The Walking Dead (Warning: most likely contains spoilers)



  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    edited April 2016
    I need to not read this cause I know who it is....they have been leading to it for half the season

    Arrrgghhhhhh inbox me to tell me :D I wanna know lol

    Me and hubby we're guessing I thought Daryl but he reckons its Maggie or Glenn :/ gotta wait forever to find out now :(
  • MrNundy
    MrNundy Posts: 242 Member
    Just...... Just...... I just can't take that ending ...... :'(
  • bhouchen2014
    bhouchen2014 Posts: 3,715 Member
    @chezzabelle82 I can't pull up a new message. Message me I'll tell you
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    @chezzabelle82 I can't pull up a new message. Message me I'll tell you

    It's not working for me either keeps saying error, I think it's fox trying to keep me from knowing PMSL
  • fjellrev
    fjellrev Posts: 5,078 Member
    I haven't actually read the comics, but read about who unfortunately met the other end of Lucille. Wonder if they'll stick to the comics. Sure hope not. :frowning:
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I need to not read this cause I know who it is....they have been leading to it for half the season

    How can you know who it is when the cast doesn't even know?
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I think cos they haven't filmed it yet they will look at forums etc... And pick a character that people haven't focused on and chose them, either way we have to wait until October to find out for sure :(
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Every character was lined up in a line...except for Glenn and Eugene, who were on corners. Directly across from the "line" of characters was the big RV...When the character who got "hit" looked up, and we saw things from their vantage point, there was no RV behind Negan...the ONLY two who would not have seen the RV behind him when he looked up was Eugene or Glenn...and if they are going to go with the comics...well....
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Although I enjoyed most of the season, this season the writers have turned Rick’s group into a bunch of over-emotional, careless morons! The entire sequence of unfortunate events that happened beginning with the death of Denise was completely unnecessary. There is no way that you would ever, ever let a doctor out of the compound, her skillset is so critical in that environment that she should be protected at all costs. Yet she joins Michonne and Daryl on a silly scavenger hunt and gets an arrow through the back of her head. No more doctor, brilliant. So instead of Maggie getting medical care in the compound, they are driving her around in the camper like a bunch of idiots, getting harassed by Negan’s group and eventually getting captured.

    Carol leaving was nonsensical, as was the pursuit of her by Rick, who had actually banished her from the other settlement a few seasons ago. Daryl blazing off with some silly revenge motive makes no sense, and the pursuit of him makes even less sense. The whole damn group deserves to die; they all lack the survival intelligence to exist and to compete with these other fringe groups. I guess either the lame Gabriel and/or crazy-*kitten* Morgan with his stick and his new armored friends are going to be the cavalry and rescue them all in Season 7

    I think that the person getting beat to death by Negan is likely a “secondary character”, like Aaron, Abraham, Eugene, Sasha, or Rosita, when it should be Rick for his horrible decision making and his over-dramatic reaction to it all. IF it is a key character, then it was probably Glenn.
  • BehindtheMic
    BehindtheMic Posts: 1,741 Member
    My thought is they will actually follow the comics with this one...
  • bhouchen2014
    bhouchen2014 Posts: 3,715 Member
    My thought is they will actually follow the comics with this one...
    I'm gonna be disappointed if they don't
  • VikMcAnik
    VikMcAnik Posts: 17,222 Member
    Haven't read the comics...How far off is the TV plot?
  • bhouchen2014
    bhouchen2014 Posts: 3,715 Member
    VikMcAnik wrote: »
    Haven't read the comics...How far off is the TV plot?
    The story is basically the same but they use some characters who replace some of the others. Carol died along time ago and Sasha on the show is kindof like who Andrea becomes in the comic if they hadn't killed her in the show.
  • VikMcAnik
    VikMcAnik Posts: 17,222 Member
    Are they still making the comic or has it been completed?
  • bhouchen2014
    bhouchen2014 Posts: 3,715 Member
    VikMcAnik wrote: »
    Are they still making the comic or has it been completed?

    It's still going
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I think cos they haven't filmed it yet they will look at forums etc... And pick a character that people haven't focused on and chose them, either way we have to wait until October to find out for sure :(

    Everyone has a theory. Visit any Walking Dead web site and you'll find a theory for why it is or is not all of the characters lined up there. My point was that someone can think their theory is airtight, but no one actually knows for sure except the writers. A random fan on a message board certainly doesn't know if the actual cast of the show doesn't know. She just has a theory.
  • bhouchen2014
    bhouchen2014 Posts: 3,715 Member
    I think cos they haven't filmed it yet they will look at forums etc... And pick a character that people haven't focused on and chose them, either way we have to wait until October to find out for sure :(

    Everyone has a theory. Visit any Walking Dead web site and you'll find a theory for why it is or is not all of the characters lined up there. My point was that someone can think their theory is airtight, but no one actually knows for sure except the writers. A random fan on a message board certainly doesn't know if the actual cast of the show doesn't know. She just has a theory.

    Right you are we will just have to wait and see
  • JuggerHulk75
    JuggerHulk75 Posts: 17 Member
    VikMcAnik wrote: »
    Are they still making the comic or has it been completed?

    Negan made his appearance with Lucille in issue #100. Issue #153 is due out this week. Still plenty of material for the show to use for a number of seasons more.
  • VikMcAnik
    VikMcAnik Posts: 17,222 Member
    That's good, don't know if I can handle watching the main characters all dying
  • KaosLynnRose
    KaosLynnRose Posts: 3,415 Member