What am I doing wrong in my diet.



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Check the accuracy of your logging if you are not losing weight as expected after several weeks. Get a food scale and use it. Make sure you are choosing accurate entries from the database when you log.

    You need a calorie deficit to lose weight. You do not have to eat a special diet.
    You need to eat in a way you can sustain long term. Restricting your diet a lot, replacing meals with shakes, choosing an aggressively low calorie goal can make it difficult to sustain your diet and weight loss over time.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    OP, you just joined MFP yesterday so how were you keeping track of calories before that? You need to eat to what is recommended by MFP and make sure you are putting everything in accurately.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    I'm also curious about that teaspoon of cottage cheese. That makes me wonder about the accuracy of your logs, as I really can't imagine literally measuring out a teaspoon of cottage cheese to eat...which leads me to believe you don't mean the measurement, but a small spoon used for tea which changes things. If you measure everything like that, those extra 50 calories here and 100 calories there add up very quickly. They can come from the parmesan crusting on your fish, the breading on chicken, chicken skin, a sugar-heavy marinade....food is only as healthy as you prepare it :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi all

    So I decided to change my lifestyle 3 weeks ago , started eating much healthier and stopped all sweets and other rubbish food but the weight loss just isn't going the way I would prefer it to go!

    Typical day:
    Breakfast - Hard Boiled egg , Sometimes teaspoon of cottage cheese.
    Snack-small green apple
    Lunch - Meal replacement shake
    Dinner- salad or steamed veg with either fish/ chicken .

    This is a drastic change from my normal days food which was packed with high carbs and sugar.
    Anyone have some advice as to why I'm not loosing anything ??

    If this were indeed a typical day you would be losing weight unless the meal replacement shake and dinner were unexpectedly high in calories.

    Perhaps you are restricting too much on days like this and then erasing your deficit on other days.

    There are mistakes that people commonly make that cause them to not lose weight that we might be able to spot if you change your Diary Sharing settings to Public: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings
  • gainwait
    gainwait Posts: 40 Member
    What you say you are eating looks very low in calories. They say a minimum of 1200 calories a day should be consumed. I wouldn't be surprised if your body's metabolism isn't slowing down to compensate for your sudden lack of food. Read this - https://authoritynutrition.com/starvation-mode/
  • hellofromtheoutside
    It really Depends on how much calories all of that is.
    Like the shake, it might be one cup, but if that cup have a million calories it won't do u any good
    How a bout the salad, do u eat it plain? Or u pile a bunch of cheese, croutons, and lots of dressing on it?
    If u are really just eating what u said, u should be losing weight.
  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    Get a food scale, and weigh, measure, and log everything you eat. If you eat less calories than you are burning, you will lose weight, regardless of the specific types of food you're eating.

    Since you haven't lost weight in the past 3 weeks, that means you are eating exactly the amount of calories your body burns each day, or more. You have to eat less calories than your body burns every day in order to lose weight.
  • MoniqueChene
    MoniqueChene Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the advice , I really appreciate it.
    I have lost a total of about 4kg but as soon as I start eating more than I have previously stated (still watching carbs and choosing healthy options) It becomes a complete yo-yo on the scale.
    I'm new to the scene and still learning so please bear with me :#
  • MoniqueChene
    MoniqueChene Posts: 5 Member
    I never go over my recommended calories from MFP.
    I do cardio for about 30min a day (I know it's not much but better than nothing)
    I would like to loose another 15kg (which is what I picked up from my pregnancy)
    DHLFITNESS25 Posts: 66 Member
    I would recommend Flexible Dieting: IIFYM(If It Fits Your Macros)

    You can still enjoy foods you love as long as they fit to your macros. I have a post on how to calculate your macros. I have been doing this for a while now and its great. Down 14lbs!! And its very easy to stay on track unlike some diets that basically make you starve yourself.
  • MoniqueChene
    MoniqueChene Posts: 5 Member
    vic25025 wrote: »
    I would recommend Flexible Dieting: IIFYM(If It Fits Your Macros)

    You can still enjoy foods you love as long as they fit to your macros. I have a post on how to calculate your macros. I have been doing this for a while now and its great. Down 14lbs!! And its very easy to stay on track unlike some diets that basically make you starve yourself.

    Great , thank you . Will look more into it
  • MeganSchuyler16
    MeganSchuyler16 Posts: 189 Member
    From what you listed above it doesn't look like you're eating a lot. Make sure you weight your foods. I'd say the minimum calories that should be eaten a day is 1200... Fall below that and your body won't be getting the right amount of energy it needs for daily function, could go into starvation mode, which wouldn't be pretty.

    I usually have a large breakfast, around 350-400 calories
    a snack around 100 calories
    a lunch around 300 calories
    another snack around 100 calories
    a dinner around 200-250 calories
    and my last snack about 2hrs before bed around 100 calories.

    Feel free to add me. My food diary is open to my friends if you wanna take a look. So far changing my eating habits has made me feel so much better.