • aehenson
    aehenson Posts: 86
    I am single & live alone so I can't afford to buy a huge variety of groceries.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am a picky eater so when I find something I like, I eat it to death. As long as its healthy for me and keeps me under my calories, I am ok with the no variety. But the more I look around at peoples diaries and look in the recipe section, the more I find that I want to try so thats a plus.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I buy the same things to save money, I know they are good, and I like them. If I have certain foods every day, I know I'll have a good ratio of nutrients that I need. It's hard enough getting the numbers right one time, I wouldn't want to figure it all out again every day!
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    I tend to eat the same things during my 5 day work week-and on my days off-I do different things--but still under my calories, just to add spice. But mostly-my stuff I eat is out of convience and how easy it is for example Cheese & Mustard Sandwich, 100 calorie packs of nuts, pretzels, string cheese--etc--and my healthy choice frozen dinners.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I think for me it is convinience. I know what I can eat easily at home and at work. I have a crazy schedule and so sometimes it is just easier to go woth something easy than to try to plan out an elaborate meal, as much as I may want to.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Check out my diary. I like to keep about 4 different proteins on hand so I think my diary is pretty varied.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am single & live alone so I can't afford to buy a huge variety of groceries.

    Also this....I am not single or live alone but I am home 6 nights a week by myself so I cook as I do when everyone is here and then have leftovers so I normally make one thing Monday night and have it till its gone. Sometimes it lasts me all week.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I find I get a taste for something and then eat it everyday until I hate it :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: I decided to get entertainment and recreation from something other than food, so I keep my eating simple and find my fun and variety in other ways. :bigsmile:
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    We have 5 children (4 of them growing boys), and we live on one modest income. COST is a HUGE factor for me!! I try to keep a few of my favorite things in the house... but a lot of things I really only buy if they're on sale.
  • CoachKaren
    CoachKaren Posts: 90
    I have hypothyroidism, so i eat what works for me. I eat GENERALLY the same things MOST of the time. Having dropped my BF% from 45% to 15%, I will be that boring character. i enjoy myself on my refeed meals and stick to eating to Live 95% of the time. :-) I say do what works for you!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My diary will be relatively lacking in variety for a week or two, and then I'll change it up and be in a new rut for a while. Mostly because I'm not creative, so if I find a combination of foods that gets me the protein and calories I need then I like to stick with it for a while. Also because I do a lot of leftovers, and I don't like food to go to waste. But mostly because I'm lazy and don't feel like putting forth the effort to come up with a fun new menu every day. :-P
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    All of the above, I guess.

    I have to pack two meals and two snacks 5 days a week. I don't want to spend a whole lot of time thinking about it. It's easy to throw 1/3 cup of oatmeal and 1/8 cup of craisins in a covered container.
    I usually try and cook a big pot of something on Sunday to freeze in single portions for a weeks worth of lunches.
    Something I just like to eat. My fruit and cottage cheese recipe is probably my favorite snack.
    And cost too. I typcially buy fresh. I can't afford to add too much variety.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I get on kicks. One week, I'm all about X food; next week, something else. I find things I REALLY LIKE and just want to eat them a lot!

    Also, for me, I find it easy to make large batches of food then have the leftovers for lunch/dinner so there are repeats there.

    Then there's convenience too - I know how many calories are in something, which makes it easier to decide if I have room without looking.

    And finally, there's the perishable factor. It's just me and my son, so we don't go through food as fast as other families. So, we'll eat something for several days.
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    I think I could probably be more varied but for the most part I eat what I do because I know about how much to eat without having to guess. It makes it easier for me to always have coffee and cereal for breakfast cause I know it's going to be right around 277 calories. Then lunch is around 3-350. Dinner around the same. Then the rest is my snacks and supplemental coffees. I don't do any shakes or supplements though. That would make it TOO easy!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm in a routine. It makes shopping and decision making on what to eat very easy. It keeps my calorie and nutritional intake consistent.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    We have gluten allergies in my house, so that limits us to some extent. However, it's mostly what's on sale, what's growing in the garden, what's convenient. I do try to mix it up as much as possible, we get super bored eating the same thing all the time.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Funny...seems like my variety of foods has increased since my lifestyle changed. I'm willing to try things that I wouldn't have tried before, to keep flavor and zest in what could be a boring, bland diet. I have a few standby's that I've discovered, for quick packing if I'm rushed, but otherwise, I'm surprising DH and my girls every few days with something new, exciting, and healthy.