First day "running" tales



  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    I started a C25K program back in August 2014 at about 230lbs and 44 years old having never run farther than a 9th grade gym teacher made me run. The first 60 seconds were seemingly impossible. I don't remember feeling sore necessarily but realized how far I had to go if I was going to keep this running thing up.

    The best thing about the C25K program for me is that it keeps progressing. I just had to keep up :) I did repeat a couple of weeks if I felt like I couldn't do the next one, but only once. I trusted the program.

    I planned for my first 5k in early November of 2014. I didn't run the whole thing and I came in second to last but only because this very nice 70 year old man ran backwards for part of it, encouraging me, and intentionally letting me cross the finish line before him.

    In March of this year I ran my first half marathon! Sadly along the way in my half marathon training I developed plantar fasciitis. I haven't been able to run (although I'm biking and using the elliptical) since that race, and I really miss it! I can't believe I'm now "that person" who says she misses running, but it's true!

    Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of running. It sometimes sucks, but you're gonna love it!

    Congratulations on how far you've come and thank you for sharing. I am always thankful for people like that man in your race who help a stranger (or friend) keep going. I hope you are able to run again soon!

    Thanks @TriShamelessly! and a half ironman! Dang! That's some serious dedication. well done!
    rbfdac wrote: »
    If you saw my status yesterday, I went from running 30 seconds and now I can do 8 minutes. Just keep at it! it's gonna suck some days and you might need to repeat some weeks, but don't quit!

    You were part of my inspiration to go ahead and get out there, @rbfdac :)
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    A year ago when I did C25K, I remember not even making it through the first workout and feeling so frustrated. Stuck with it, going to run a marathon in November (and have completed 5 other road races and a half marathon)! Keep going, it gets easier!

    yay!! stories like this give me more hope and incentive to keep going. I hope you have an awesome race in November!!
  • swheeler0602
    swheeler0602 Posts: 110 Member
    I started C25K last week and did day 1...I thought I was going to fall flat on my face. I did it on an indoor track and was of course, self-conscious about how I looked but got over that after half way through. But I haven't ran in about 8 years so I realized, somehow, that I forgot how to run. I was tilting my body forward and had to correct myself or I would have been on the floor!

    I also struggled with the 60 seconds, after the first one, but then the app reminded me: it doesn't matter how fast you go, you are at least going faster than those sitting on the couch.
  • annettemoe
    annettemoe Posts: 11 Member
    I am brand new to this running thing...My body hurts, I don't breath correctly, and I seriously hate it...but I also know it will come to the point where the pride in the accomplishment, the pride in my strength (both physical and mental), and the joy of running is going to be the well as being able to share how challenging it was in the beginning for another. All of the responses have helped me so much and I am proud to be a newbie to this thing called running! Sparkly...if you need a newbie friend, please consider me! Good for you for starting and also good for you for asking for help!
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    I started C25K last week and did day 1...I thought I was going to fall flat on my face. I did it on an indoor track and was of course, self-conscious about how I looked but got over that after half way through. But I haven't ran in about 8 years so I realized, somehow, that I forgot how to run. I was tilting my body forward and had to correct myself or I would have been on the floor!

    I also struggled with the 60 seconds, after the first one, but then the app reminded me: it doesn't matter how fast you go, you are at least going faster than those sitting on the couch.

    I don't even want to think about my form at this point lol mostly want to focus on not dying ;) thanks for sharing and good luck with your C25K journey, too!
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    annettemoe wrote: »
    I am brand new to this running thing...My body hurts, I don't breath correctly, and I seriously hate it...but I also know it will come to the point where the pride in the accomplishment, the pride in my strength (both physical and mental), and the joy of running is going to be the well as being able to share how challenging it was in the beginning for another. All of the responses have helped me so much and I am proud to be a newbie to this thing called running! Sparkly...if you need a newbie friend, please consider me! Good for you for starting and also good for you for asking for help!

    I'm loving all the responses as well. So glad that people who now run marathons, etc remember their first runs and are open to letting newbies like me hear about it. :D welcome to MFP, @annettemoe!
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Do not let your brain go into that self-conscious mode! I started running with C25K several years ago. It is a good program since you can repeat any sessions that you feel you need to. Falling down is just part of running! I fall frequently whether trail running or trying the nasty sidewalks in our area. Just get back up and keep going! No matter your pace you are accomplishing more that the person still sitting on the couch!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I couldn't run due to sore knees, so I walked. I started playing to break up the routine, it a GPS game that you must move araound to play. Well I started running from point to point and before I knew it, I became a runner. I now run almost daily and run in half marathons with no knee pain. Start slow and build, you will get to love it and crave the feeling. Good luck tomorrow.

    Don't get me started on Ingress... that game nearly ruined me LOL

    I can score 100k AP on my runs through a portal dence downtown. It really bugs the other players because I am the only player without a gas bill. After I get my miles up I have to stop playing so I can get a good run in the morning. When I focus on running alone I can get 30 miles a week in. Oh, I am going to hit level 15 this week too.
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I couldn't run due to sore knees, so I walked. I started playing to break up the routine, it a GPS game that you must move araound to play. Well I started running from point to point and before I knew it, I became a runner. I now run almost daily and run in half marathons with no knee pain. Start slow and build, you will get to love it and crave the feeling. Good luck tomorrow.

    oh dear.. I can't decide if I should or should not look at this. lol
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I did C25k last year after starting out walking on a local track- I thought I was going to die! Now, I can run for 2 hours straight and have a 10k, 5k, and half marathon planned for the year (so far!). I am still amazed how much my body can do and it is a great feeling. Keep it up and you will get there!

    Congratulations on taking the first steps and good luck on your journey!
  • mrsvanderheide
    mrsvanderheide Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting the C25K myself today! I will be starting on a treadmill as I live in a very hilly neighborhood. I do walk the neighborhood but I'd like to do the C25K indoors. Wish me luck! I'm a larger girl (size 16/18) with lots of weight to lose, however, I'm more focused on just getting healthier and stronger not the number!
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    I'm starting the C25K myself today! I will be starting on a treadmill as I live in a very hilly neighborhood. I do walk the neighborhood but I'd like to do the C25K indoors. Wish me luck! I'm a larger girl (size 16/18) with lots of weight to lose, however, I'm more focused on just getting healthier and stronger not the number!

    you go, girl! I'm by FAR not a dainty flower right now. I'm sure it will get easier as we get lighter and more in shape (besides round in my instance. hehe)

    I hear you on the hills. I'm at 6000' and in a hilly area. I stuck to the tiny elevation changes today
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    rsclause wrote: »

    I can score 100k AP on my runs through a portal dence downtown. It really bugs the other players because I am the only player without a gas bill. After I get my miles up I have to stop playing so I can get a good run in the morning. When I focus on running alone I can get 30 miles a week in. Oh, I am going to hit level 15 this week too.

    I stopped at level 15. I liked that it got me out and walking, but in my city there is a pretty nasty war between the factions, leading to a lot of ugly behavior. That got me too stressed out and I had to quit. If you can get past the other players' snarkiness, it's definitely a good game for getting out and moving.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @sparklyglitterbomb You have inspired me. I have decided to start C25K today. Did my first day on the treadmill at the work gym. Since I already have a little running under my belt, I found it fairly easy, but I know it'll get harder as time goes on. I figure this will be the best way to get me into 5K shape without giving me shin splints like I had issues with before.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Congratulations on getting started!

    “The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” -- John Bingham

    I just started running about 3.5 years ago using a pre-loaded interval program on my treadmill with intervals of 3 minutes walking on progressively steep incline followed by 1 minute of running progressively faster each minute from 4.5 to 6.0 mph because I decided I wanted to burn more calories faster.

    When I announced to my husband of 12 years that I was going to start running, he was baffled as he thought I'd been running on the treadmill all along when actually I had done the program for years and always bumped down the speed to a fast walk. I began by bumping down the speed after only a few seconds until weeks later, I could complete the program as designed and moved onto a program that had 8 minutes in a row at 5 mph which took me a few more weeks to complete.

    Then 2 years ago, I actually ran my first race and completed two more that year. Last year, I ran 18 races including 2 half-marathons, and so far this year, I've already run 14 races including 3 half marathons and have at least 15 more races scheduled.

    So, yes, it does get easier and way more fun! :) You've already done the hard part by getting started, so keep going!! I, who made my only C ever in school because I couldn't run a mile in High School PE class, now consider myself to be a runner. Now, that I know I can run, I'm working on getting faster!
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    @sparklyglitterbomb You have inspired me. I have decided to start C25K today. Did my first day on the treadmill at the work gym. Since I already have a little running under my belt, I found it fairly easy, but I know it'll get harder as time goes on. I figure this will be the best way to get me into 5K shape without giving me shin splints like I had issues with before.

    I don't think I've ever been told I inspired someone to run before! yay!!!
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    kluvit wrote: »
    Congratulations on getting started!

    “The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” -- John Bingham

    I just started running about 3.5 years ago using a pre-loaded interval program on my treadmill with intervals of 3 minutes walking on progressively steep incline followed by 1 minute of running progressively faster each minute from 4.5 to 6.0 mph because I decided I wanted to burn more calories faster.

    When I announced to my husband of 12 years that I was going to start running, he was baffled as he thought I'd been running on the treadmill all along when actually I had done the program for years and always bumped down the speed to a fast walk. I began by bumping down the speed after only a few seconds until weeks later, I could complete the program as designed and moved onto a program that had 8 minutes in a row at 5 mph which took me a few more weeks to complete.

    Then 2 years ago, I actually ran my first race and completed two more that year. Last year, I ran 18 races including 2 half-marathons, and so far this year, I've already run 14 races including 3 half marathons and have at least 15 more races scheduled.

    So, yes, it does get easier and way more fun! :) You've already done the hard part by getting started, so keep going!! I, who made my only C ever in school because I couldn't run a mile in High School PE class, now consider myself to be a runner. Now, that I know I can run, I'm working on getting faster!

    I love John Bingham.

    and thank you for sharing. These stories are going to be my motivation to keep going when I want to stop. Thank you and have fun in your races this year!