Am I the only person that thinks...



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yes lets blame the big bad corrperation for the obesity problem,just one more way to not take reponsability for ourselves IMO
    I take my kids to McDonalds every now and then and they never even end up wanting to eat the food,and they pay absolutly no attention to the video games just go crazy on the slides and stuff. I would rather take my kids to Mc.Donalds than say Chuckie Cheese where pretty much all they have is video games.Even my 4 year old knows McDonalds is not food you want to eat on a regular does she know this....I taught her
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    oh geez! I had NO idea they were doing that now. Figures. Fast food and video games/excessive tv is whats wrong with us.

    No whats wrong with us is parents using these things as babysitters
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I worked at Mcdonalds for over 4 years, I'm not a parent, but just watching the kids it's amazing how much they really don't want to eat the food and would just rather play on the playland. Like someone else said, the food may be unhealthy, but parents are the buffer between children and these unhealthy food choices that are available.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    McDonalds is not "over the top" for meeting the demands of their customers. That's what businesses do in an economy based on capitalism. If parents would get off their lazy *kitten* and teach their children how to make responsible, healthy food choices, as well as the benefits of exercise, instead of using fast food restaurants and toys and video games as a way to get their kids to shut the hell up, McDonald's wouldn't be doing stuff like this. They aren't targeting children with play areas and video games and Happy Meals; they're targeting lazy parents who don't know and don't care how to properly raise their children.

    And to the parents who occasionally take their kids to McDonald's, I have no problem with that. My parents did the same when I was growing up, but we knew it was not an everyday thing and that we were not going to be stopping there every time we drove past. My mom cooked three meals a day 90% of the time. Eating out, even at fast food places, was rare. It's just the parents who feed their kids fast food every day and then whine about restaurants contributing to childhood obesity who piss me off. Take some responsibility for the decisions you make, ESPECIALLY when they endanger the well-being of your children.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    oh geez! I had NO idea they were doing that now. Figures. Fast food and video games/excessive tv is whats wrong with us.

    No whats wrong with us is parents using these things as babysitters

  • maggiedcs
    maggiedcs Posts: 22 Member
  • maggiedcs
    maggiedcs Posts: 22 Member
    Mickey D's is not evil. It's also not a choice we make very often...
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    oh geez! I had NO idea they were doing that now. Figures. Fast food and video games/excessive tv is whats wrong with us.

    No whats wrong with us is parents using these things as babysitters
    Hello xbox 360!
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    it amazes me that during the "obesity epidemic" these *kitten* things are actually allowed in mcdonalds, we should be trying to change the childrens views!

    McDonald's sole reason for existence is to make money and these things help them do that. Its not their fault or the fault of any governing authority that these are available. Its up to the PARENT to say no to their child. Its really very simple - only one syllable. The obesity epidemic could easily be remedied if more parent's would learn to say that word.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    The third pic looks like the poor kid would be decapitated coming of the slide.

    And by the way, a little economics lesson; we vote with our $$$.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

    EXACTLY!!! My kids know when I say "No" that means "No" - there is no bargaining with me. I'm tired of people blaming the big bad corporation when it's their duty as a parent to make healthy choices for their kid. I'm not saying I've never taken my kids to Micky D's, I sure have. What I am saying is they know that is not an everyday meal choice and they know how to make healthy choices based on what I've taught them. In fact my son orders water (not soda) when gramma takes them out to eat.

    I WISH! my 18 month old is already obsessed with soda pop. when he's at his grandma's that's all they drink and grandma will come home with her fountain drink from some where (it's usually mostly water with a little soda flavor) and lets him have it if he hasn't misbehaved, now every time i have a cup with a straw he throws a fit "pop pop POP!" :screams and cries: i pretend to put it in his cup with juice in it and that usually fools him for a few minutes.
    not trying to call you out or anything, but when he throws a fit and you give in to him, its just teaching the kiddo to throw fits because mommy will give in. I have a 4 yr old, if i gave in to every tantrum he threw, he'd be a spoiled brat. You need to let grandmaw know that you dont want your child to have it, and she needs to respect your wishes.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

    EXACTLY!!! My kids know when I say "No" that means "No" - there is no bargaining with me. I'm tired of people blaming the big bad corporation when it's their duty as a parent to make healthy choices for their kid. I'm not saying I've never taken my kids to Micky D's, I sure have. What I am saying is they know that is not an everyday meal choice and they know how to make healthy choices based on what I've taught them. In fact my son orders water (not soda) when gramma takes them out to eat.

    I WISH! my 18 month old is already obsessed with soda pop. when he's at his grandma's that's all they drink and grandma will come home with her fountain drink from some where (it's usually mostly water with a little soda flavor) and lets him have it if he hasn't misbehaved, now every time i have a cup with a straw he throws a fit "pop pop POP!" :screams and cries: i pretend to put it in his cup with juice in it and that usually fools him for a few minutes.
    not trying to call you out or anything, but when he throws a fit and you give in to him, its just teaching the kiddo to throw fits because mommy will give in. I have a 4 yr old, if i gave in to every tantrum he threw, he'd be a spoiled brat. You need to let grandmaw know that you dont want your child to have it, and she needs to respect your wishes.

    Sometimes its also about picking your battles and saving your sanity. Also remember every child is different. I was WARNED by my pediatrician that Lenix is developmentally advanced and incredibly logical and its true! Im not just bragging! So sometimes he does things and I cant truly punish him because it was completly logical! Also, I would rather let him have a sucker in the store and get my grocery shopping done then listen to th screaming or pay a baby sitter to grocery shop. And its rude to fellow customers to let him scream at the top of his lungs. And I didnt start the sucker habit! Im a dental assistant theres alot of things (even bad ones) id rather give my son then suckers, but it works!