Intermittent Fasting/One Meal a Day



  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    I do IF also. 16/8 usually eat two meals in an 8 hour window + training 45-60 min a day 6x week. Lost 37lbs in less than 12 weeks so far. For me, the hardest part was getting used to not eating in the evening/night. My 8 hour window is 8am-4pm, so I break my calories up into a big breakfast and lunch.

    It doesn't work for everyone, but it works great for me. Good luck!
    lfod308 wrote: »
    I've considered IF after read many articles on Might try it sometime but 3 meals a day full of healthy fat with no junk food is working for me. I'm losing weight and feel great. I'm so satisfied that I have to make myself eat the minimum calories. Good luck.

    Thanks you to the both of you!

    Day 1 wasn't so bad! Dinner was amazing! I drank a lot of coffee throughout the day and had some mints.
  • Naboo63
    Naboo63 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I am on my 3 rd week of the 5:2 Fast diet.
    The diet is designed to do more than just lose weight. It is to help align your body systems to work more efficiently, lower cholesterol, glucose, etc.
    Go to Community on MFP & look up Groups:
    5:2 Fasting
    A public group dedicated to The 5:2 Fast Diet. Inside you'll find general information, suggestions and recipes along with the personal experiences…
    5 + 2 diet

    Following the Michael Mosely TV diet regime to prolong life and lose weight

    These may help explain what the lifestyle change is supposed to do for you.
    Below is what I try to do each week on the program. Good Luck.

    5:2 plan.
    1200-1300 cal on feast days.
    500 cal fast days 2-3 days/ week.
    exercise 3-5 days / week (min 150 min up to 300 min)
    Step goal is 7000 /day. But it I only get 3000 steps, that is okay too.

    I am not getting that hungry on fast days. But I really feel it in the morning and wake up hungry and ready for breakfast.
    I have been eating 1 egg, 1 cup sauteed spinach, 1/2 WW english muffin on fast days. 180 cal.
    Then Large Salad with lots of vegs, olive oil, vinegar, and a meat. 220 Cal.
    Popcorn for snack at night. 100 Cal.
    My goal was 50-30-20 like my regular meals, but it is coming out more like 30-30-40 for fast day meals. I think the higher protein and fat keep me from getting hungry. I hope it will accomplish the same results as planned.
  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you Naboo!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    The best book on Intermittent Fasting I have seen is Eat, Stop, Eat by Brad Pilon. It is an e-book, but well worth purchasing. I bought it a few years back, and he came out with an updated/expanded version which I received free.
  • Vanessalookingood
    Vanessalookingood Posts: 135 Member
    Is IF supposed to speed up weight loss? or is it just another method? I did some reading up on it and realized I was pretty much fasting from 6 pm until 8 am so I just added 2 more hours onto it and now I eat breakfast at 10 am and I don't eat past 6pm. I have lost 32.5 lbs since Jan 1. (3lbs/week average) Not sure if it is due to this daily 16 hr fast or just because I am in the beginning stages of weight loss. (I have a lot to lose too, I am aiming to lose about 90 more) I also walk about 1 hr 5xweek on treadmill and eat around 1300-1500 cals per day and about 2000-2200 cals on Saturdays.
  • kimloverly611
    kimloverly611 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on the IF plan. I've been doing 16/8 with an eating window from 12-8 pm. I don't eat one meal only. Instead all of my daily calories are in three meals during that window, with the largest being the first meal. I was doing this for almost 6 months and then had medical restrictions (not IF related, car accident) and am just now getting back on the plan. I've read tons of articles about it being unhealthy and dangerous but also about the benefits. Best of luck with your goals and if you need friends, feel free to add.
  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    nosajjao wrote: »
    Fasting is bad, for health's sake don't do it. Fasting is always unhealthy to the body's natural processes. If you disagree, try talking to a doctor or registered nutritionist, then get your head straight.

    How is it unhealthy to the body's natural processes? Will you help me get my head straight?
  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    Is IF supposed to speed up weight loss? or is it just another method? I did some reading up on it and realized I was pretty much fasting from 6 pm until 8 am so I just added 2 more hours onto it and now I eat breakfast at 10 am and I don't eat past 6pm. I have lost 32.5 lbs since Jan 1. (3lbs/week average) Not sure if it is due to this daily 16 hr fast or just because I am in the beginning stages of weight loss. (I have a lot to lose too, I am aiming to lose about 90 more) I also walk about 1 hr 5xweek on treadmill and eat around 1300-1500 cals per day and about 2000-2200 cals on Saturdays.

    From what I read, IF doesn't seem to speed up or slow down the weight loss process. It is more of a disciplinary tool, at least in my eyes. You seem to have a pretty high calorie deficit because of your exercise and hitting your calorie goals, so that can explain your amazing weight loss. Congratulations!
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    nosajjao wrote: »
    Fasting is bad, for health's sake don't do it. Fasting is always unhealthy to the body's natural processes. If you disagree, try talking to a doctor or registered nutritionist, then get your head straight.

    Many doctors these days recognize the benefit of autophagy fo health, a process the body goes through in rest mode. If it was truly dangerous, then sleeping would also be dangerous as we fast while sleeping. It's not a fad either. Think about it - religions have observed it death-free for centuries, Hippocrates himself recommended it as medicine, and we do it daily while sleeping. Science is also showing great improvements in health markets. It may be hard to wrap your mind around it (it was for me),but that doesn't mean it is unsafe. Far too much proof to the contrary.

    I decided to try the 16/8, and am in my third week now. Since I don't eat much carbs and zero sugars, my blood sugar is normal and stable which allows me to fast without hunger and those blood sugar swings (which are unhealthy!) It's too soon to gage how it is working, but I am definitely losing weight a bit faster and I love having two larger meals instead of three smaller.

    If I can't make 16 I will break the fast, as the goal is not to go hungry or force a reduced calorie diet on you. Eat the same calories, eat healthy foods, eat when hungry, don't eat when not hungry.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    nosajjao wrote: »
    Fasting is bad, for health's sake don't do it. Fasting is always unhealthy to the body's natural processes. If you disagree, try talking to a doctor or registered nutritionist, then get your head straight.

    That may be true to long term fasts, intermittent fasts of shorter periods of time (24-36 hours maybe a bit more), not so much. Yes, they stress the body, but so does exercise, that is how it works. There is more than enough research on intermittent fasting to show your blanket statement is not correct.
  • JP2085
    JP2085 Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello! I did the fasting diet and lost roughly 70 pounds (no exercise) over the course of a year. I mainly only ate dinner. Maybe something small for lunch. It was the method that works best for me and it's all about discipline. Everyone told me it wasn't good for me to do, but it was the most effective for my body. I'm not quite doing that now, partly because my job now requires me to be very active and on my feet all day. There were times I definitely felt gassed so I don't think I could quite do that now. Plenty of good sleep is key, for me anyway. Best of luck to you!
  • biodigit
    biodigit Posts: 145 Member
    IF is nothing but a method to schedule your meals as one or two big meals. It wouldn't miraculously help you lose weight. All it is to fit your meals at the most convenient times. For some people it assists with hunger by having large meals. To lose weight, what matters is calorie deficit. I did it for 6 months and I didn't magically lose fat by adhering to IF. I lost weight because I was in calorie deficit. So if you're someone who's strapped for time and would like to have larger meals at certain time of the day, then IF is for you - otherwise it's not necessary.
  • canadianmom1975
    canadianmom1975 Posts: 23 Member
    I have been doing 16/8 gor three months and love it...people who are not educating in fasting or hiw it works will be against it. You have to eat all your cals you are required to..1750 is my dificit and i need to eat that in 6 to 8 hours...iam so full..i have stopped binging..i have tons of energy...IF is not a diet but a tool to help lose weight...ill problwy still practise while in maintenance....the most popular is leangains method of an eating window of 4 to 8 hours and fasting the rest of the time...because you need to eat all yiur cals in a smaller window you feel does not slow your metabolism down at actually burn your bodies reserves for energy..the reason for the results but you still have to weigh yiur food and count your cals
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    nosajjao wrote: »
    Fasting is bad, for health's sake don't do it. Fasting is always unhealthy to the body's natural processes. If you disagree, try talking to a doctor or registered nutritionist, then get your head straight.

    Bull. It's all about the dose. Too much fasting is bad for you just like too much of anything (by definition) is bad for you. But there are doctors who recommend fasting protocols.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited March 2016
    Be_Lively wrote: »
    Is IF supposed to speed up weight loss? or is it just another method? I did some reading up on it and realized I was pretty much fasting from 6 pm until 8 am so I just added 2 more hours onto it and now I eat breakfast at 10 am and I don't eat past 6pm. I have lost 32.5 lbs since Jan 1. (3lbs/week average) Not sure if it is due to this daily 16 hr fast or just because I am in the beginning stages of weight loss. (I have a lot to lose too, I am aiming to lose about 90 more) I also walk about 1 hr 5xweek on treadmill and eat around 1300-1500 cals per day and about 2000-2200 cals on Saturdays.

    From what I read, IF doesn't seem to speed up or slow down the weight loss process. It is more of a disciplinary tool, at least in my eyes. You seem to have a pretty high calorie deficit because of your exercise and hitting your calorie goals, so that can explain your amazing weight loss. Congratulations!

    That is how I view it also, in fact I've bulked (intentionally gained weight) whilst on a fasting protocol.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I did this a few years ago. It didn't work for me for very long. I felt weak and dizzy and sort of brain fogged during the fasting time. I had a hard time eating enough when I was supposed to eat because I had a hard time pulling out of the fasting mode. I also got so fr&@£ing constipated it was impossible to continue with it no matter how much fiber and water, prunes etc. I took in. I got stomach cramps during eating times and also whenever I would excersize.
    One thing though with this diet, I didn't gain the weight back after, like so many other diets I've tried, e.g. Atkins.

    Best of luck. I hope you fare better than me. :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    nosajjao wrote: »
    Be_Lively wrote: »
    How is it unhealthy to the body's natural processes? Will you help me get my head straight?

    I would counter by asking, "How is intermittent fasting healthy for your body?"

    By not eating your body slows the metabolism down to protect energy for organ processes. Your higher brain functions need good carbs to properly operate, your body needs fat for long term energy and to feed your organs, your muscles (among other body processes) need protein to function properly and respond to stimulation. If you starve your body, it reacts in a negative way, because science says it does. Fasting is not a normal dietary plan, and should be treated as abnormal, such that it is. Intermittent fasting resembles more of an eating disorder than a sound lifestyle choice.

    First, it does not slow down metabolism. For the first 72 hours there is actually a slight increase in metabolism while in a fasted state. It helps with insulin sensitivity, and various other things. Perhaps you should actually research what short fasts actually do to the body, and yes, your body handles fasting just fine. You are speaking out of not knowing the research. It is a perfectly reasonable way to establish a calorie deficit, on the case of 16/8 to allow a person who does better in complying to their calorie goal to be able to eat larger meals which satisfy them.
  • cblack8
    cblack8 Posts: 42 Member
    I've played around with IF and I found a very modified version that works for me. On weekdays I eat a small lunch at work (200-300 calories) and have a normal dinner and then I eat pretty much whatever I want on the weekends. It's been a slower process, I've been losing a little under a pound a week, but it fits in my lifestyle really well and has been pretty easy to keep up.
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    I've done Eat Stop Eat in the past a couple of years ago. It was effective for me. For health reasons over the last 18 months I've had a gain. I've done both 20:4 and 16:8 but as with the others above I split my feeds down into several meals. I didn't die of hunger, hit the starvation mode (myth complete myth) myth, kill anyone in sugar crash rages. Yes I am reconsidering doing it again but am checking with my Dr as I am on a lot of medication some you need to eat with.

    I had a lecturer at uni that did a complete fast on'd never know.

    I would suggest you do some full research and perhaps buy a book or two on ESE and the 5/2 as you may find one suits your lifestyle more than others.

    I wish you luck and have a read through the groups there are so many about this subject and in general everyone I came across was helpful.

    I'm doing my first fast tomorrow into Friday (aiming for a 20:4 but possibly a 16:8 if it's too tough) after seeing the Dr