Advice please - Body Pump and strength training

Advice please!?

I have been calorie counting (again) for a little over a year. At 286lbs i was struggling to move. My knees were a massive problem. So for the last year I have been stationary biking and using elliptical machine. Now at 203lbs and my knees are much better (still not 100% but i can now squat and nearly consistently lunge), so this year i have started doing classes at the gym. I have enjoyed doing circuits and then I decided to try a body pump class. I am hooked! I feel like my body is changing and I am loving lifting. Building muscle and feeling stronger is just an amazing feeling.

My problem - because i am still overweight, i am finding limited information about lifting weights (that seem relevant to my situation). This is mostly because all i can find is information about bulking and cutting. Obviously for a good few months, i will be on a continuous cut (if i have understood what i read correctly) and because of my calorie deficit, this means i cannot effectively build muscle. I have particularly been looking at perks of 'lifting heavy'. Is there anything wrong with me trying this ? Does anybody have a good starting point or suggestions? Should i continue to go to body pump and mixing cardio until I have lost more fat then start a heavy lifting program?

Many thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing replies.


  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    You can still lift while you're cutting. It helps maintain your muscles while you're losing. You won't see a lot of results while cutting but you will feel the difference. You'll be stronger.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Check out StrongLifts 5x5 -- this is a great program that lets you start with just an empty bar and progress upwards as your body gets stronger -- they have an iphone app and lots of online info. regarding the exercises -- lifting heavy things and putting them down again will help tone you as well as assist with weight loss -- also check out taking spin classes or yoga -- either is a great activity that is easy on the knees.
  • BroScience83
    BroScience83 Posts: 1,689 Member
    What are you trying to accomplish? That is the first thing you need to decide on.
  • spritey86
    spritey86 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks! I have the strong lifts 5x5 app and was set to go with it until i got confused about if this was the right thing to do.

    Current goal is that I need to lose fat - basically continue my weight loss but mix it up because cardio is boring me now. I read building muscle helps to raise metabolism and burn more calories. The perks of lifting heavy seem to make it a bit of a no brainer.
  • BalletAndBarbells
    BalletAndBarbells Posts: 334 Member
    I started SL5X5 after getting into lifting through body pump! I waited until I was about 10lbs away from my goal weight because I just didn't have the confidence to enter the weights area at the gym. Now I just regret not having started it sooner so I would say to for it now! There is no reason you can't do it in a deficit (I'm still in a slight deficit in a bid to drop the last few lbs and cut my body fat %) and there is no reason you can't do it if you are still a bit overweight. Start light and concentrate on getting your form perfect and then you'll be amazed how quickly you build up what you can lift. You won't build muscle in a deficit but you can preserve what you have and you'll certainly see the benefits in your body shape. Go for it and good luck!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Can never go wrong with lifting weights. Whether you're bulking, cutting, maintaining, recomping lifting is super beneficial and important. I've done the Les Mills Body Pump vids at home but never in a class. It's more of a low weight, really high reps approach which is totally fine. If you'd rather lift heavy the 5 x 5 is excellent for beginners. Me I prefer heavy with lower reps.
  • spritey86
    spritey86 Posts: 70 Member
    edited April 2016
    Thanks for the input guys. Really like lifting and pushing myself - I have found out in the last year that I have a remarkable ability of kicking my own backside. I guess I should just get on with it and see how I get on.

    The only problem is.... getting the confidence to go into the 'free weights room' where all the big men grunt. I have been in a few local gyms recently to ask about membership and it is the one constant in each gym. Not a women in sight.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Bodypump is great for beginners- At some point you'll need to move out and into the weight room because of the weight limitations of bodypump.

    At this point, I would keep lifting and cutting until you're to your goal weight. I've asked questions on here about bulking/cutting several times, and I always get the responses that bulking isn't something you should attempt if you're overweight.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Can you loose fat, and gain muscle, absolutely. I don't understand why this 5x5 is so popular. Honestly, in your situation, I would do sets of 12-15 reps.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Another vote for SL 5X5s! As for walking into the weight room, just go for it! I feel the weight room is the least judge-y part of the whole gym. Most of the people in there are just working on themselves and not worrying about what anyone else is doing.
  • spritey86
    spritey86 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for your comments. I will do some more research on SL5x5. I am on my own with this and really want to make sure i read up about correct form etc as best i can before i start. Will keep on body pumping until then!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    Can you loose fat, and gain muscle, absolutely. I don't understand why this 5x5 is so popular. Honestly, in your situation, I would do sets of 12-15 reps.

    I'm interested in hearing why you think the 5x5 is not a good recommendation?
  • rachellech
    rachellech Posts: 40 Member
    I understand your nervousness about going to the weight room, esp. when you are the only female there. Men think they are being discreet but the overt staring that they do make me feel uncomfortable and sometimes I wish they could stop the flirting when all I want to do is finish my workout. Not all men are tactless but the few that do truly make me feel icky. I do a combination of three things to get my strength training done: 1) I keep my headset loud enough so I can tune out the grunting and just concentrate on my workout 2) I go to the gym during off hours (early mornings or late evenings) so the equipment are not occupied (some of the men tend to hog the weights) and 3) I bought weights at home so when I'm not feeling up to going to the gym (esp. during that time of the month) I can pop in my Body Beast DVD or freestyle at home. Strength training is important so do what you need to do. Good luck!
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    12by311 wrote: »
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    Can you loose fat, and gain muscle, absolutely. I don't understand why this 5x5 is so popular. Honestly, in your situation, I would do sets of 12-15 reps.

    I'm interested in hearing why you think the 5x5 is not a good recommendation?

    For someone new, I don't suggest it. Unless your goal is to purly work on strength, then I see no use in doing 5x5's. In her situation, which is weight loss. I believe she would be better off doing light weight and high reps. Build a good foundation from the start.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    12by311 wrote: »
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    Can you loose fat, and gain muscle, absolutely. I don't understand why this 5x5 is so popular. Honestly, in your situation, I would do sets of 12-15 reps.

    I'm interested in hearing why you think the 5x5 is not a good recommendation?

    For someone new, I don't suggest it. Unless your goal is to purly work on strength, then I see no use in doing 5x5's. In her situation, which is weight loss. I believe she would be better off doing light weight and high reps. Build a good foundation from the start.

    MANY people do 5x5's during weight loss. I have before....

    Since many are trying to lose weight and starting to lift for the first time (or in the first time in awhile), building muscle really isn't the goal. It's AWESOME to still make progress in strength during that time. That progress helps people stay motivated and moving towards goals.

    Have you seen this thread:

    Many have used 5x5's.
  • wesley58
    wesley58 Posts: 129 Member
    I also have a weight bench at home, a little boring there but it is always set the way that I want it. As for the gym, I like going to the gym, like the atmosphere, and it does help that there is a variety there also, and I certainly do not mind the noise. If I am staring at you, that means that you look good.
    I personally would not do any heavy lifting until I met my goal weight, but that is me. I just believe in working on 1 thing at a time, and I think everyone is different so you will know what is good for you. Goodluck in your quest.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    If you enjoy weight lifting and body pump then definitely do it!!!!! and if you do SL5x5 and enjoy it, then do it. i am always on a diet and i always lift. Congrats on losing almost 100 pounds, And don't be afraid to go into the weight room, i'm a big girl and i live in the weight room. sometimes girls focus too much on losing weight and forget about loving their body, Do what makes you feel good. Keep eating at a deficit and the weight will come off, but take care of your body on the journey and have fun. Lift the weights.

    i'm kinda shocked there are guys on here telling you not to lift heavy until you get to your goal weight. If you like how lifting makes you feel, then do it.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    Can you loose fat, and gain muscle, absolutely. I don't understand why this 5x5 is so popular. Honestly, in your situation, I would do sets of 12-15 reps.

    I learned to lift with 5x5. It is a basic progressive program that helped me get into compound lifting.

    I think it is a first good step. Then you can progress to other programs for strength or hypertrophy for your goals.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    5x5 is a good starting program but some people start it and that's all they ever end up doing. There are so many different exercises that one can do, and 5x5 focuses strictly on compound. It should be used for what it's designed for, as a starter program that opens the door to many other variations of strength/weight training. OP: While you have a lot of weight to loose is the best time to get into a lifting program. That is the perfect time to do a body recomp as you already have the extra energy supply to really build muscle. That what bulking is about, putting a lot of extra calories in your body to support muscle growth. You can just look at it as if you've already done a bulk, now you're in your cut phase while lifting. Don't believe anyone that tells you that you can't build muscle while cutting. I've done it plenty of times. It's not as effective during a cut phase but it is definitely possible. Some of it is genetics, some of it is intensity and some of it is finding a program that works for you.
  • Strong_Savannah
    Strong_Savannah Posts: 28 Member
    spritey86- I can really relate to your situation. I was introduced to weight training through BodyPump. I started BP in January 2015 doing it 2xweek and have been addicted since! But, about 2 months ago, I started to have the urge to want to lift heavy, which led me to the 5x5 app. I was able to squeeze 3 days of 5x5 into my week while still doing BP and tabata classes for cardio. My goal is like yours - I still have fat that I want to cut. From doing BP, you have already been introduced to squats, deadlifts, bench and overhead presses, and rows- which are what the 5x5 program focuses on. If you feel that you know how to do these exercises with proper form, do not be scared to try 5x5! The Stronglifts website has videos about proper form also. Honestly since beginning 5x5, I love it! I was just like you though - VERY intimidated by the weight room. Just have confidence in what you're doing, and tell yourself that you're not going to let other people ruin your workout! After the first time, you'll be a regular and regret that you didn't start sooner. :) Also, if you're looking at gyms - pick one that has more than one squat rack! LOL The Anytime I go to only has one, and it can be annoying sometimes to claim - even at 5 am. Good luck!!