Need an accountabilibuddy who needs to lose between 50 to 75 pounds



  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello I am always looking for friends. That offer support.I need to lose 65. Been here for 450 days. Positive feedback is what I offer. Peace and good luck on your journey. ✌
  • alawiz23
    alawiz23 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like join :)
  • smschmitz
    smschmitz Posts: 205 Member
    I'm in! I've been on now for 40 days and have lost 20 pounds. I try and "weigh in" on Saturday morning. Naked, of course. :smile: Those extra ounces yo. Hahaha I'd like to get to 160 and am currently at 243. I'd love the support as well.

    ASM, I'm making better food choices but my weakness is nighttime snacking. It seriously is my issue. I've been trying to log on at night in lieu of eating. We can do this together if you'd like!
  • caseypries1
    caseypries1 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me. My goal is 60. April 1 I start a 12 week challenge at work but I need any support possible to keep going during and after.
  • RayneeAntolovich
    RayneeAntolovich Posts: 1 Member
    add me im in!!!!!
  • cate320
    cate320 Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'd like to join! Trying to lose about 70 lbs. None of my RL friends understand the struggle, and my boyfriend is too sweet to chastise me when I slip up. Need people to keep me on task!

    Just started a new diet 2 days ago, after unfortunately ballooning up by 50 lbs since the last time I was on here :( Hoping to make lasting changes this time.
  • JennyKaeWeighsIn
    JennyKaeWeighsIn Posts: 10 Member
    Same here!
  • ladymae66
    ladymae66 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me too, I need help in the accountability department!! And motivation that holds other than I need to lose weight...
  • tcarp8
    tcarp8 Posts: 369 Member
    My goal is 50 lbs
  • Blondezilla0818
    Blondezilla0818 Posts: 68 Member
    Add me too please! I have 75 to lose and looking for a support system as well
  • rebeccagaffney
    rebeccagaffney Posts: 9 Member
    Add me!!!
  • shmeega
    shmeega Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me guys!!
  • NGS79
    NGS79 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to be included if possible. I have at least 75 lbs to loose . It is hard in my family because we tend not to help each other choose healthy foods and activities. Activities I mean we sit and watch movies instead of getting up and doing something. We have a stressful life as do many and I tend to eat more when the stress level is higher. I would love someone or a group of someones to help keep me accountable. Please add me
  • mah_masha
    mah_masha Posts: 14 Member
    add me ..i want to lose 60 pounds ..but i am yo yo dieter and really want support
  • cjqp143
    cjqp143 Posts: 5 Member
    I would also like to be added! I need to lose 60 lbs as well. We can do this together!
  • Mirabelle_Out
    Mirabelle_Out Posts: 151 Member
    I think I have sent requests to everyone on here. I was working on my tablet and my phone, but moved to my computer so I could type and move around faster! If I missed any of you, please let me know! Thanks
  • staceyfletcher1
    staceyfletcher1 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in!
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    Me too
  • MegSchuy16
    MegSchuy16 Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me! That goes for anyone! Open diary and I'm on here daily. Just started last week and I've lost 4lbs already! I'm 26, 5'6", and have about 63lbs yet to lose!
  • minnie503
    minnie503 Posts: 50 Member
    I would love to join you all. :)