Seeking Keto and Low-carb friends

VividVegan Posts: 200 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, you can call me Kris (everyone does, even employers lol). Long story short, I've had epilepsy since childhood. I used to be overweight but lost over 50 pounds by cutting down/out on the junk/processed foods along with some resistance exercise. It went quite well. Until I was recently put on a Ketogenic diet for my epilepsy (to hopefully reduce seizure activity). The problem? I'm new to this. I need guidance. I need food diary examples to get a more accurate idea, and same goes for exercises. And it would be great to have some Keto or low carb MFP buddies to motivate me through this interesting yet unexpected (and challenging) change. I'm 24 years old female 5'7 and 128 pounds. My goal was and still is to become leaner.


  • weighthunter1
    weighthunter1 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome to keto! You can feel free to look at my diary and ask any questions. Been at if for a while and love it. Reddit also has a great keto community!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @FeedMeFish I recommend you request membership in the Low Carb group below. If it does not work for you at a click of a button you can remove yourself.

    1.5 years ago I took myself off of sugar and all forms of grains cold turkey looking for joint and muscle pain relief. After 30 days my subjective pain level was down from 7-8 to 2-3 so I kept doing it only to learn about LCHF/keto later. As a side effect it has lower my weight to 200 pounds (250 at max) and maintained it for one year now. After six months my IBS resolved and I could go on as why I keep eating this way.

    Nearly 100 years ago this way of eating was about the only treatment for epilepsy that worked well.

    Not that yours should be like mine but my macro is 5% carbs, 15% and 80% fats so I stay in a state of nutritional ketosis so my ketone levels run .5 to 3 most of the time. I get most of my carbs from nuts, cheese, coconut flakes, etc. Too much protein will knock me out of ketosis since about half of protein gets converted to glucose so I keep that in the 70-90 gram range daily so I have to watch loading up on meats. Heavy Whipping Cream, coconut oil, eggs, bacon, etc gives me a lot of fats.

    The hidden carbs (sugar) are in so most food especially if processed and that gave me a fit and can still some days.

    I was 63 at the time and was losing my mobility fast and the doctors scheduled me to start on Enbrel injections the first of NOV 2014 and that was my driving force and the reason I went cold turkey off sugar and all forms of grains the first of Oct 2014.

    Best of success and I really think it can work for you. My meds over the years wrecked my gut health and more. I was concerned about cancer from Enbrel in my weakened state. You will like the people on the forum above I think. Some are young like you and some are even older me (65).
  • Nifesie
    Nifesie Posts: 25 Member
    Please join us at! Tons of information to be found, a great community, and plenty of links filled with information. Read the FAQ and other things. Also! Use this calculator: It will help you find your macros. Put your activity to sedentary and I put my protein to the middle that they recommend. Go with a deficit anywhere between 20% and 24%.

    I started keto this last Monday, so the 4th will be my first whole week, but I have friends who have been eating this way for 5+ years. Feel free to add me if you’d like! I have my diary open so you can see what I eat. And I also have a Pinterest with keto foods! Here you go:

    And keep an eye on your electrolytes! At minimum, you’ll want to consume 5,000mg sodium, 1,000mg potassium, and 300mg magnesium.