June -- Easy Biking Challenge



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Got my final 5 (and a little extra) in today :D
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Previous: 20.45 miles
    6/10-6/11: 12.9 miles

    Total: 33.35 miles

    Under 7 left for the whole month to meet this challenge!

    Great job everyone! Looks like a lot of us will make it to 40 pretty easy this month...maybe up the challenge next month?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    June 9th: 5.25 miles
    June 10th: 4.25 miles
    June 15th: 4.50 miles

    Total: 14 miles

    26 miles to go!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles

    Total: 49 Miles

    I missed a few cool beautiful days for riding this week due to working both of my jobs. It felt good to finally ride again last night.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    I took another ride last night around 10pm and it was GREAT.

    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 15th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles

    Total: 56 Miles

  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I cycle to work and back every day :smile:

    At the moment my total for June is: 82. By the time I get home tonight I will be on about 86 :smile:

    Great challenge though, it's amazing how addictive cycling is once you start!!!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Nice. I plan to start riding to work now that my daughter is out of school and home for the summer. It's only 1 mile to work so it's not much but I think 2 miles a day x 5 days a week x 4 weeks a month = 40 miles. I dunno the math but I bet that adds to a hella lot of calories spent. Not to mention, I would like to beef up my legs some cuz I am 6' 7" with a 38" inseam. Heh.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    You guys are doing so awesome! I would LOVE to bike to work, but sadly I work in Iowa & live in Illinois and have to take the Interstate to cross the Mississippi & there are no pedestrians/cyclists allowed on the bridge. :cry:

    So any biking I get done is purely leisurely.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Previous Miles: 33.35

    Current Miles Total: 42.85. Goal achieved! I will still keep updating. Everyone is doing great!
  • jewelstam
    jewelstam Posts: 25 Member
    I will join! We spent the day running errands around town on our bikes...19 miles. I know I have more miles logged for June but I can't remember at the moment so I will just go forward from here.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 15th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles
    June 17th - 7 Miles
    June 18th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)

    Total: 77 Miles
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 15th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles
    June 17th - 7 Miles
    June 18th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 19th - 8 Miles

    Total: 85 Miles
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Previous Miles: 42.85

    Today: 18 miles

    Total: 60.85 miles

    Today was the longest ride I've ever done & I loved it!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    VERY NICE, stamps! I would love to take an 18 mile ride but I riding at night after working 2 jobs..without a bike light. Uugh. Haha. Maybe this weekend I can get out for a longer excursion.

    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 15th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles
    June 17th - 7 Miles
    June 18th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 20th - 8 Miles
    June 21st - 9 Miles

    Total: 94 Miles
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Nice ride into work this AM. Very invigorating. Once I got to work I wish I had ridden even longer so I think I may be on to some thing here....!!! I have always been a morning person so maybe I should take a nice long ride prior to going into work. I took the long way around this AM so it's 2 miles instead of the quick route of 1 mile.

    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 15th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles
    June 17th - 7 Miles
    June 18th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 20th - 8 Miles
    June 21st - 9 Miles
    June 22nd - 8 Miles

    Total: 102 Miles
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332

    *crickets chirping*

    June 4th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 5th - 7 Miles
    June 6th - 7 Miles
    June 8th - 7 Miles
    June 9th - 7 Miles
    June 15th - 7 Miles
    June 16th - 7 Miles
    June 17th - 7 Miles
    June 18th - 14 Miles (7 miles 2x a day)
    June 20th - 8 Miles
    June 21st - 9 Miles
    June 22nd - 8 Miles
    June 23rd - 3 Miles

    Total: 105 Miles
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Ok, I know I'm late but I'm going to jump in on this one. I do already have bike time logged.

    June 18th - 16 miles

    Total: 16 miles
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    I'm definitely late to this one, but I think this is great!

    My goal for June cycling is 400 miles (I'm training for a century--100 mile ride--on July 9). You can see my progress ticker for the month in my signature. Keep up the good work everybody!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    :laugh: Love the Bueller comment! :laugh:

    Great job everyone! I need to get my biking done this weekend! I've been busy doing Jillians 30 day shred & then last night I started training for the 7 mile race I have on July 30th. So I logged 6 miles running last night! :bigsmile: I thought I was only going to do about 4, but felt so great I kept going a few more miles! Only one more & I could have done the whole course. But I turned around because the mile I turned around at (the halfway point of the course) is one heck of a killer couple of hills! UGH!

    So I was pretty proud of myself for running 6 miles last night! Now to get my biking done! :drinker:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    June 9th: 5.25 miles
    June 10th: 4.25 miles
    June 15th: 4.50 miles
    June 26th: 21.75 miles :bigsmile:

    Total: 35.75 miles

    Only 4.25 miles to go!