Please explain: HOW do you make it fit your calories?

lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
edited March 2016 in Food and Nutrition
Lots of people say you can eat any food you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal. I understand the concept but How, in reality, do you do this? Please be specific. For example:

Potato chips & dip. If you eat 10 chips and a spoonful of dip, do you throw out the rest?

A package of cinnamon rolls. You have one or split one, do you let the rest go to waste? Even if I planned one per day, which I don't necessarily want to do, they would go stale first.

A glass of wine at home-do you keep the unused portion of the bottle on hand for weeks or months, then throw it out when it gets too old?

A cake or pie-you have one small piece that you want, then throw out the rest?
A loaf of homemade bread, you have one or two slices then the rest goes stale?

There are only two of us & we're both watching what and how much we eat, so its not like I would just nibble off a stash that someone else will eat up.

Helpful suggestions only, please. No sarcasm and no attacks. Thx.


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Most of those things stay fresh for a few days.

    I also eat less packaged food and shop less in volume.
    Use the freezer to break packs into smaller quantities you can prepare as needed.
    Or buy smaller packages?

    Or, I'll prep and freeze food.

    But yes, some wastage does occur. With planning, I try to keep it to a minimum.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Well, I have wine frequently, so I never need to throw any out, I drink it over a few days. Actually, I've been working on a box of wine for a month now and it still tastes just as good as the day I poured my first glass. For desserts, I usually don't have them at home and will save for when we go out to eat. Why would you throw out chips? Just close the bag and put the rest of the dip in the fridge for next time. Cinnamon rolls, you can always freeze the rest. You can freeze bread as well. Just think about it, I'm sure that you could actually come up with of these solutions as well. It really isn't that difficult to figure out.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited March 2016
    Most of those things stay fresh for a few days.

    I also eat less packaged food and shop less in volume.
    Use the freezer to break packs into smaller quantities you can prepare as needed.
    Or buy smaller packages?

    Or, I'll prep and freeze food.

    But yes, some wastage does occur. With planning, I try to keep it to a minimum.

    Yep, all of this, or my husband eats the rest!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I freeze things like cake and bread that I will want to eat later.

    Wine boxes are great for people who don't want a whole bottle of wine. They stay good for 4 weeks once they are opened and they come in different sizes. I know wine in a box has a terrible reputation, but there has been fantastic progress in the quality recently.

  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    If you simply do not care what KIND of weight you lose, then that would be correct. If however you would prefer that most of the weight loss comes from FAT, then no, you need to keep carbs below 100 grams/day. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Lots of people say you can eat any good you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal. I understand the concept but How, in reality, do you do this? Please be specific. For example:
    Potato chips & dip. If you eat 10 chips and a spoonful of dip, do you throw out the rest?
    A package of cinnamon rolls. You have one or split one, fo you let the rest go to waste?
    A glass of wine at home-do you keep the unused portion of the bottle on hand for weeks or months, then throw it out when it gets too old?
    A cake or pie-you have one small piece that you want, then throw out the rest?
    A loaf of homemade bread, you have one or two slices then the rest goes stale?
    There are only two of us & we're both watching what and how much we eat, do its not like I would just nibble off a stash that someone else will eat up.

    Helpful suggestions only, please. No sarcasm and no attacks. Thx.

    Of those, the only ones I eat are pie and, rarely, bread. I tend to make pie for a dinner party or holiday get-together or such and so have people to share it with. Bread, I'd make it and have a piece a night, and I'd make a smaller loaf.

    Common indulgences for me:

    ice cream -- very easy to keep in the refrigerator and measure out.

    cheese -- same, plus I buy small amounts

    chocolate -- I buy a little piece of high quality chocolate from a local lunch place that has chocolates from all over the world

    pizza -- I make a thin crust at home or go out to eat with friends and share or eat half of a small (I get thin crust in an Italian restaurant most commonly) and either bring the rest home or (often, since I don't like taking leftovers to the theater or concert) accept the wastefulness

    Indian food -- no interest in discipline so I do it about once a month and combine it with a long weekend workout (great pre half marathon meal, IME)

    Ideas for the things you mentioned: can you buy smaller quantities or individual cinnamon rolls? Wine: have it when you go out to dinner, although with two people you could get a half bottle or share one bottle over two or three nights (or just accept the waste and use it for cooking). Disclaimer: Part of the reason I don't drink wine anymore is two people finishing up a bottle seems like moderation to me, and I still sucked at it.

    Chips -- they save well and come in smaller bags, make dip at home and in smaller quantities
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 701 Member
    I have a box of tagalongs. I eat one or two cookies a day or every other day until the box is empty. For wine, I'll have one 5-oz glass once every few days until the bottle is gone. No need to throw anything away. Most things will be fine as long as you keep them in sealed bags or tupperware and/or in the fridge, depending on what it is. For baked goods, anything you think you won't be able to eat before it goes stale, put in the freezer.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    It depends on how shelf-stable the food is. If the food can last a while without tasting stale or going bad, then I'll keep some at home and portion out what I want whenever I can fit it in. If the food will go bad quickly, I'll either try to find a smaller portion of it at the grocery store (a gourmet cupcake instead of a full cake, a cheesecake container that only has 4 pieces instead of 12, a smaller wine bottle instead of a larger one), make it myself and only make a small portion (a ton of my recipe searches are along the lines of "xyz food 1-2 servings"), freeze the uneaten portion or get the food I want in frozen form, or only get it when I am eating out.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    edited March 2016
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Lots of people say you can eat any good you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal. I understand the concept but How, in reality, do you do this? Please be specific. For example:
    Potato chips & dip. If you eat 10 chips and a spoonful of dip, do you throw out the rest?
    A package of cinnamon rolls. You have one or split one, fo you let the rest go to waste?
    A glass of wine at home-do you keep the unused portion of the bottle on hand for weeks or months, then throw it out when it gets too old?
    A cake or pie-you have one small piece that you want, then throw out the rest?
    A loaf of homemade bread, you have one or two slices then the rest goes stale?
    There are only two of us & we're both watching what and how much we eat, do its not like I would just nibble off a stash that someone else will eat up.

    Helpful suggestions only, please. No sarcasm and no attacks. Thx.

    Common indulgences for me:

    ice cream -- very easy to keep in the refrigerator and measure out.

    Doesn't it get melty? ;)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited March 2016
    This is how I do it:
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Potato chips & dip. If you eat 10 chips and a spoonful of dip, do you throw out the rest?

    I'll talk about pretzels because the rest of my family will eat up chips while they won't eat pretzels, which I prefer. Anyway, they last quite awhile. I just seal up the bag and eat some whenever I want them. On a rare occasion (SuperBowl, birthday parties, maybe on a holiday) I get the smallest container of my favorite dip. I eat it that day and then use a tablespoon or two until it's gone. I think it's only 4 ounces so it doesn't last long.

    A package of cinnamon rolls. You have one or split one, do you let the rest go to waste? Even if I planned one per day, which I don't necessarily want to do, they would go stale first.


    A glass of wine at home-do you keep the unused portion of the bottle on hand for weeks or months, then throw it out when it gets too old?

    N/A. I don't drink wine. I drink beer but a 6 pack generally lasts me 6 weeks.

    A cake or pie-you have one small piece that you want, then throw out the rest?

    This is my most challenging food. I've written before that I am kind of cuckoo about homemade chocolate cake. I usually have a slice or two the day of the party (we only have it for birthdays or holidays) and then a slice the next day. Then that night I go put it in either my car or my husband's so that it goes to work where the office vultures will eat it.

    A loaf of homemade bread, you have one or two slices then the rest goes stale?

    N/A for homemade bread. But sometimes we make homemade hot pretzels and on those nights I just eat them. No logging. It happens maybe twice a year so I don't worry about it.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Lots of people say you can eat any good you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal. I understand the concept but How, in reality, do you do this? Please be specific. For example:
    Potato chips & dip. If you eat 10 chips and a spoonful of dip, do you throw out the rest?
    A package of cinnamon rolls. You have one or split one, fo you let the rest go to waste?
    A glass of wine at home-do you keep the unused portion of the bottle on hand for weeks or months, then throw it out when it gets too old?
    A cake or pie-you have one small piece that you want, then throw out the rest?
    A loaf of homemade bread, you have one or two slices then the rest goes stale?
    There are only two of us & we're both watching what and how much we eat, do its not like I would just nibble off a stash that someone else will eat up.

    Helpful suggestions only, please. No sarcasm and no attacks. Thx.

    Common indulgences for me:

    ice cream -- very easy to keep in the refrigerator and measure out.

    Doesn't it get melty? ;)

    Heh, oops.

    Make that freezer!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I'm lucky, I used to love sweets when I was a kid, but I lost my taste for sugar pretty young. So a package of cinnamon rolls, I won't even think twice, don't want one, yuck. Show me some white cheddar popcorn, or salt and vinegar potato chips, and it's another story. And that's not so bad, a small bag of chips is only 450 calories, it's Indian food for dinner, rich buttery curry sauce, lots of rice, etc, bam!, that's a 1,500+ calorie meal.

    Obviously portion size is important, and I can't have that Indian food very often. The 99 cent bag of chips instead of the big family size bag. No dip, chips are already junk food. (Sorry.) For other stuff, we'll split a bag into zip locks or tupperware, measured out with a food scale, good snack portions, and the rest will keep for a while. And anyway, you have to decide whether your priority is to lose weight or to not waste food, sometimes they'll be at odds.

    Pay attention, notice what foods and snacks are most filling on the least calories. Eat more of them and you'll have more leeway to snack.

    Also: I did a 57 mile bike ride on Saturday, burning 1,850 calories in the process. Yesterday we needed groceries and I hate driving so I walked. Exercise is great for this for two reasons: (1) you earn back more calories if you want them, and (2) it keeps you busy, you don't focus on being hungry when you're out doing something.
  • hallycat
    hallycat Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2016
    If something is a trigger food that you would overeat if it was in your house then don't bring it in the house. For instance, if you want ice cream, go to a good ice cream parlor and have real, homemade type ice cream. Have a human portion. Pie or cake? Go to a good bakery or cafe and get a piece of pie or cake. Enjoy it.
    Chips, if you can't control yourself buy a single portion bag and enjoy.

    Let's face it. It would be great if you could have one or two cookies, or a glass of wine, or a few chips, etc etc but not everyone is wired that way. Face it and stop sabotaging yourself by bringing those things home.

    I can have wine at home. I can have chips at home. I don't really care for cake or cookies enough to bother with them. Ice Cream......I keep it out of the house. Peanut Butter, nope. I will eat the entire container with a spoon over a few days.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I eat things over several days.

    Chips and dip - have 1oz chips and however much dip today, repeat tomorrow and until gone
    Cookies - 2 every day and hope my husband doesn't eat the last one when I have budgeted for it
    Cake - free for all. GET THAT OUT OF MY HOUSE!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP most of what you've mentioned I think is manageable to consume in a reasonable amount of time, or freeze for later, or I would purchase something in a single serving if the other options didn't work.

    Wine - I have a glass or two a night. If I didn't think it was still good for drinking before I used up the bottle, I might try to cook with it, but this has never been a theory I needed to put to the test. ;)

    Chips and dip - yeah, I would put the bag back in the pantry and the dip in the fridge for later. I buy single servings of Wholly Guacamole since guac tends to turn brown once exposed to air. Hummus and pita chips I eat one or two servings of hummus and a single serving of pita chips and put the rest away. I don't really do other types of chips and dips.

    Bread and baked goods can be frozen.

    A package of cinnamon rolls - are we talking the Pillsbury kind that comes in a can? They have one that has 5 rolls in it, that's pretty manageable for 2 people I would think.

    Cake and Pie can be challenging, which is why I would probably try to find a place that sells individual servings and just buy those, if you don't want to bake and then take the leftovers to work or something.
  • navychickpensfan
    navychickpensfan Posts: 25 Member
    It is mostly only me at home when my daughter is off at college. I take food that I don't want to waste to work. My coworkers eat everything! If I want fresh baked chocolate chip cookies or anything else that makes more than one serving I will put away a few (enough for a few days) and bring the rest to work. They love me for it and it keeps me from eating them all.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    My freezer is ridiculously stuffed, so I second that suggestion. Also: mug cakes. They're quick, delicious and single-serving. There are recipes for just about any flavors you like.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited March 2016
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Lots of people say you can eat any food you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal. I understand the concept but How, in reality, do you do this? Please be specific. For example:

    Potato chips & dip. If you eat 10 chips and a spoonful of dip, do you throw out the rest?

    A package of cinnamon rolls. You have one or split one, do you let the rest go to waste? Even if I planned one per day, which I don't necessarily want to do, they would go stale first.

    A glass of wine at home-do you keep the unused portion of the bottle on hand for weeks or months, then throw it out when it gets too old?

    A cake or pie-you have one small piece that you want, then throw out the rest?
    A loaf of homemade bread, you have one or two slices then the rest goes stale?

    There are only two of us & we're both watching what and how much we eat, so its not like I would just nibble off a stash that someone else will eat up.

    Helpful suggestions only, please. No sarcasm and no attacks. Thx.

    Cook smaller portions.
    Buy smaller portions.
    Share with others- spouse, children, party, take to work or school
    Refrigerate, freeze or throw things away.
    Make or buy lower calorie versions so you can eat more.

    Potato chips do not go bad upon being opened. I put them in a sealed container or baggie. You can buy snack size bags instead of a big bag.
    Dip can be refrigerated for quite awhile. If it is homemade, make less.
    Cinnamon rolls- I don't buy a package of prebaked rolls. Buy an individual roll or bake what you need. Buy or make larger amounts when you have more people to feed.
    Cake- you can make half a recipe or half of a mix. You can order a slice of cake at a restaurant. You can go to a cupcake store and buy individual cupcakes these days.
    Pie- buy or make a smaller pie or share with others, order a slice of pie at a restaurant.
    You can freeze bread. You can make smaller loaves or make rolls Nd freeze the excess. You can also give it away.
    I don't drink wine. I drink water or tea. Order a glass of wine at a bar or restaurant instead of having a bottle at home. Have wine when you have guests.
    Buy a scoop of ice cream instead of a gallon bucket.
    Change what you eat/drink if it isn't worth it to you. Buy foods that don't go bad as quickly. Shop differently. is useful for learning how long foods will keep.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    I have two teen boys. I take what I want, then step away before I lose a hand. :p
  • ashleyjongepier
    ashleyjongepier Posts: 130 Member
    Normally my hubs eats the left overs, however now that hes counting cals too, what works for us is either freezing the left overs if possible, calorie bank so we can eat all the chips and dip or have the treat when people are over.

    I LOVE to bake, but if I bake we have a lot of goodies, we eat our allotted share then drop the rest off at the in laws or with neighbors.