Recomp vs bulk



  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    minizebu wrote: »
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    Yup. I had been doing ICF for 4mos, but just switched to PHUL this week because I wanted to do something different.... Should I go back in a deficit and cut down a bit more then?

    Just curious...what are ICF and PHUL? Are these specific lifting programs?

    This thread will give you links to those and more workouts.

    And I concur with NDJ and Springfield.

    I also concur.

    And you know we have had similar stats. I started my bulk heavier than you but had a lower body fat%. When I cut down to get lean enough to bulk, a few lbs made a HUGE difference. I mean I was agonizing over the scale but when I look back at the pictures, just going from 132-127, my thighs FINALLY slimmed down and I was pretty tiny.

    Yeah.... I'm fine with dropping a few more pounds. I'm happy with what I've managed to do so far, but I feel like sooner or later am going to have to stop dropping weight. I fluctuate between 120-124 now, so cutting a bit more is gonna put me in the high teens, ya know? I can get the weight off, but it's gonna get to a point where I'm pushing the envelope.

    I just didn't know if there was any benefit at all to shooting for a bit of new muscle, and if that in turn would ultimately have any effect on attacking fat. Reading through a few threads last night I found my answer, which is no.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    minizebu wrote: »
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    Yup. I had been doing ICF for 4mos, but just switched to PHUL this week because I wanted to do something different.... Should I go back in a deficit and cut down a bit more then?

    Just curious...what are ICF and PHUL? Are these specific lifting programs?

    This thread will give you links to those and more workouts.

    And I concur with NDJ and Springfield.

    I also concur.

    And you know we have had similar stats. I started my bulk heavier than you but had a lower body fat%. When I cut down to get lean enough to bulk, a few lbs made a HUGE difference. I mean I was agonizing over the scale but when I look back at the pictures, just going from 132-127, my thighs FINALLY slimmed down and I was pretty tiny.

    Yeah.... I'm fine with dropping a few more pounds. I'm happy with what I've managed to do so far, but I feel like sooner or later am going to have to stop dropping weight. I fluctuate between 120-124 now, so cutting a bit more is gonna put me in the high teens, ya know? I can get the weight off, but it's gonna get to a point where I'm pushing the envelope.

    I just didn't know if there was any benefit at all to shooting for a bit of new muscle, and if that in turn would ultimately have any effect on attacking fat. Reading through a few threads last night I found my answer, which is no.

    I know. You are smart. Don't try to go too low. If you're fluctuating between 120-124, even getting to a point where you are holding steady at 120 or 118, might be a huge difference.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    This is an interesting thread to me. I went from 137-115 in about 16 months. I was doing Stronglifts and now PHUL. I am very lean on my upper body and have muscle definition in my arms, abs, back but my lower body-not much. I have lost some inches there but very little definition. Hydrostatic test said I'm at 21% BF. I went to maintenance because I got so lean on top that I lost my bust. But, I'm wondering if I stopped cutting to soon, just as I was getting to the rest of the fat stores...
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    This is an interesting thread to me. I went from 137-115 in about 16 months. I was doing Stronglifts and now PHUL. I am very lean on my upper body and have muscle definition in my arms, abs, back but my lower body-not much. I have lost some inches there but very little definition. Hydrostatic test said I'm at 21% BF. I went to maintenance because I got so lean on top that I lost my bust. But, I'm wondering if I stopped cutting to soon, just as I was getting to the rest of the fat stores...

    How tall are you again? I really don't think you stopped cutting too soon.

    I have been private messaging with OP and I showed her my legs when I started a bulk. I was heavier than both of you with thick thighs. At some point I just had to stop though, because like you-my upper body was getting so tiny. If you have thicker thighs, you're always going to, to a certain extent. You really want to go under 115?

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    @arditarose , I'm 5'2" & 47 yrs old. I'm fine with my weight and that's another reason I stopped cutting. My legs are thinner than they were but still have fat deposits on the back-and my *kitten*
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    @arditarose , I'm 5'2" & 47 yrs old. I'm fine with my weight and that's another reason I stopped cutting. My legs are thinner than they were but still have fat deposits on the back-and my *kitten*

    Meh. Mine too. I don't think I've ever seen an up close pic of your legs but judging from the rest of your body I'd say you are lean as crap and should just bulk.

  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    I went to maintenance because I got so lean on top that I lost my bust. But, I'm wondering if I stopped cutting to soon, just as I was getting to the rest of the fat stores...

    Well...this is what's going on with me. And I'll start by saying the pic I posted doesn't even begin to drive home just how much more fat I'm carrying on my lower half compared to the top. I managed to lose a few more pounds and it didn't make any difference in my butt/legs. But like you....I got even smaller on top. I called it quits because I just can't lose any more weight. My face/neck are very thin and my boobs are gone. I can't diet all this fat off.

    Im going to try to stay where I am now weight-wise and just recomp until (hopefully) something gives. This is just me though....
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    The struggle is real! I still lose a lb. here and there on maintenance calories. I'd like to see if my fat distribution gets better or it just goes down. I think (gulp) a bulk might be in the works for me in Fall. Good luck, OP & good job on your weight loss!
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    This is an interesting thread to me. I went from 137-115 in about 16 months. I was doing Stronglifts and now PHUL. I am very lean on my upper body and have muscle definition in my arms, abs, back but my lower body-not much. I have lost some inches there but very little definition. Hydrostatic test said I'm at 21% BF. I went to maintenance because I got so lean on top that I lost my bust. But, I'm wondering if I stopped cutting to soon, just as I was getting to the rest of the fat stores...

    FWIW My experience was that I could (and tried to several times) chase the lower fat % but the law of diminishing returns meant that I was working very hard for minimal losses. This was tough physically but more so mentally. When I got to that point I decided to maintain then bulk and I'm very happy with that decision. Sure, the conventional wisdom is that I should have hit a lower %BF before bulking but I felt like I was flogging a dead horse in trying to get there.

    I'm "visible-vascular" lean on my upper body and legs but there is still a bit of fat on my stomach - I'm 47 year old male and I see this shape a lot in the gym amongst us older guys.

    Like you, I sometimes wonder if I should have just stuck it out for longer to get the lower %BF, but in your case I agree with @arditarose and I do't think that we can think that way - Over the years, one thing I've learnt is that (my habit of) continually stressing and re-assessing my priorities held me back. So, for now - it's blinkers on, head down, and get on with the program (which for me is increasing strength via a bulk, even if it means adding fat).

    Love this thread by the way, so much useful stuff.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    This is an interesting thread to me. I went from 137-115 in about 16 months. I was doing Stronglifts and now PHUL. I am very lean on my upper body and have muscle definition in my arms, abs, back but my lower body-not much. I have lost some inches there but very little definition. Hydrostatic test said I'm at 21% BF. I went to maintenance because I got so lean on top that I lost my bust. But, I'm wondering if I stopped cutting to soon, just as I was getting to the rest of the fat stores...

    FWIW My experience was that I could (and tried to several times) chase the lower fat % but the law of diminishing returns meant that I was working very hard for minimal losses. This was tough physically but more so mentally. When I got to that point I decided to maintain then bulk and I'm very happy with that decision. Sure, the conventional wisdom is that I should have hit a lower %BF before bulking but I felt like I was flogging a dead horse in trying to get there.

    I'm "visible-vascular" lean on my upper body and legs but there is still a bit of fat on my stomach - I'm 47 year old male and I see this shape a lot in the gym amongst us older guys.

    Like you, I sometimes wonder if I should have just stuck it out for longer to get the lower %BF, but in your case I agree with @arditarose and I do't think that we can think that way - Over the years, one thing I've learnt is that (my habit of) continually stressing and re-assessing my priorities held me back. So, for now - it's blinkers on, head down, and get on with the program (which for me is increasing strength via a bulk, even if it means adding fat).

    Love this thread by the way, so much useful stuff.

    Great thread and info. Thanks!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    All I can say is I started a bulk with fatty thighs, at a higher weight than many women my height would, and I don't regret it. I wasn't going to kill myself getting down to 115lbs and looking like hell. I have no patience for a recomp. If anything, I had a BLAST in the gym. That was the most fun part of it all. There is something to be said for enjoying yourself while eating and lifting. I think we overthink things sometimes.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    FWIW, I am 5'5" and 121lbs. I carry a lot of weight on my stomach, with twig-like arms and legs. Body fat guestimate is 21-23%. I have weighed a lot less, and looked worse for it. I have put on 10lbs in the past couple of years, and look a million times better and can lift a lot more. I am currently trying to clean bulk because I want to be able to improve my lifts. Both people in the photos on this thread look fab to me.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    FWIW, I am 5'5" and 121lbs. I carry a lot of weight on my stomach, with twig-like arms and legs. Body fat guestimate is 21-23%. I have weighed a lot less, and looked worse for it. I have put on 10lbs in the past couple of years, and look a million times better and can lift a lot more. I am currently trying to clean bulk because I want to be able to improve my lifts. Both people in the photos on this thread look fab to me.

    Im getting the impression that many things are set in stone across the board when it comes to recomp and bulk/cuts, but then other things are more individual based on the person. A little trial and error seems to be necessary for everyone to find what exactly works.

    With recomp you hear either eat below/right at/slightly over maintenance. Some swear by adding some cardio, while others do none and succeed. Some start bulking at a higher fat percentage and others prefer to wait .I don't think there's any real right or wrong. :/

  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    FWIW, I am 5'5" and 121lbs. I carry a lot of weight on my stomach, with twig-like arms and legs. Body fat guestimate is 21-23%. I have weighed a lot less, and looked worse for it. I have put on 10lbs in the past couple of years, and look a million times better and can lift a lot more. I am currently trying to clean bulk because I want to be able to improve my lifts. Both people in the photos on this thread look fab to me.

    Im getting the impression that many things are set in stone across the board when it comes to recomp and bulk/cuts, but then other things are more individual based on the person. A little trial and error seems to be necessary for everyone to find what exactly works.

    With recomp you hear either eat below/right at/slightly over maintenance. Some swear by adding some cardio, while others do none and succeed. Some start bulking at a higher fat percentage and others prefer to wait .I don't think there's any real right or wrong. :/

    The guideline body fat numbers are just for optimal physiological response. If you are unhappy with the way your body composition is heading, it may not be worth continuing to cut just to get a little closer to ideal starting point. Theoretically, you can continually get closer to your desired body comp with successive bulk/cut cycles. If you can't get there on your first bulk/cut, you can probably get a little closer after the next cycle.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    richln wrote: »
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    FWIW, I am 5'5" and 121lbs. I carry a lot of weight on my stomach, with twig-like arms and legs. Body fat guestimate is 21-23%. I have weighed a lot less, and looked worse for it. I have put on 10lbs in the past couple of years, and look a million times better and can lift a lot more. I am currently trying to clean bulk because I want to be able to improve my lifts. Both people in the photos on this thread look fab to me.

    Im getting the impression that many things are set in stone across the board when it comes to recomp and bulk/cuts, but then other things are more individual based on the person. A little trial and error seems to be necessary for everyone to find what exactly works.

    With recomp you hear either eat below/right at/slightly over maintenance. Some swear by adding some cardio, while others do none and succeed. Some start bulking at a higher fat percentage and others prefer to wait .I don't think there's any real right or wrong. :/

    The guideline body fat numbers are just for optimal physiological response. If you are unhappy with the way your body composition is heading, it may not be worth continuing to cut just to get a little closer to ideal starting point. Theoretically, you can continually get closer to your desired body comp with successive bulk/cut cycles. If you can't get there on your first bulk/cut, you can probably get a little closer after the next cycle.

    That's pretty much what I was asking about when I started this. I completely understand not pursuing a bulk at a higher than average fat percentage. But yeah...,if you're getting to an average or slightly lower point and start to would add fat (hopefully not too much if you played your cards right) but could that possibly work in your favor in the long run.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to bulk in Fall. I think I'm at a good place, 21% BF, good amount of base muscle due to 20+ yrs of a very physical job.I look forward to increasing my lifts but I'm going to enjoy having a Summer at the leanest I've been
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to bulk in Fall. I think I'm at a good place, 21% BF, good amount of base muscle due to 20+ yrs of a very physical job.I look forward to increasing my lifts but I'm going to enjoy having a Summer at the leanest I've been

    That's awesome. :smile: I may just end up joining you. Maybe... LOL! I haven't given recomp much of a chance so I'm going to see how I do with dropping more fat that way, and...either I'll be pleased with how its going and continue or I may end up scrapping it.

    The way I see my situation legs have always been a problem and they're never gonna look stellar. Whether I bulk or not they're still gonna be big, so at some point I'm going to have to look past that and just do the best I can with what I have to work with.

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    When I bulk I will be back on this forum. See you here?
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    When I bulk I will be back on this forum. See you here?

    Oh yeah. If I do it I'll be doing it here. I just hope I manage to lean out a bit more over the summer....