Taking up running... Anyone else?



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Started C25K last week. Now in week 2. So far so good. I've NEVER been a runner and never had the slightest desire to even try until recently. Now at 60 yo I'm happy I "can" run because for so many years I couldn't even if I'd wanted to. If I get to 1 mile nonstop I'll be thrilled. If I ever make it to 5K I'll be completely flabbergasted. Good luck everyone.
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Never been a runner too, but I started during December. Before my knee injury I managed to do 10k run and 25k per week on average. Now I am getting back slowly. Although I am swimmer and a rower I find running to be an awesome exersice. Relaxes your brain too.
  • RBracken34
    RBracken34 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in Week 1 (just finished Day 3) of C25K. I jog/walk pushing my 45lb. four year old in a 25lb. stroller. It's getting easier... but it's still hard. Anyone know how to calculate a calitie burn doing that? Or should I just break down and finally get a fitness tracker? If so, which one?

    Also, I'd love to have some other parent friends who also push strollers. Friend me! :)
  • Lindsey1619
    Lindsey1619 Posts: 8 Member
    I want to take up running but have never ever in my life been a runner. I walk all the time and alot so walking will get me no where at this point. I know I need to step it up. Can anyone help a beginner out please
  • aomara554
    aomara554 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I have also started running. So far I jog and I can only run for a min then I get really out of breath so I walk for 30 seconds then I start running again. Hopefully I will get more endurance once my body gets used to it.
  • bbop10
    bbop10 Posts: 59 Member
    I am trying to get into running. My fiance and I signed up for The Color Run next month. I have a love/hate relationship with running. I hate it when I'm doing it, but when I am finished, I feel so good. I am able to finish a 5k, but my goal would be to eventually run a half marathon.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Im 60 yo, have never run, could not run, hated running, and never wanted to run until fairly recently. Now I'm on week 4 of the Couch to 5k program. There is a phone app. It has you do timed intervals of walking and running until you can Run 30 min without stopping. It's very popular & had made runners out of a lot of non runners. I don't know how far I'll make it, but hopefully at least 1 mile. I've done lots of walking the last 2 years and would recommend that you be able to walk 3 miles at a decent pace before doing much running. Good luck!
  • aaronpugh
    aaronpugh Posts: 4 Member
    My husband and I have committed to running 1 mile a day for 30 days. I have always HATED to run. Started last week and have been surprised at how much I'm enjoying it!
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    I LOVE running. Been running for years. Recently had an injury that set me back some but I'm slowly getting back into form. Thinking about doing a half in April up in Nashville.

    Best advice for someone beginning is to take it slow. Walk and get used to the stress on the body. Once you do that start running slowly and take breaks.

    Running is the one of the easiest and hardest thing you can do.

    Have fun out there and explore your world one step at a time
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I love the words of wisdom in this thread. I started jogging in August and started c25k in November. Did it twice through and then hopped onto c210k. I reached week 10 and took a month long break. Coz it was too tough!! But I am well rested and plan to get back to the program from Friday.
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    I recently started running as well. or should i say jogging! I started out jogging 2 mins, walking 30 seconds...repeating, now i look forward to jogging! I still have a long ways to go, but i don't give up!

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I'm a newbie runner also. I just yesterday was able to run a full mile without stopping for the first time! It feels really good to hit that goal, now I can go up from there.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I used to run, would do a 5 or 10k on weekends when the weather was nice or a quick 5k after lifting before I got pregnant. Starting up again now on days the weather is nice. Hoping to start this weekend again since just got a jogging stroller. Hopefully the weather allows me to.

    One thing I find is to make sure you have a playlist that sets a good pace. To fast of a song can be bad and you will run to the beat and wear yourself out.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Not long got back to running after years off. Ran my first 5k distance the other week, made me feel like a champ. Feel free to add me for motivation. :smile:
  • Deroised
    Deroised Posts: 6 Member
    I have been working my way through c25k during the week and running with my husband on the weekend. For the first time ever last weekend I did our "big loop" without stopping :) I can run so much further outside than on the treadmill but I try to stick to the program during the week. I just get so bored.

    I am lucky that we have our own treadmill as I tend to sing and pump my arms a lot when I am listening to music.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    zoodocgirl wrote: »
    I am redoing C25K. Have never been a runner and have had to learn how to go *really* slow to get through the intervals, but I'm doing it.

    Just a word on puppies - remember that dogs have to condition up to exercise just like we do and that puppies (esp larger breeds) don't have fully formed bones and joints yet and shouldn't be doing super strenuous exercise. 3 miles sounds like a lot for a newly-allowed-out (I'd assume around 4 mo?) pup.

    I was going to say the same thing. Our vet was very clear, no distance running until they're at least 6 months old. Dogs running by themselves is quite different to being forced to jog alongside, so the caution is justified.

  • xsloanex
    xsloanex Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone for ur replies. Nice to know theres so many other newbie joggers out there! Feel like a bit of a muppet sometimes esp when 'proper' runners race past me so effortlessly but i keep reminding myself that im doing better than everyone on the couch! Hahaa. Im doing the C25K so me & pup are easing ourselves in :smile: if it makes any difference ive got a border collie so she loves it... Obvs if she starts to loose interest then i dont force her to run but normally she cant wait to get out with me :)
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    My dog is a border collie too and the vets advice was with regards to her. They will never lose interest but that's not the point, it's about their bone growth!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Lots of injuries from running though....