What do you say to someone who wants to give up?

Because I feel like this right now. :(


  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    DON'T! Remember the reasons that you signed up to begin with. Remember that is is for your health and and that YOU are NOT a quitter.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Why do you want to give up?
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I'd analyze why you want to give up.

    Are you trying to do too much? Pick a level of calorie restriction and exercise more appropriate for you to sustain.
    Are you restricting what you eat too much? You really don't need to.
  • conniehealthygirl
    conniehealthygirl Posts: 156 Member
    Go to sleep. Wake up tomorrow and realize it is a fresh. New day. Clean. Healthy. Alive. Embrace the new day. Let the failures of the past go. Enjoy the day. So blessed to be alive. My dad just died. So I am trying to be healthier and not give up
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Read the text of your profile picture. Open your diary. The wise heads in the community, and I'll accuse both queenliz99 and rankinsect of that, can better help you if they see what you've logged, and you can get better help if you log accurately and completely.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    How will you feel if you give up? Better?

    Maybe reevaluate your expectations. Perhaps you need to change your menu + fitness routine to something you can easily stick with. Personally, I can't live with the idea of always depriving myself. I do exercises that I like and set my calories higher. Losses are much, much slower-but something I can live with.
  • jotrex23
    jotrex23 Posts: 21 Member
    PLEASE DON'T give up!!!, I was SO tempted 2 hours ago to go to the kitchen and grab some biscuits and a hot cross bun and feed a major craving I had, BUT I just kept running my goal through my head and reminded myself of why I am doing this. So I drank a heap of water even though I'm drinking plenty anyway and I knew I would be SERIOUSLY proud of myself for not giving in, because I knew I would feel like utter crap if I did. SO PLEASE DO NOT undo all of the hard work you have put in so far. There will always be speed bumps on our road to our better selves, we just have to suck it up and remember the big picture. I am SERIOUSLY sick and tired of looking and feeling the way I do about myself, but I am NOT giving up, we are all here for you!!!!! :-)
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @knp90210 the key to your why is your reason. Why do you want to quit? Is it too boring? Then change it up. Are you hungry all the time? Then eat a little more. Having an argument with the scale after finishing what you thought was a great week? Then chart your average on weightgrapher.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Give up what?
    - Eating?
    - Moving?
    - Eating a very low calorie amount?
    - Exercising to excess?
    - Not exercising?
    - Logging food?
    - Weighing yourself?

    Instead, I'd ask yourself: "why is this hard, what could I change?"
    Perhaps you have set yourself an unrealistic goal for eating or for exercise.
    You might like to try recalculating your calorie goal for a smaller loss per week. This isn't a bad thing, if you keep on working towards being healthy, I don't think it really matters how long it takes to lose weight. (Unless of course you have specific medical reasons and guidance).
    Or maybe look at the exercise you are doing and consider doing less, or doing more or the same amount of something different.
    Or maybe find a different way to log your foods (pre-log the night before) or plan your meals.

    I'm nearly 50 and I have lost weight and regained it a number of times. Something that is finally sinking in for me is that I can't just "go on a diet" and be done with weight loss*. Reaching and keeping a healthy weight is something I'm going to have to do for the long term. It doesn't mean I have to suffer, I just have to be realistic.
    I've "given up" before too, and found myself right back where I was a few years ago. I hope you can do better than I did!

    * I know this, I really do. I've said it to other people "this has to be a lifestyle change", "you have to be in this for the long run" but I haven't taken that on board for myself before. I'm hoping this time I can be kind to myself and stick with good habits.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    knp90210 wrote: »
    Because I feel like this right now. :(
    If you had a child or sibling that came up to you wanting to quit education (school, college), what would you say to them? Would you encourage them to quit? Or tell them it's fine to give up on something they want?
    Then go to the mirror and tell yourself.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • overw8gosk8
    overw8gosk8 Posts: 457 Member
    Quitting is easy - Crossing that finish line is hard. Which outcome do you want to be remembered for?

    I say this to my children whenever they feel like they want to give up on something.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Suck it up princess and keep going.

    Can you imagine what your life would be like now if, as a child, you thought that learning to walk was just too hard as you kept falling on your tush all the time? Hello wheelchair.

    Or potty training was just too hard? Hello incontinence pads.


    If it's not good enough for kids it shouldn't be good enough for an adult.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I would advise asking yourself questions.
    What do you want to quit and why? What do you care about now? Are you fine the way you are? Is your goal reasonable and healthy? Do you need to choose a new goal? Are you being hard on yourself? What would you advise someone you care about to do?
    You can change your mind about things. Maybe you are doing some things that are unsustainable right now. It is okay to stop doing those things and do something else. That is not giving up but re-evaluating your goals and how you will get there. Sometimes you need to maintain and refocus before moving on.

    Every day is a new day with new choices. What you did or didn't do yesterday is not as important as what you do right now.
    Everyone has challenges to overcome.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Time is going to pass whether you do something or not. *shrug*
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Read the text of your profile picture. Open your diary. The wise heads in the community, and I'll accuse both queenliz99 and rankinsect of that, can better help you if they see what you've logged, and you can get better help if you log accurately and completely.

    Yup. That.

  • Gioeyebrow
    Gioeyebrow Posts: 404 Member
    Omg youve come so far maybe you should reward yourself like give your self a cheat day or go shopping or something that would help me lol
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    You're on a road trip, you get a flat. Do you hail a cab home and start over or do you fix the flat and keep going? A friend just told me, view today as your rock bottom. Tomorrow you won't be there! Hugs!
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    The time is going to pass anyway, so make choices that you're going to regret the least.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    I feel this way every night around 11pm. Ask yourself what would be the consequences or the outcome in 6 months if you give up now.