Calling turbo fire fanatics!!! =D



  • getnfitn2011
    Good afternoon all!!!!
    Man! What a day I am having!!! Woke up to find my five year old son broke out head to foot in poison ivy, AND I gained three-four pounds (scale won't make up it's mind) Not gonna lie...for about an hour I seriously contemplated just saying forget all this mess but thanks to my invaluable buddies on here I decieded to flip that pitty party into a source of inspiration! I worked hard last week stayed under my calories, drank all my water and hit all six workouts planned for the week so a gain really made no sense....then I realized so what!!!! So what if that scale taunts me...I know how I feel, I know how I worked,I KNOW that scale can not tell me who I am! So I gave my little boy a nice warm oatmeal bath, some medicine, and got him all cozy and comfortable and then I took my measurements..had my oldest take my new before pic's (ICK) then I CRUSHED Fire 30 and stretch 10 (YAY)!!!!
    To everyone starting today...I hope ya'll are excited as I am...ok so I am sore and pretty tired but I did it!! Looking at the entire program its easy to feel somewhat intimidated by the length and intensity but I decide to just take this one day at a I accomplished what I set out too and tomorrow I will look to do the same!!!

    @kel_bel- sounds like you have a really great plan, stick to it girl..your gonna kill it! =)
    @Klf- good to have you with us girl!!!
    @ Shakemybooty- Man, I saw your posts before I decided to quit pouting and was totally inspiried by you!! Keep up the excellent work!!!

    To anyone else doing this program no matter if you started weeks ago or havent even gotten your order yet we would love to hear from you!
    I hope ya'll have a completly blessed Monday and look forward to hearing from you!!

    Be blessed,
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I have now decided to just focus on TF to lose the BF then go back and do the CHX hybrid. I'm starting today with the prep schedule because I wasn't able to really keep up with HIIT 15 last week and I can't do the jumps yet. Otherwise I really like the program!

    I'm doing the hybrid right now. I finished Insanity before this with another girl and her BB coach told her we could skip the first 4 weeks of they hybrid and jump right in. I think I'm on week 9 right now. It goes so fast. I was totally intimidated by the 20 week schedule because the 2 month schedule for Insanity felt like forever but this is a piece of cake because Chalean is a party girl. I like the music!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Good afternoon all!!!!
    Man! What a day I am having!!! Woke up to find my five year old son broke out head to foot in poison ivy, AND I gained three-four pounds (scale won't make up it's mind) Not gonna lie...for about an hour I seriously contemplated just saying forget all this mess but thanks to my invaluable buddies on here I decieded to flip that pitty party into a source of inspiration! I worked hard last week stayed under my calories, drank all my water and hit all six workouts planned for the week so a gain really made no sense....then I realized so what!!!! So what if that scale taunts me...I know how I feel, I know how I worked,I KNOW that scale can not tell me who I am! So I gave my little boy a nice warm oatmeal bath, some medicine, and got him all cozy and comfortable and then I took my measurements..had my oldest take my new before pic's (ICK) then I CRUSHED Fire 30 and stretch 10 (YAY)!!!!
    To everyone starting today...I hope ya'll are excited as I am...ok so I am sore and pretty tired but I did it!! Looking at the entire program its easy to feel somewhat intimidated by the length and intensity but I decide to just take this one day at a I accomplished what I set out too and tomorrow I will look to do the same!!!

    @kel_bel- sounds like you have a really great plan, stick to it girl..your gonna kill it! =)
    @Klf- good to have you with us girl!!!
    @ Shakemybooty- Man, I saw your posts before I decided to quit pouting and was totally inspiried by you!! Keep up the excellent work!!!

    To anyone else doing this program no matter if you started weeks ago or havent even gotten your order yet we would love to hear from you!
    I hope ya'll have a completly blessed Monday and look forward to hearing from you!!

    Be blessed,

    I hope your little guy feels better. Poison ivy is horrible!

    My scale hates me and I hate it back. I will feel all thin and muscular and then that brat will tell me that my weight is up and I'll feel like crap. We've resorted to just giving each other dirty looks now. It's not about a number for me. I just want to feel good.

    Good for you for cranking out those workouts!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Completed Day 1 of our Turbo Fire workout... Fire 30 and Stretch...

    252 calories burned according to my HRM.

    Have a fabulous evening!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was 45EZ. The entire right side of my body is sore from yesterday so it was brutal! It actually made me appreciate Stretch 10 (which after the zillionth time of that, I hate because it bores me).

    481 calories scorched up.

    Keep at it girls!
  • mbmast
    mbmast Posts: 7 Member
    what is the hybrid?
  • mbmast
    mbmast Posts: 7 Member
    I do have to say, I wish there was more variety to the stretches and I'm only on day 3
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    The hybrid is turbo fire combined with Chalean Extreme. The schedule for it is in the back of the turbo fire book.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Completed: HIIT 15 - burned 169 calories (I think this is WRONG, but whatever... I'll take it).
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Completed: HIIT 15 - burned 169 calories (I think this is WRONG, but whatever... I'll take it).

    Do you think it's too low or too high? That workout scorches calories.

    Today was my first core 20---which I really liked and Stretch 40 which I kind of liked. I prefer to jump around and wound myself to good music, not stretch my wounded muscles to elevator music. It did feel good, it just felt like it took a lot longer than 40 minutes.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Completed: HIIT 15 - burned 169 calories (I think this is WRONG, but whatever... I'll take it).

    Do you think it's too low or too high? That workout scorches calories.

    Today was my first core 20---which I really liked and Stretch 40 which I kind of liked. I prefer to jump around and wound myself to good music, not stretch my wounded muscles to elevator music. It did feel good, it just felt like it took a lot longer than 40 minutes.

    I think it's too high, 169 in 15 minutes is really good! I don't get though, why I burn so few calories in a 45 minute workout though... hmmm, the body is an interesting thing.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Bump so I can check in later.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Hi, all! I just got TurboFire Friday, read everything in the box, did the first workout on Monday, and I am SORE! I had been working out consistently for the past 2 months and thought I wouldn't be sore. Man, was I wrong. My week started out pretty hectic because my oldest son and two nieces graduated from high school on Monday (3 different schools, 3 different locations, same day), and I just haven't been able to get back on track yet. So I've been doing other workouts, and I want to start fresh with TurboFire this coming Monday. Would love to be a part of this group and come here for motivation and to whine or celebrate with you all :)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Completed: HIIT 15 - burned 169 calories (I think this is WRONG, but whatever... I'll take it).

    Do you think it's too low or too high? That workout scorches calories.

    Today was my first core 20---which I really liked and Stretch 40 which I kind of liked. I prefer to jump around and wound myself to good music, not stretch my wounded muscles to elevator music. It did feel good, it just felt like it took a lot longer than 40 minutes.

    I think it's too high, 169 in 15 minutes is really good! I don't get though, why I burn so few calories in a 45 minute workout though... hmmm, the body is an interesting thing.

    I think it's right. That's just how HIIT works.

    55EZ and stretch 10 today. My kids were doing it with me by the end. I've been trying to reel my 11 year old in for a while now.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Hi, all! I just got TurboFire Friday, read everything in the box, did the first workout on Monday, and I am SORE! I had been working out consistently for the past 2 months and thought I wouldn't be sore. Man, was I wrong. My week started out pretty hectic because my oldest son and two nieces graduated from high school on Monday (3 different schools, 3 different locations, same day), and I just haven't been able to get back on track yet. So I've been doing other workouts, and I want to start fresh with TurboFire this coming Monday. Would love to be a part of this group and come here for motivation and to whine or celebrate with you all :)

    Hi there!! Jump on in!! I finished Insanity before this so I didn't start getting sore until the first HIIT workout. Now I think my calves are permanently flexed. LOL I love TF!
  • MCPTeach
    MCPTeach Posts: 4
    Hi Misty! I am new to MFP, but I also have TurboFire and have done just a couple of exercises. We are currently "on the road again" moving cross country from HI to FL, but I will be in my house in FL in mid-July -- would love to get serious about TurboFire. For now my goal is running/exercising 5 days a week at the very least. I'm also a Christian AND it appears we have about the same weight loss starting point and goal (2 pounds a week.) Let's talk.

    Monica Chandler-Potts
  • getnfitn2011
    Well hello all!!!
    I havent been so active in here because I have been dealing with my son and his horrid alergic reation but I did complete my HIIT 15 yesterday and have fire 30 and stretch ten on tap for today. Its so cool to see all the fire fanatics showing up on here and it is so very cool to *meet* yall.
    Shakemybooty - you are just a force, I love hearing from you your post always make me want to get up and MOVE!
    Stephanie- I agree just jump on in here girl we are glad to have you!
    Monica - It does seem we have quite a bit in common so its very cool to have you along!!!
    To everyone else I may have missed *waving like a lune*!!! =D

    I am finding this week an extreme challenge to stay the course. On top of having a sick kiddo the gain from last week has really been playing on my mind. I did everything right but I gained. Then it hit me. I bet I have a hypothryroid. That means slow or inactive which is kinda a big deal since it controls many functions including metabolism. Kinda hard to get up for workout when it might not do the slighest good in moving the scale!!! To top it off I am the only one that doesn't have insurance in this house so unless I find a clinic that will work with me I have no idea how to get this sorted out! *sigh* Not gonna lie a big part of me just wants to throw in the towel but I am not going to. Logically I know eating healthy and working out can not do anything but help but still the fact that it might not translates to the scale when I still have forty - fifty to lose is pretty much a downer!! I am glad I came in here though you guys have inspired me...I am gonna work out and stay on target with my diet!!!

    Be blessed guys!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Misty-I found out I was hypo when I was pg with my 3rd child. I hope you can find a clinic to run the blood test for you. I've been working out 4-6 days a week since the end of December. My weight has only really changed about 6 lbs that entire time. I won't lie and say I'm a great eater.I still eat way too many things that I shouldn't. (like the stress oreos I just had!!)

    Have you taken your measurements? Even though I can say my weight hasn't changed, my measurements have changed A LOT. Just because the scale is being mean doesn't mean you aren't reaping the benefits some where else.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Thanks for the warm welcome, shakemybooty and Misty! I'm glad I found y'all. I contemplated starting a group for about a week when I sen this thread.

    Misty, I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but your determination is inspiring. After my first week on MFP I lost 4.3 pounds, then the next week I gained exactly 4.3 pounds after doing everything right :sad: . It stayed on that same number for weeks :grumble: . Then I lost 1.4, then this week the scale said I lost .3 so I'm still not up to that original 4.3 lb. loss. I mean really? My friend says that was my body's version of a plateau so hopefully I'm off of it now and TF can help me just power through.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    HIIT 20 and Tone 30 today. I was sore before I started and I'm sore again!!