Did you get more attention after losing weight?



  • liftzilla16
    liftzilla16 Posts: 59 Member
    edited April 2016
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Oh yeah. The ladies are all over me now. :D

    Edit: sarcasm

    Haha I appreciate this post :D but yes, to add to what some people said above, it's crazy to me how much different the attention is. I don't feel like I've personally changed as far as mindset, same goofy dude as before, but taking off my shirt is certainly much different than it used to be.
  • TechOutside
    TechOutside Posts: 101 Member
    I think confidence plays a large part, people pay attention to confident people, you usually dress better, walk with your shoulders back and usually have a slight strut to your step. It's attractive regardless of size.
  • jcook0716
    jcook0716 Posts: 65 Member
    I definitely get more attention. 5'1 sw 198 cw 139. Even in a work environment, i went to a large convention in my field a month ago that i have previously attended, the amount of respect and attention i got from peers was night and day. It was like all the sudden they take me seriously. So weird!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think confidence plays a large part, people pay attention to confident people, you usually dress better, walk with your shoulders back and usually have a slight strut to your step. It's attractive regardless of size.

    Absolutely. I find when I'm slimmer I have so much more confidence and probably get noticed more.

    I lost a lot of weight when I was at university and got loads of male attention! Then when I started working and discovered the gym I always had someone interested in me.

    I'm 38 now and married with 3 kids, so I'm kind of oblivious to that kind of thing lol. I did get called a MILF at work once (I'm a teacher). I wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or flattered!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Sexual attention, no effing way.

    Silly things like holding the door open on the way in/out, not walking into me, moving when I say "excuse me" (ya know, that stuff that should happen normally because most people aren't rude f***s) - yes.
  • jacki865
    jacki865 Posts: 122 Member
    Wow, I used to be much thinner in high school and I would frequently get male attention then but since I have been a relationship for 5 years all that pretty much stopped and I realize the weight gain played a huge role. Now I am single and already working to get my body healthy I think the added attention can be even more motivating.
  • krazgrl
    krazgrl Posts: 86 Member
    I notice it the most in the workplace. I have people telling me how great I look and they ask me for my secrets. I have some that ask me for healthy recipes or tips to their own weight loss. I have gotten some borderline sexual harassment type attention in the office as well (the one or two times I actually wore a dress recently....) and then there are the people who I can tell resent me because I just found out that their own weight loss was aided by surgery.

    It's been nice to be flirted with at the grocery store and people tend to be nicer in general. I completely agree with other folks here, that a lot has to do with my newly found confidence.

    In September I was 225 (I'm 5'6"). This morning I weighed in at 163. I still have a ways to go to get to my goal along with more toning and muscle gain, but I find myself happier, more confident, and more energetic with each pound that I lose. :smile:
  • Hotelsma
    Hotelsma Posts: 404 Member
    You will because people will find you more attractive and the reality is people are attracted to you first physically but fall for your personality. When I went form 14 stone to 11 I had got mad attention.

    What will also happen is you will change to. Your confidence will shoot up as you will feel better about yourself. Happened to me. One week I chatted up 3 girls down the same street. Unfortunalty it didn't work because two were sisters and the 3rd was a room mate of the two sisters lol
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