100+ pound weight-loss goal seeking accountability buddies!



  • Piperx222
    Piperx222 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I'm a work from home mom of 2. Lost a lot in the past before having my kids and now am back at it. I have about 80 left to go. Always looking for people with similar goals to join me!
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    Hey all. Day 3 into this. I have 100lbs to lose. My older sister is doing great so far and has really inspired me and she too is on here. I feel really great so far and am enjoying the feeling of what actual "hunger" feels like in my stomach. Been a long time since I let that feeling happen. My 12 year old son is a Type 1 Diabetic and I can no longer let him have an unhealthy mom. He needs me and my healthy choices, so here I am.
  • flosoup38
    flosoup38 Posts: 71 Member
    I want to be 140 and have just under 100 to lose. Busy working mum of 2 boys and it's time I fixed me! Please add me
  • dacarve
    dacarve Posts: 9 Member
    Add me :-) we can try our best to keep each other on track!
  • vegas518
    vegas518 Posts: 16 Member
    You can add me! I have 103 pounds to go to meet my goal weight. :)
  • jmlf4
    jmlf4 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi to everyone! I am in the same boat with everyone...need to lose 100lbs myself. Stay at home mom of 5 and can't find time or motivation most days...life is crazy hectic..so need the support and certainly support those on this journey. Feel free to add me
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I still have well over 100lb to lose, 295lb at last check starting from 330lb, aiming at 175lb or less
  • laurieemorgan4
    laurieemorgan4 Posts: 2 Member
    I have right around 100 lbs to lose too. I'm going to be 40 later this year. Recently needed to go gluten free - within the past few weeks due to an intolerance that developed. It is in everything soit has been a big change. Definitely looking to give and get support on both fronts!
  • WA_mama2
    WA_mama2 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 70lbs through a planned 130lb loss. I'd love to be friends with some other ladies with higher loss goals!
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I'm 37, started at 306 lbs, and am down 40 pounds. Have another 80-90 pounds to go & would love to have more support!

    And Ive been up & down the scale so many times. So i understand that struggle. I'm really wanting this to be "it", you know!
  • ashatwell87
    ashatwell87 Posts: 125 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me I am very active on MFP!
  • nadia6584
    nadia6584 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm 33 need to lose 90lbs
  • Jericha1992
    Jericha1992 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 23. My original goal was 100 pounds. Down 32 pounds from heaviest weight (was 50, but then I got a stressful job and slipped for a year and a half or so).

    Anyway, started off at 240 and am currently at 208. :)
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    I am in the same boat. In the past I yo yo diet but trying to make a life change and not do that again. I have 141 to loose but lost 40lbs since January. I also am gluten free. Feel free to add me.
  • BlueBlueHairdoo
    BlueBlueHairdoo Posts: 2 Member
    29. Have just over 100lbs to lose, trasitioning back to GF. Had my first child almost 9 moths ago, so she keeps me busy and is my main motivation to lose weight. Would love some like-minded friends!
  • XanManMom
    XanManMom Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a 35 year old married mother of one with a full time job. I started my weight loss journey 1 month ago with the goal to lose right at 100lbs. So far I am down 17lbs. The road is tough and the struggle is real but MFP had made a huge difference for me. I would love more friends to take this journey with. Please feel free to add me!
  • megslc21
    megslc21 Posts: 9 Member
    Please add me! I had 205lbs to lose, 150 to go but been stagnant lately. Need some motivation!

    I am 35, work insane hours at my job and need to be reminded to keep a balance with time for my health. I am on a plan from my dr for lower carb high protein and low calorie. Tough to do when hardly home!

    Would love some new friends for support, encouragement and tips!
  • cyt0kine
    cyt0kine Posts: 4 Member
    28, Started in January my goal is to lose 100 lbs
    Been on here for about a month now and making nice progress. Feel free to add me
  • Mandylou2014
    Mandylou2014 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 38 and have 120 lbs to lose. I am already 30 down. This is a hard journey. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend and we ca help each other
  • caitibugaloo
    caitibugaloo Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Caiti. I am 23 and I have struggled with my weight since I could comprehend it was something to worry about. The highest weight I have gotten to was 382lbs, but right now I am at 346lbs. My ultimate goal is just to get below 200lbs. It honestly seems kind of impossible because I can barely remember being under 300lbs, but I am very motivated and have finally found a lifestyle that works for me. I am a Trim Healthy Mama. If you don't know what that means, feel free to ask me, but most of the recipes are gluten free and low carb.