Looking for tall gal pals!


I'm 5'11" with a large frame and working on getting down to about 170. I've done this before, but the last two years of my life have been pretty intense, so my health has taken a back burner to everything else, and my weight has crept up to 200 again.

I'd to add find some tall gals with similar goals for motivation and support. Any tallies out there?!



  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    I'm 5'10"! :D
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    5'10" here.
  • clodelirey
    clodelirey Posts: 1 Member
    5'11" here. Working on getting down to 165.
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    It's nice to connect with you all! Does anyone mind if I add you?
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    5'10" here. Feel free to add
  • bonitas
    bonitas Posts: 6 Member
    At 5'8" I feel very tall around all my 5foot friends.
  • suzmom23
    suzmom23 Posts: 16 Member
    5"10, too! I am trying to get down to about 160 from 199.
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    I just started with calorie restriction on Monday and am planning on sticking to 1200 calories a day for the first week or two just to get used to it again. I'm also doing heavy lifting 3 times a week, and I live in a walkable town, so I try to walk whenever possible.

    What are your daily calorie goals, and how are you reaching your weight loss goals?
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    I'm trying to stick to 1350 right now (weird number, I know). I'm also hoping to get back on the exercise wagon. It's been months since I've worked out :/ I'm thinking 3-4 times a week should be do-able, but I'd like to get up to 5 times a week. Nothing too crazy or intense, since I work out at home.

    Thanks for the add, aubintex! ^^
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal is 2000 a day and I've. Been losing a pound a month eating that. Probably switching to 1800 tomorrow though because I would like to lose 5 pounds in the next 2 months before I go to Vegas.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I am 5'9" - 5'10" depending on how straight I stand or time of day I think. I am a big build, UK size 9 feet which is US size 11 I think. My goal is 175lb which is as low as I have ever got in past. I have a lot to lose to get there.
  • dme0611
    dme0611 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'10 175 lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'9'' and 137 down from 199. Feel free to add me.
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    ObesityWarrior, I'm in the big foot club, too! I'm US size 12.
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    Right hurr. I'm 5'10", got around 50 more lbs to lose
  • bettina274
    bettina274 Posts: 59 Member
    5'10" here, was down to 173 last fall and now at around 185...Would like to go back to 175, add me if you like, also on Fitbit. I'll take all the support I can get
  • Anabbee
    Anabbee Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'11 and have about 20lbs to lose. My goal is 180 lbs, and I'm really trying to improve my fitness. Feel free to add me too:)
  • steelridgekennel
    steelridgekennel Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'8, Currently 327. Wanting to get down to around 170-180 (small goals through out) I'd be happy to have more friends!
  • aqsa_1804
    aqsa_1804 Posts: 11 Member
    Im 5 ft 8
    Currently 220
    Goal 150
  • lrr33
    lrr33 Posts: 28 Member
    Add this tallie!!