Why would you not weight lift while losing weight?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Agree that it's not so much that they don't think it's beneficial, but that it can be intimidating to start. I really wanted to get into lifting and had done some (more dumbbell and machine based, plus some circuit classes) before, years ago, but when I started getting back into shape it was much easier to go swim and bike and run, since I was very familiar with those activities and didn't feel like others were looking at me or judging me (running around the neighborhood fat never bothered me a bit). But with weights I worried about looking stupid, my form, someone saying I shouldn't be using the barbell, etc. Did it anyway and worked with a trainer some to get over it, but it was much more intimidating.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Yes, I think intimidation is a big part of it. The machines look complicated and it looks easy to hurt yourself or make a fool or yourself. A treadmill or elliptical is pretty simple to operate.

    When I was younger I would only do strength work if my husband would alternate sets with me. Now I do strength training at home. I still wouldn't be so thrilled about a public gym.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I think a lot of people just care about getting the weight off, and don't realize the benefits of strength training. They're more focused on creating large calorie deficits.

    t I've been lifting while "losing" but not losing any weight. I've lost over 6" though. It's frustrating to not see the scale budge. I find I get so oooo out of control hungry. I was thinking about stopping for a bit just to drop some fat.

    If the scale hasn't budged for quite awhile, it's because you're likely not in a calorie deficit. Sounds like a problem with your diet, not your exercise routine.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    If it works for you then do it.

    I'm definitely monitoring lean mass while losing, but I haven't been lifting, just cardio that has a resistance element and hitting a protein goal every day.

    For me cardio is relaxing...just turn off your brain, breathe and move while listening to music. Even better, get outside for it. Yeah, it can be boring, so I vary what I do, but still easy.

    Strength training? Have to figure out what to do, which equipment, is it available? If not then what? Skip it? Move to the next thing and come back? Find an alternate? Am I doing this right? etc. Then, bonus, DOMS to look forward too. So, yeah...putting that off. Know I "should" do it, not really looking forward to it. Who knows...maybe I'll like it if I really try.

    And while I do want to keep up my lean mass, the metabolism thing is a little over-hyped. Yes, having sufficient muscle to move through your day makes you feel better.

    If you lost 40 pounds while not eating enough protein and laying in bed the muscle atrophy would likely make you feel like heck, but with a likely loss of 1 pound of muscle for 3 pounds of fat the 10 pounds of missing muscle would only lower your BMR by about 100 calories a day. Not good, but not catastrophic either.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Coming as someone who doesn't lift and does cardio, it's a comfort thing. I am reasonably comfortable going into a gym and hitting the barbells, but to move into the rest, nope not comfortable. I also don't belong to a gym, and my apartment gym is definitely basic (treadmills, eliptical, 2 weight machines and barbells). I make plenty of excuses in my head "When I'm down to XXX pounds, I'll lift. Well my knees would probably kill me right now if I tried..." and I admit they are excuses because I do enjoy working with weights, it's a countable goal.
    I enjoy going for walks for cardio and it gives me a little wiggle room with my deficit while working on my cardiovascular health I do some body weight exercises and light (6pd) barbell weights at home to help at least pretend I'm not completely loosing lean muscle mass while I lose weight, but I have neither put an emphasis on it, nor put it down to a routine at this point, though it's on the docket to get it down for this month.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    I lift weights and am in an extreme deficit of 1500 cals per day and I also have a very active job. I lift 6 days per week for 45mins or so, do no cardio as I hate it. I am losing roughly 10lbs per month and definitely have definition now in my arms and legs. My strenght has also greatly improved.

    About another 4-5 weeks at this rate and I will be ready to bulk and thats when the fun will begins as I will begin to see some proper muscle built.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Personally, it is because I just plain do not have the time to lift weights. I don't have 2 hour blocks of time, 3 non-consecutive days each week. My schedule is way too tight with work and class. I intend to lift after I graduate with my current degree program, but I also hope to reach my goal weight by then.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Because there's only so many hours in a day and I only have so many spoons to deal with it all and I really do not enjoy lifting.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I've been lifting during my entire journey. I have the time and guidance to do it without hurting myself. It has helped to change my metabolism, and while sometimes I feel as if I am not losing weight, I have definitely lost inches.

    All that I can say is that if you are new to lifting, get some guidance on building your major muscle groups.
  • Onhowtobelovely
    Onhowtobelovely Posts: 11 Member
    I think a lot of people feel that weight training will make an already overweight person larger. Or for women that weight training will make them bulky when they just want to be "toned." I also think that the weight section of the gym can be intimidating for new lifters, especially if you go to the gym during peak periods. Finding an empty treadmill is way easier than working in with someone on a piece of equipment or trying to figure out what equipment is free, etc.

    When I was over 300 lbs I lifted weights. I liked it. I felt strong. That kept me in the gym. If you are dieting down and in a caloric deficit through whatever combination of cardio and diet, weight lifting would help in preserving lean mass...muscle takes time and consistency to build so I would want to lose as little as possible while losing. I'm in a caloric deficit, I do cardio and I lift heavy to try to hold on to all I can.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    moyer566 wrote: »
    because i don't want to lift weights.
    i do body weight exercise instead

    You are lifting weight - your body's weight. I've known many fit practitioners of yoga who only did bodyweight (via yoga.)

    Believe it or not, there are people who don't consider body weight exercises as weight lifting. When I read someone talking about weight lifting, I go with the idea they mean putting pre-measured, weighted plates on a weighted, metal bar and lifting them up and down with their arms/legs/other body part.

    I don't lift in the traditional sense, just body weight or no weight. Frankly, weight lifting is boring af to me.
  • liftzilla16
    liftzilla16 Posts: 59 Member
    I think a lot of people feel that weight training will make an already overweight person larger.

    I think this is exactly it. And I've noticed it's only a recurring trend in people who are completely new to fitness. Anyone with experience knows this isn't how it works. It's all just a matter of educating people on how weight loss works, and weights is definitely a key part of it.

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited April 2016
    I swim alot because I have OA and avoided weights because I have wrist problems. Last year I started going to the gym because I couldn't swim for a month--minor surgery. It was amazing. My posture got better after 2 weeks, plus my body looked better and people I knew from swimming said so. Here I had been resisting all these years going to the gym--I had zero interest. I did follow usmrcp's thread on recomp and thanks to her decided to try. I now fit it in along with swimming. I'm 61, and the results are astounding.
  • BeinLoved
    BeinLoved Posts: 33 Member
    I've been lifting during my weight loss journey and it has really improved my metabolism. I was lucky enough to find a trainer who helped me work my macros as well as help me feel comfortable as a beginner. I've been lifting for 2 years and recently started heavy lifting. I've used super-sets and tri-sets during weight training as cardio and spend less time on the treadmill/elliptical. It's all personal preference but lifting during weight loss IMO yields the best results.
  • Jessika29669
    Jessika29669 Posts: 34 Member
    I definitely understand they "gymtimidation" when you aren't already in good shape...or any shape LOL BUT since I started getting up at 5am to do my 40 minute program (only time I can due to work and kiddos waking and all the other normal life stuff) I have lost over 30 lbs and tons of inches from all over thanks to just lifting Mon, Weds, and Friday. I invested in a plate and barbell set and rack and it is much cheaper than a gym membership in the long run and done in the comfort and convenience of my home. I am in a deficit because I have a lot to lose so sometimes it's tough. It's REALLY tough when I would rather sleep but noone is going to snap their fingers and make me my goal weight. I am committed for the long term to get to my goal and sometimes I don't enjoy the process, but I just do it anyway because that's the only way I am going to see results. A lot of larger folks have med issues or they want to "get to their goal" before lifting, and it works for some people. I just want to kill 2 birds with one stone so by the time I am close to my goal I am still strong, rather--stronger! A lot of my big loser friends say their biggest regret was not incorporating lifting when they started, so I heed their advice from their obvious motivational results and it's been working for me. Everyone is different but if you can, I think you should try!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    catsdogsh wrote: »
    I saw a few posts from people trying to lose a lot of weight. They are cutting calories and doing cardio and purposely not weight training. They plan to weight lift after the weight is off. Both my trainer and nutritionist say that's incorrect way to go. We should do weights and cardio the whole time. Any ideas what's correct?

    I'd make the observation that the correct way to go is the way that's sustainable for the individual. It's pointless to try to determine another individuals motivations for their choices.

    As noted upthread, if one tries to make too many changes at once it's unlikely to be sustainable, people become overwhelmed by change.

    Similarly, it's a choice. As noted, there are only so many hours in the day. I know from a personal perspective I could choose to do a job that didn't involve spending 5 of those 24 hours commuting, but the compromises are unpalatable to me; significantly reduced income, or significantly increased housing cost.

    Equally, it depends on objectives. That said it depends on whether one includes bodyweight in your definition. That's enough for most people in practice, albeit the limitation on progression is more about technical ability than the weight itself.

    And then, there's the cost. I don't know about you, but around me a gym membership is expensive.
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    Does weight lifting have any advantages over other kind of resistance training? At the moment, I only use my bodyweight, dumbbells, or machines.

    I have to keep the weights light and work my way up slowly because of my disability. I'm seeing some progress, but I feel like there's no point in me taking up space in the free weights section when I still can't even pick up anything heavier than a 10kg barbell.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    I definitely understand they "gymtimidation" when you aren't already in good shape...or any shape LOL BUT since I started getting up at 5am to do my 40 minute program (only time I can due to work and kiddos waking and all the other normal life stuff) I have lost over 30 lbs and tons of inches from all over thanks to just lifting Mon, Weds, and Friday. I invested in a plate and barbell set and rack and it is much cheaper than a gym membership in the long run and done in the comfort and convenience of my home. I am in a deficit because I have a lot to lose so sometimes it's tough. It's REALLY tough when I would rather sleep but noone is going to snap their fingers and make me my goal weight. I am committed for the long term to get to my goal and sometimes I don't enjoy the process, but I just do it anyway because that's the only way I am going to see results. A lot of larger folks have med issues or they want to "get to their goal" before lifting, and it works for some people. I just want to kill 2 birds with one stone so by the time I am close to my goal I am still strong, rather--stronger! A lot of my big loser friends say their biggest regret was not incorporating lifting when they started, so I heed their advice from their obvious motivational results and it's been working for me. Everyone is different but if you can, I think you should try!

  • jumpingborderterrier
    jumpingborderterrier Posts: 16 Member
    I like weight training, it does a fine job toning up my body. Plus it doesn't spike my hunger like cardio only does. I do some cardio with the weight circuits. But nothing excessive.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    That's my other concern, so many people I know lost 100 or more without strength training, then regret it big time. Since it can be done in your own home and makes you stronger, I'm doing it! I thought there was some reason certain people were waiting, like type of diet or something. That's why I was asking