self defense/personal protection while you run



  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    As someone who lives in the UK this thread is really quite odd to me! Most the things mentioned on this thread for protection are illegal in the UK. You can't carry a gun, and pepper spray and knives are classed as offensive weapons, so it is illegal to carry those too. Even some of the breeds of dog mentioned on this thread are illegal in the UK

    I run with my phone, but only in case I fall over. I'd never be able to get it out my pocket if I were attacked.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Last summer, while I was biking back from work, a car closed me in and someone slapped my butt. It was the scariest thing, until I saw that it was two effing teenagers laughing their *kitten* off. I got so mad, I sped up -because I knew there was a traffic light ahead- and I was seriously going to kick their *kitten* if they were stopped there. They were not, and I'm actually glad because I would have been the one getting hurt, for sure. The thing is, if you had asked me before how I'd react to something like that, I would have said I'd freeze...

    Anyway, after that I considered buying pepper spray but then realized that carrying that thing would put me in a horrible state of mind, as if I had to be alert at all times and ready to fight. Just thinking about it, makes me sick to my stomach. I read about some of you, Americans, carrying guns and can't imagine how you do it.

    I just choose to be aware of my surroundings, and project an attitude. So far, I've only screamed at an old pervert who told me dirty things. It felt good!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Last summer, while I was biking back from work, a car closed me in and someone slapped my butt. It was the scariest thing, until I saw that it was two effing teenagers laughing their *kitten* off. I got so mad, I sped up -because I knew there was a traffic light ahead- and I was seriously going to kick their *kitten* if they were stopped there. They were not, and I'm actually glad because I would have been the one getting hurt, for sure. The thing is, if you had asked me before how I'd react to something like that, I would have said I'd freeze...

    Anyway, after that I considered buying pepper spray but then realized that carrying that thing would put me in a horrible state of mind, as if I had to be alert at all times and ready to fight. Just thinking about it, makes me sick to my stomach. I read about some of you, Americans, carrying guns and can't imagine how you do it.

    I just choose to be aware of my surroundings, and project an attitude. So far, I've only screamed at an old pervert who told me dirty things. It felt good!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    As someone who lives in the UK this thread is really quite odd to me! Most the things mentioned on this thread for protection are illegal in the UK. You can't carry a gun, and pepper spray and knives are classed as offensive weapons, so it is illegal to carry those too. Even some of the breeds of dog mentioned on this thread are illegal in the UK

    I run with my phone, but only in case I fall over. I'd never be able to get it out my pocket if I were attacked.

    Also from the UK and thinking the same things, but American culture is very different to ours. I just know if I was out running and saw someone else packing a gun I'd be the one calling the police on them and running in the opposite direction!

    I think in the UK as long as you let someone know where you are going and have access to a phone, you'll be alright (or at least VERY unlucky to have anyone attack you!).
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    As someone who lives in the UK this thread is really quite odd to me! Most the things mentioned on this thread for protection are illegal in the UK. You can't carry a gun, and pepper spray and knives are classed as offensive weapons, so it is illegal to carry those too. Even some of the breeds of dog mentioned on this thread are illegal in the UK

    I run with my phone, but only in case I fall over. I'd never be able to get it out my pocket if I were attacked.

    Another reason why I am so happy to live in the Great State of Texas.
    But let it be known that I do NOT ever want to have to use my gun EVER!

    Im hoping that the open carry laws pass in texas one day. Then I will just carry mine loud and proud. No need to conceal. However, i do believe that i have no idea how i will react in a situation like that. TRAINING TRAINING AND MORE TRAINING IS THE KEY TO ANYTHING.

    P.S. The beretta PX 4 storm is a nice little weapon.
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    As someone who lives in the UK this thread is really quite odd to me! Most the things mentioned on this thread for protection are illegal in the UK. You can't carry a gun, and pepper spray and knives are classed as offensive weapons, so it is illegal to carry those too. Even some of the breeds of dog mentioned on this thread are illegal in the UK

    I run with my phone, but only in case I fall over. I'd never be able to get it out my pocket if I were attacked.

    Hehe, I was just thinking the same thing! I let my boyfriend know where I'm going and for how long - plus I run with my keys, I figure a good jab in the groin with a sharp key is going to buy me a little time - although I very much doubt anyone would bother with me, looking like I do while I'm running :blushing:

    I come from a very middle-class and well-to-do city, but you'll still get trouble from time to time. There was a string of serial rapes on my estate when I was 15 which really made me think about my safety while I'm out and about.

    Around here, mostly it's just idiots beeping and wolf-whistling. A year or so ago, when my 50 year old mum was out training for a half marathon with 3 of her friends, some blokes wound down their van window and shouted "Come on you fat slags!!" as they passed them. Luckily my mum and her friends of the kind of ladies to take this in their stride - they almost cried laughing at these idiots, and have now taken "The Fat Slags" as their unofficial running group name, it's an ongoing in-joke between them! :laugh:
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    One Pitbull (my profile pic-don't let the gangsta hat fool you.) and two German Shepard/Siberian Husky mixes, one of which is completely neurotic.

    You'd be out of your mind to approach me with my fluffermuffins...i mean...attack dogs....with me. Ahem.

    I'm also known for carrying a knife.

    And possibly a handgun.

    And a big sign that says 'F YOU" on my forehead.

    So there's that.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I was asking about the different types of and styles holsters designed specifically for running because I am interested in getting one. Again, I live in the country 15 miles from town, basically the ozark mountain woods, and want to be able to have a defense against wild dogs and other animals. I wouldn't think about carrying one of my guns when running through my town's neighborhoods, there wouldn't be any more significant threat than what you would encounter in the walmart parking lot 24/7. But running early mornings or evenings on backroads in the country you never know what you will come across.

    I wear a SpiBelt and mine fits perfectly in it, it's right at my waist, you can't tell the difference between it and a celphone. Had I bought the Taurus in the same model, I would have gotten a belt case for carrying it, not sure it would have worked with running, but was about the size of a cell phone case. I've considered a leg strap, but wanted it closer to me for access. I also have seen arm straps, which they sell at any police equipment location.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    very interesting. I didn't know they had such things to wear running. I have been threatened by dogs a few times. Usually I drive a route I am interested in a couple of times trying to scope out dogs, but sometimes you just don't know until you are out there. I would hate to shoot someone's pet, but if it is trying to attack me, then we're both on our own. I do find that most dogs just bark and snarl until you are past their "territory", but still scary at times. My husband has suggested that I carry a small gun just in case. That seems extreme to me though. I don't know.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    As someone who lives in the UK this thread is really quite odd to me! Most the things mentioned on this thread for protection are illegal in the UK. You can't carry a gun, and pepper spray and knives are classed as offensive weapons, so it is illegal to carry those too. Even some of the breeds of dog mentioned on this thread are illegal in the UK

    I run with my phone, but only in case I fall over. I'd never be able to get it out my pocket if I were attacked.

    Another reason why I am so happy to live in the Great State of Texas.
    But let it be known that I do NOT ever want to have to use my gun EVER!

    Im hoping that the open carry laws pass in texas one day. Then I will just carry mine loud and proud. No need to conceal. However, i do believe that i have no idea how i will react in a situation like that. TRAINING TRAINING AND MORE TRAINING IS THE KEY TO ANYTHING.

    P.S. The beretta PX 4 storm is a nice little weapon.

    Totally agree. The last thing I want to do is point a loaded gun at another human being, but if I feel like my safety is being threatened, I'll do it. If you know the laws pertaining to when deadly force is justified and you know how to load, aim, and shoot a gun (which ANYONE can be trained to do), there is nothing to be afraid of. It's only "extreme" or "dangerous" if you don't know what you're doing.
  • MissNombril
    A rottweiler and / or an amstaff...

    ... and my cell phone in case I have some physical problem alone.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    As someone who lives in the UK this thread is really quite odd to me! Most the things mentioned on this thread for protection are illegal in the UK. You can't carry a gun, and pepper spray and knives are classed as offensive weapons, so it is illegal to carry those too. Even some of the breeds of dog mentioned on this thread are illegal in the UK

    I run with my phone, but only in case I fall over. I'd never be able to get it out my pocket if I were attacked.

    So glad I'm not the only person who was thinking this!!!
  • misssuperstitious
    I needed to read this - I'm new to running, and have been running my neighbourhood at night, though there is one road in particular that is dark and there are few houses. I never wear headphones if I run at night, and I carry my cellphone. I also try to avoid running by a parked car - someone could be hiding behind it waiting for me to run past. I will usually cross the road and run on the other side. I don't tell anyone that I am going running, though, and that's silly. It would be hours before anyone knew I hadn't returned. I'm going to make sure I do something about that. I will try to find a running partner, too.

    Gun laws in Canada are very tight - so no firearm for me. My Dad suggested carrying spray paint some years back, so that the would-be attacker was marked if he tried to attack. But, this is making the assumption that I was able to escape and/or that I was able to get to the paint in time.

    Some years ago, A girl I know was running during the day along a trail that's fairly well traveled. She wore headphones and got 'clotheslined' by a guy as she ran past him. She was sexually assaulted though managed to eventually free herself and flag down a passing vehicle.

    THIS is why I started this thread, and I'm glad to see it active again. Now I feel more comfortable saying that I also carry while running. S&W .38, with a Pistolwear holster. For the man that asked, they are nice, I use the belly style. But I have a bad back, and strapping it across my lower back can get annoying. I'd like to find something I could wear under my left armpit, but that would be hard to conceal.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Flame thrower!!!
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    I usually just run with my iPod and keys, I don't actually have a phone but when I do i'll probably run with that.
    If i'm running on a less populated street at night, I usually take one of my headphones out so I can hear what's going on around me. I'd never run anyway that wasn't well lit but I don't really get that scared running in the dark although I much prefer morning runs.
  • zensec08
    iam muay thai fighter and can handle myself very well on the street but even i carry cs spray this day and age sad to say but u just gotta carry somthing on these runs