Is it okay to eat WHATEVER i want but keep a calorie deficit?



  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Hey guys, so just curious, I know and I've seen a thousand times that the only real way to drop weight is by a calorie deficit, but what the macros?? I mean let's say he eats all 90% carbs, 5% fat, 5% protein, I know extreme just using that as an example, he'll lose weight simply due the calorie deficit but his overall body won't look good, right? I don't know maybe I sound stupid, but does the macro breakdown have anything to do with your overall success in how fit you "look" and forget the "health" aspect of this, I'm just curious.

    There's a guy on here who eats 80/10/10, lifts weights, and will tell you anything you never wanted to know about how awesome carbs are. On the other end, there's a gentleman who eats very low carb high fat (LCHF), who has lost good weigh and seen his blood work improve eating things that I have no interest in (sorry, Gale).
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member

    Yes. Eat a well balanced diet including what you want while running a deficit to lose weight, at maintenance to maintain, or a surplus to gain.

    Sure, if you aren't interested in health or quality of life.


    So you are saying that quality of life and health will suffer if eating at a deficit if the OP is not careful choosing where the calories come from? Did he state they would only be coming from what you would consider "unhealthy" foods?

    You're being obtuse. Asking if he can eat "WHATEVER he wants" (yes, he used caps) was a pretty obvious implication that OP wasn't referring to a nutrient dense healthy diet.
  • yassinelmeniawy
    yassinelmeniawy Posts: 34 Member
    First of all thank you guys for all your feedback but dont just think that I am eating crap food , my question was just a general wondering , I am not gonna spend my day eating small portions of junk food , I just want to Include pasta , cheese , fries and many other stuff in my day , take a look at my diary before you make up your mind about me , you will notice that I dont eat alot , that Im eating little
    ( A user above Included pics of my diary)
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    First of all thank you guys for all your feedback but dont just think that I am eating crap food , my question was just a general wondering , I am not gonna spend my day eating small portions of junk food , I just want to Include pasta , cheese , fries and many other stuff in my day , take a look at my diary before you make up your mind about me , you will notice that I dont eat alot , that Im eating little
    ( A user above Included pics of my diary)

    is this correct - for your breakfast you had about a quarter of a cup of OJ and for lunch today you ate a tiny amount of pasta with no sauce or flavoring?
  • yassinelmeniawy
    yassinelmeniawy Posts: 34 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes , but pasta was white sauce
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes, if you are hitting your macros and in a deficit you will lose weight. There are other factors of eating proper protein coupled with a lifting program to retain muscle, but generally speaking yes.

    I eat on average probably 1500-1600 calories a day from ice cream, pasteries, pumpkin pie, etc... and hit my minimum macros and lose weight no problem. Currently over 13% body fat during this cut.

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    darlswife wrote: »
    You can. So if you want to have a Big Mac for approximately 540 calories 44 carbs 33 grams of fat, and that fits into your daily calories, go ahead. But, you could have so much more food quantity and quality wise, that it's hardly worth it (my opinion)unless you're having a cheat meal.

    I had a big mac for dinner tonight. Fits my calorie goal and I found it to be both good and filling for the amount of calories.

    But to answer the question, yes. Calories in vs. calories out. If you plan on eating those foods once you've reached your goal then I think you might as well learn how to eat them now in moderation!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Hey guys, so just curious, I know and I've seen a thousand times that the only real way to drop weight is by a calorie deficit, but what the macros?? I mean let's say he eats all 90% carbs, 5% fat, 5% protein, I know extreme just using that as an example, he'll lose weight simply due the calorie deficit but his overall body won't look good, right? I don't know maybe I sound stupid, but does the macro breakdown have anything to do with your overall success in how fit you "look" and forget the "health" aspect of this, I'm just curious.

    There's a guy on here who eats 80/10/10, lifts weights, and will tell you anything you never wanted to know about how awesome carbs are. On the other end, there's a gentleman who eats very low carb high fat (LCHF), who has lost good weigh and seen his blood work improve eating things that I have no interest in (sorry, Gale).

    I love you, I hope you don't think that's weird. LOL
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    Yes , but pasta was white sauce

    you didn't log the white sauce. if there was oil in it, even a small amount could blow your calorie goal. did you weigh the pasta? i only ask because most people i know give children more pasta than that.

  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    OP is not logging accurately so is probably eating more than 900 cal, but OP, why are you aiming so low?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    First of all thank you guys for all your feedback but dont just think that I am eating crap food , my question was just a general wondering , I am not gonna spend my day eating small portions of junk food , I just want to Include pasta , cheese , fries and many other stuff in my day , take a look at my diary before you make up your mind about me , you will notice that I dont eat alot , that Im eating little
    ( A user above Included pics of my diary)

    Why are you eating so little?
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Actually for the OP, if you're concerned about appearance, you probably don't really need to lose weight, probably need to get introduced to a resistance training program.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member

    Yes. Eat a well balanced diet including what you want while running a deficit to lose weight, at maintenance to maintain, or a surplus to gain.

    Sure, if you aren't interested in health or quality of life.


    So you are saying that quality of life and health will suffer if eating at a deficit if the OP is not careful choosing where the calories come from? Did he state they would only be coming from what you would consider "unhealthy" foods?

    You're being obtuse. Asking if he can eat "WHATEVER he wants" (yes, he used caps) was a pretty obvious implication that OP wasn't referring to a nutrient dense healthy diet.

    I am being obtuse? Hmmm....did you look at his diary before posting? I did. Neither in his post did he state he was eating "unhealthy" food, nor does his diary appear to contain a lot of "unhealthy" food.

    So why did azulvioleta6 and others jump to conclusions this young man was stuffing yellow marshmallow Easter Bunnies down his gullet and washing them back with Mountain Dew to round out a side of deep fried onion rings?

    To: yassinelmeniawy

    Keep eating a nice well balanced diet within your calorie range that is set for your goals. And if you want to chug back a Mountain Dew, just log it and relax.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    Follow the 80/20 rule: 80% healthy and 20% junk

    Agreed. It isn't either/or. You can fit in the "junk"(relative term by the way) as long as your diet is predominately healthy (another relative term).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Mentali wrote: »

    Yes. Eat a well balanced diet including what you want while running a deficit to lose weight, at maintenance to maintain, or a surplus to gain.

    Sure, if you aren't interested in health or quality of life.


    So you are saying that quality of life and health will suffer if eating at a deficit if the OP is not careful choosing where the calories come from? Did he state they would only be coming from what you would consider "unhealthy" foods?

    While he didn't outright say it, the emphasis on "WHATEVER" strongly implies that the question is "even if the food is (food generally seen as bad for you)?" If you aren't interested in health, then you can eat WHATEVER you want. If you are, you have to be at least a bit more picky.

    Exactly. No one asks this question because they are looking for validation to eat more broccoli.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Hey guys, so just curious, I know and I've seen a thousand times that the only real way to drop weight is by a calorie deficit, but what the macros?? I mean let's say he eats all 90% carbs, 5% fat, 5% protein, I know extreme just using that as an example, he'll lose weight simply due the calorie deficit but his overall body won't look good, right? I don't know maybe I sound stupid, but does the macro breakdown have anything to do with your overall success in how fit you "look" and forget the "health" aspect of this, I'm just curious.

    I know vegans who eat high carb/low protein who are healthy and look good, and I know people who eat a much higher amount of protein who are healthy and look good. One place where macros are important is for individual satiety.
  • Jamiempang
    Jamiempang Posts: 39 Member
    Males should not be lower than 1800 at a minimum. Yes... you can fit whatever foods you want into your diet as long as you are within your calories and macros, but you should make sure your calories and macros are set properly, make sure that you don't eat a ton of junk (as you say you do not), and also log everything properly! :) Seems like this chat will go back and forth a lot. If you need support feel free to friend request me. Best wishes!
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Hey guys, so just curious, I know and I've seen a thousand times that the only real way to drop weight is by a calorie deficit, but what the macros?? I mean let's say he eats all 90% carbs, 5% fat, 5% protein, I know extreme just using that as an example, he'll lose weight simply due the calorie deficit but his overall body won't look good, right? I don't know maybe I sound stupid, but does the macro breakdown have anything to do with your overall success in how fit you "look" and forget the "health" aspect of this, I'm just curious.

    There's a guy on here who eats 80/10/10, lifts weights, and will tell you anything you never wanted to know about how awesome carbs are. On the other end, there's a gentleman who eats very low carb high fat (LCHF), who has lost good weigh and seen his blood work improve eating things that I have no interest in (sorry, Gale).

    I love you, I hope you don't think that's weird. LOL

  • yassinelmeniawy
    yassinelmeniawy Posts: 34 Member
    @SingingSingleTracker Thanks man I really appreciate your feedback