140+lbs lost in 9 months



  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Nice work! You look great!
  • Plump2FitPanaQT
    Plump2FitPanaQT Posts: 121 Member
    Wow!! Amazing job... Congrats girl!!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I've tried several times to comment but they have not been going through/ posting. Thank you for your kind words so much. To answer some questions
    1. I have not had any weight loss surgery I just became more active and controlled what I ate.
    2. Yes I have loose skin. I have A LOT of loose skin everywhere.
    3. Yes I did calorie count, I used MFP calorie suggestions according to my weight/activity.
    4. I never followed any diets or someone's plan I just exercised everyday (yes, everyday) and I reduced my caloric intake.
    5. The first 3 months I was on summer break so I had a lot of time to really jumpstart myself into the lifestyle.
    6. The only tips I have for you is if you try and cut everything out all at once you will be sooo unhappy and you will probably backslide. Do not beat yourself up if you had a bad day, just be resolved to start over again the next day. Remember: Motivation is temporary - it comes and goes. Be DETERMINED to do what needs to be done to reach your goals.

    Great advice!

    I was a bit alarmed by how much you've lost in so little time, but it sounds like you did it sensibly.

    Did your weight loss per week decrease drastically over time, as it should?
    CTJGIRL Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations! You look fantastic!!!
  • justonestory
    justonestory Posts: 11 Member
    Orphia wrote: »

    Great advice!

    I was a bit alarmed by how much you've lost in so little time, but it sounds like you did it sensibly.

    Did your weight loss per week decrease drastically over time, as it should?

    No not really? But I did plateau about 4 months in and I wasn't losing any weight at all - I found out it was because I cut salt out of my diet! So once I added salt back into my meals then the weight started coming off again. That's about the only time it really decreased for me. And now I'm sort of maintaining a bit although I still want to lose about 30 more pounds to be out of the overweight category.
  • justonestory
    justonestory Posts: 11 Member
    I love this!
    So the short version?
    1. Put scale away.
    2. Exercise.
    3. Eat less.
    Congratulations - you're a rock star and you look amazing!

    Actually I weighed myself every single day.
    irchrismm wrote: »
    Wow! Amazing! I have the same amount to lose as you did. Inspiring! Way to go!

    You can do it! Don't give up on yourself!!
    You are amazing! I needed to see this today. I'm down about 80, and have lots more to go. I'd like to be down around 160 as my ultimate goal, and this shows me that with changes to my lifestyle I can do it too.

    I'm so proud of you for how far you've come! You're half way there you can make it across the finish line!!
    Not only did you lose an amazing amount of weight, but you look super healthy and fit in your after photo. It's very clear that you were able to preserve your muscle.

    You're amazing! I really needed to see this.

    Actually I have a lot of loose skin. I'm sure there might be a little muscle under there but I rarely do strength training or weight lifting although I think I shall soon start.
    That's crazy fast !! How many calories a day were you eating and how many burned by exxercise if you don't ming me asking....
    You look terrific !!!!

    I went by MyFitnessPals suggestions. That's what I stuck to, it changes over time and by how active you are so I cannot give you an exact amount. All I can say is if you follow MFP suggestions and also you are ACCURATELY counting your calories you will be fine. :)
  • justonestory
    justonestory Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the kind comments, it really helps me see how far I've truly come. When you lose a lot of weight it's not like an instant revelation that you are no longer overweight. You still feel the same, you still feel like you're taking up too much space, you feel like you are constantly being judged for your choices, like me you may still also automatically make a bee line for the plus section. I'm still not over that. When I look in the mirror I still see an overweight person and I know that cannot be the case because I've gone from 2X/3X shirts to mediums and from size 24 jeans to size 9. Your weight loss journey doesn't end when you hit your target weight, it's a road you'll be on for awhile. Just be resolved to stay the course, don't give up when it gets hard. Don't beat yourself up when you've had a bad day. It's okay. It's only truly a bad day if you give up. If you pick yourself up - forgive yourself and move on, the day can be a salvaged success. I want to see you all succeed in your goals because you don't know how many times I tried before I finally got it right. I just don't want you to give up. Don't do it for anyone but yourself. Don't do it because you hate yourself, do it because you love yourself enough to want to be healthy and live life to the fullest.

    I'm sorry I do not reply as often to the comments as I should, I'm a full time college student, I currently am carrying 18.5 units and also I work part time, and of course I am gaining a nice social life with my new confidence in myself so I truly apologize for replying so late.
  • hcolligan
    hcolligan Posts: 75 Member
    Wow! That's amazing!
  • verasgomes
    verasgomes Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats! You look great:)
    What are the best tips you would give?
  • Jilllzy
    Jilllzy Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome job!!
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    Wowzers!!! That's awesome!! Congratulations!
  • orjohnson85
    orjohnson85 Posts: 2 Member
    When you say, "eating less" did you count calories? If so, how many calories did you eat a day.

    I currently am in the 400. I am intimidated by the gym, what workouts did you do?

    Do you think it's possible, looking at your success, for a person my size to lose 100 lbs in 5 months?

    Honestly my goal is to lose 20 lbs each month. I just started Monday and I am down as of today 7 lbs. I have 13 lbs to go before May 1.

    Wish me luck!!
  • jessicaalexamatthews
    AMAZING! You good gorgeous!
  • AidaF430
    AidaF430 Posts: 173 Member
    Wow, just wow! :)
  • queenofpuppies
    queenofpuppies Posts: 189 Member
    Wow! You are so strong! What an amazing thing you have done for yourself. Bravo!
  • ShanRod81
    ShanRod81 Posts: 9 Member
    Amazing job! I'm in search of some friends to help out with some encouragement!
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