What you eat vs. how much you eat?



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Have your friend google the Twinkie Diet. (A reporter lost weight eating nothing but Twinkies......true story) Personally I wouldn't recommend it but, in terms of weight loss, it's all about energy balance. In terms of good health then yes, what you eat is important.

    Having said that, you are far more likely to succeed in the long run by indulging (within reason) your sweet tooth. People who make themselves miserable "dieting" are doomed to failure.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited April 2016
    My friend and I are both trying to lose weight, and today we got into a bit of a debate. We show each other our food diaries, and she noted that every day I have had a couple marshmallow peeps and a couple squares of dark chocolate. I have stayed well within my calorie range, but each day I DO indulge in something sweet I enjoy such as those stated above or the healthier brownies that I made from a Hungry Girl cookbook.
    I feel like this is okay because I stay within my calorie goal. I understand that the whole amount of calories shouldn't be devoted to sweets and such, but a little bit each day shouldn't hinder my weight loss should it? Isn't healthy eating supposed to be a sustainable thing for your whole life? I couldn't go forever without chocolate or my beloved marshmallow peeps! Thanks for any advice.

    You are spot on. You have to do this whole thing in a way that's realistic and sustainable for you, for the rest of your life (years and years and years). Making drastic changes and cutting out foods that you enjoy is only going to lead to frustration and failure. Learning how to fit in those things into your calorie goals will go a long way in helping you succeed :)
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    This guy did a meticulous experiment eating what most people would consider "bad" food. (no food is bad).
    He logged every day....

  • lizziexboredom
    lizziexboredom Posts: 16 Member
    If your goal is weight loss, then CICO is fine. As long as it fits your calories, and is resulting in weight loss, do whatever works. That being said, being healthy goes beyond a number on a scale. Personally it's important for me to meet my nutritional goals as well, so I focus on clean eating as well as calories. I don't follow the MFP micro or macro suggestions, instead I have my own targets of protein and carbs. But I do prefer to healthier foods. But that's personal and what works for me. I don't think any of us can sit here and tell you what will work for you. Be healthy, however it is defined for you.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    edited April 2016
    annaskiski wrote: »
    This guy did a meticulous experiment eating what most people would consider "bad" food. (no food is bad).
    He logged every day....


    Right I agree... no food is "bad" just some are "better" for you as far as nutrition go.
    I enjoy BOTH... cuz I love BOTH and I am holding strong to my weight loss...and feel healthy so I'm doing something right! ;)

    I've read that link; I enjoyed it!
  • ALeigh7490
    ALeigh7490 Posts: 2 Member
    My friend and I are both trying to lose weight, and today we got into a bit of a debate. We show each other our food diaries, and she noted that every day I have had a couple marshmallow peeps and a couple squares of dark chocolate. I have stayed well within my calorie range, but each day I DO indulge in something sweet I enjoy such as those stated above or the healthier brownies that I made from a Hungry Girl cookbook.
    I feel like this is okay because I stay within my calorie goal. I understand that the whole amount of calories shouldn't be devoted to sweets and such, but a little bit each day shouldn't hinder my weight loss should it? Isn't healthy eating supposed to be a sustainable thing for your whole life? I couldn't go forever without chocolate or my beloved marshmallow peeps! Thanks for any advice.

    I agree with you. I love chocolate, for example, and could never give it up. I once lost 20 lbs., and put it all back on when I "snapped" and went back to eating junk food because I gave up everything deemed bad. This time, I know it will take me longer to lose the weight, but it's easier for me to stay on track because I allow myself a few indulgences. Some people can do just fine without them, but I know myself, and giving it all up didn't work for me before; as other posters said, this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Good luck!
  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    Thank you so much for all your advice everyone! I love how welcoming this community is. I decided I will keep going the way I am. I eat a variety of healthier meals and sprinkle in snacks I love in moderation. I think that's what's best for me, and it's working so far! :)
  • pickyreverb
    pickyreverb Posts: 24 Member
    dark chocolate is good for you anyways! Low sugar and has antioxidants. If you can eat that and consider it a treat, it's great for keeping you away from higher sugar desserts