You: weight lost = running comfortable/fun?



  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I'm a fitness runner, not super-competitive. I do actually enjoy it. It's much harder to get out of breath these days and running does that for me. :) But, to answer your questions:

    1. 5'4.5"
    2. Female
    3.I hit 165 (from 190) and suddenly could run 5+ miles like it wasn't even a thing.
    4.Running's pretty fun now (at 148). It was almost as fun 5 lbs ago, so say 155 (rounding up) is when I stopped getting so many running-related aches and pains.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    At 250lb I felt like I was literally going to die and the most I got up to running at one time was .75 mile.

    At 180 it still sucked pretty bad but I enjoyed it more because I could go a little further and started setting goals for myself.

    At 161 I find it fun, BUT I really don't think that correlates with my weight. Easier yes, a bit. The fun part for me is setting goals each week, and achieving them. And running next to the sunrise or sunset while listening to some really good music.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    48 years old
    ~155-160 (don't own a scale)

    I can only run one day a week because of previous plantar fasciitis issues, but for me, running is finally enjoyable. Maybe it's because I took it up again at 45, but I had a totally different take on it. It began as a way to spend around an hour with my 9-year-old. I carried a kitchen timer in my pocket and we basically did our own version of a C25K before I knew what that was. We talked the entire way. It never got hard. Later, she stopped running, but I kept it up. I now run only on trails, with an occasional 10K event every now and then. I think I enjoy it because I can run the trails in a state park where it's just gorgeous, and I get time with my sister (my running buddy).

    Find a reason to enjoy it, OP. Listen to podcasts, music, books (if you use only one earbud, you've got an ear out for traffic, etc). Find someone else who wants to enjoy it too, and start together. Find a place that is enjoyable to run so that you look forward to going there. I never set out to be a runner, but little by little, my speed and endurance improved. I still have days when it's not easy, but I take some pleasure in "talking" to my muscles, lungs, etc and asking them to work for me :)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    6' 2" Male at 228 lbs I decided to run. I did a couple of miles and my knees hurt bad. I took this to mean that "I can't run due to bad knees". So I started walking...alot. To relieve boredom I started playing a GPS based game that you have to move from point to point to play. Well I started running from point to point and with the gradual build up I became a runner and my knees felt great. I got up to 30 miles a week, lost 50 lbs. and can run a half marathon. Yes, I do enjoy the run, just not sure exactly when it happened.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    6' male

    currently 185 lbs

    I was the most comfortable lighter, down to my late teens when I was much thinner. But I've been able to run at any weight I've ever been and not been uncomfortable beyond just not exceeding my cardio fitness for any time.

    Running has rarely ever been fun for me, ever. But I've accepted it, had to do it in the military and so it was a career changer to not do it some. Now that it's not forced on me maybe I'll enjoy it more. At current I'm easing back into minor runs, since I had back issues and don't want to make things worse.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    <140lbs endurance is optimal and fatigue is minimized;

    >150-155lbs I could never keep up a consistent running program. I carry weight in the hips and thighs; as I gain weight, it destroys my shins and ankles.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,191 Member
    I have never been at a weight where I found running to be fun. I would much rather cycle than run.
  • justjennnnn
    justjennnnn Posts: 33 Member
    I've only recently started running a few times a week. I'm hooked. It's addicting to feel so good after a run. I definitely noticed the runner's high, and am amazed at how your body adapts so quickly and you can make progress so rapidly with seemingly less effort each time! I'm a 5'7 female, 139lbs. It was definitely hard to run for too long at any weight over 160, I had a lot of knee and back pain as well as shin splints. It's so worth it to push through! Going to the gym and running is literally the highlight of my day, it's so clarifying!
  • makelemonade14
    makelemonade14 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm seriously new to running. The last time I ran a mile was when it was required for PE 15 years ago, and I hated it. I was around 145 pounds and it killed my feet and I had trouble maintaining normal breathing.

    I decided to try again, and actually stick with it. I started at 240 pounds, and did about 5 weeks elliptical and weights until I could go 40 minutes fairly comfortably. In that time I lost 15 pounds. Then I started to add in slow jogging using the zombies, run 5k app. It was torture. I had newish shoes but they didn't feel good. Finally decided to try some xwide brooks and it was magic. No more burning feet! For the first time in my life. So back to running, and my big challenge was to push through the heart and lung stress and keep going, and I did! About 3 weeks in (running 3x/wk, cross training 2x/wk) I did my first continual (slow) mile. 3 weeks later I did my first 5k! And that's where I'm at now. I'm down to 205 pounds and it's getting easier, slowly but surely. I've added in some IT band exercises to strengthen my legs and reduce knee soreness. I have my first 5k race coming up in April and I hope to see 199 pounds before that day. I'm with you... It's gotta feel better if I can lose some more weight. Too keep my motivation, I have also signed up for a half marathon in August! I hope to be 175ish by then.

    I do have a large frame. I'm 5'4, but have had broad shoulders and a wide rib cage since childhood. If you can do a bit of overall strengthening work, you're not very far from starting a 5k program. The key for me was slow and steady, and to really listen to my body. And good running shoes.