Slim Fast 3, 2, 1 program <ADVICE>

I am in no way a newbie to the whole weight loss train, however after successfully losing almost 30lbs. I got completely frustrated during a plateau and gave up. . . :o yeah I know. So here I am back at square one and having to lose all the weight I already lost again. It's tough! My coworker does slim fast and she enjoys it. I thought about giving this a go for the first two weeks as a Jumpstart to my journey again...? Advice is welcome


  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    CINDYRN33 Posts: 148 Member
    I say do whatever you need to do. Slim fast is full of vitamins. Suggest using it to supplement your diet, just make sure you are getting all your calories.
  • kaitlinfurby13
    kaitlinfurby13 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been doing it for a while now. I log everything on here including the one meal I eat. I know I can't stay on it forever, but it helps me get used to eating less and logging which I will take into the long term. I've been averaging the 2 pounds a week it claims you will lose, so it seems to be working.
  • glow_worm_eyes
    glow_worm_eyes Posts: 34 Member
    I would definitely look for their new formula that has 20 G protein and 1 gram sugar. It has a purple label on it. The other formula has a lot of sugar. I am a teacher and I buy the pre made bottles. When I have duty or don't have time to pack my lunch I drink one. They actually keep you full for four hours! Even if you don't want to follow the slimfast plan as directed, you could still use them for healthy snacks or a meal replacement to keep you within your calorie goal.
    Ps- I also like the Atkins shakes too.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    You can always try it. Just make sure you're getting enough calories and nutrients. However, I've tried it before and hated it. It cost too much and I couldn't stay satisfied on shakes and bars. The "one meal a day" wasn't enough real food for me.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    I use to use it. Then got fed up with the sugar in it. Switched to a protein powder from walmart.
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    When you relinquish your evaluation process to another person or SYSTEM you begin to lose yourself. When you lose yourself, you are not able to be fully present in your life, and the world around you is robbed of your unique gift. So maybe use it only as a snack now and then, but not as a primary way to lose weight. Eating healthy food is the only way to lose weight. Eating what you like, not what is designated on some systems food plan, is the best thing.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I've lost weight using Slim Fast. But, then re-gained it. Meal replacement shakes teach you nothing about portion control and future maintenance.

    If you find Slim Fast filling (I didn't) give it a try. But have a plan in place for maintenance.
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    When you relinquish your evaluation process to another person or SYSTEM you begin to lose yourself. When you lose yourself, you are not able to be fully present in your life, and the world around you is robbed of your unique gift. So maybe use it only as a snack now and then, but not as a primary way to lose weight. Eating healthy food is the only way to lose weight. Eating what you like, not what is designated on some systems food plan, is the best thing.

    Thank you!!
  • blancoms
    blancoms Posts: 165 Member
    I went back to work part time and wanted something easy to take for breaks/lunch. I bought the vanilla nd chocolate cans of powder. Its marketed as a meal replacement but it does not fill me up by any means. I would consider it more of a supplement. Depending on my calorie allowance sometimes it doesn't seem worth the cost (of calories). Taste is good though.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @kimbelle_vie take it from someone that relied on Jenny Craig to lose weight. Hey I did for a time. Went from 265 to 189 but I didn't lost it in my head, just my body. So the weight came back. Then there's the guilt of spending all that money for what... so I was slim for a summer? I make the rules now, and I eat what I love to eat. My scale is my best friend, and I weigh my food every day.

    It's all about planning. You plan what is in your pantry, you plan out your days, and you get your eating in order.
  • hellokitty28
    hellokitty28 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been doing the 3 2 1 plan now for a few weeks. Started at 246 and I'm now 218. Sofar it's working great for me but everyone is diffrent. My goal for the program is once I get to 190 to take away one of the shakes and replace with real food and as I get closer to my ultimate goal to take that other shake away and start to re learn how to eat smaller/ healther portions. I've yo yo dieted for many years now and I'm done... I lost 80 once, got preg gained 90 back lost 40 got preg again and gained 30 my weight has litterally been a yoyo and I'm so ready to be at my goal and cut that yoyo string for good. Add me if you'd like to :)
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    Take it from an old lady that has lost and gained back probably 3 whole people in her life time; been there and have done every fad diet out there. Won't call each of them all out - but, sure wish I had back the hundreds and hundreds (maybe thousands) of $$ I spent over the years yo-yo dieting. Slim Fast does happen to be on that list. Did not learn a blooming thing about portion control, cooking healthy foods, or finding what works for my body. Sure, I lost weight while drinking those, gained it all back within a few months - cried, went and tried something else. 3 years ago, I began figuring it out. Yep, I'm a slow learner - took me 58 years, but I did it! Perhaps they would be fine for a grab-n-go kind of morning or an afternoon snack, but I sure would not rely on them solely to get me jump started. I understand completely, believe me, no judgement here on anyone that uses diet aids.... just have learned in my years, doesn't last long term. And guess how much I have spent on this lifestyle.... $0 extra. Eat what I normally would buy anyway - no gym either (wish I had all Those $$ back).
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    If you really want to drink instead of eat your calories, why not do protein shakes - much better macros, can make your own and they are cheaper (depending on the powder you buy).
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    A friend did slimfast. He got mood swings, migraines, and light-headedness as a result. He stopped after a week and went back to normal food, just less of it, and felt much better. Not saying everyone will have that reaction but be aware that it can have some nasty side effects.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Dont bother with fad diets....
  • Dollbabyjamie
    Dollbabyjamie Posts: 1 Member
    I just started this program this morning...hoping it helps...I don't Plan on being on it for ever but I'm taking the 14 day challenge
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    It's ok. I only do the smoothie for breakfast though and sometimes lunch. It only holds me over 3 hours not 4. But I'm sure if you actually follow what it says to do and buy the snacks that they have to it would work great. I really want to try the chips they have.