Constipation struggles



  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    What solved my issue was by eating wheat bran every day. I put 10 grams into some oatmeal or cottage cheese and then maybe 5 grams on a salad later. Got to make sure you drink enough water though, but that seems to have solved my problem.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Are you actually constipated, or has your change in diet resulted in a change of BM frequency? IF you're eating less, you'll poo less, possibly less often as well. Every body is different. I go once a day, usually in the morning. I know folks who go 3 times a day, like clockwork. Others who go ever other day. All of those examples are regular and normal.
  • frankie_xox
    frankie_xox Posts: 46 Member
    Try adding some milled/ground flaxseed to your morning smoothie.
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    Ah, I feel your pain. I have followed every suggestion out there and even have resorted to meds when it just goes (or not goes in my case) for too long. I even had one doctor tell me that some folks react poorly to too much fiber from salads and veggies and such - I had never heard that. I also react poorly to flax, chia and any of those other things that is supposed to get things moving. I drink black coffee everyday, I walk/run everyday - well 6 days a week. I drink 72 - 90 ounces of water every day. I do eat legumes/beans a Lot and all that results in is bloating and much gas -- not fun for anyone! Going to try the hot water first thing in the morning -- keeping fingers crossed!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Too much insoluble fibre (roughage), less volume, and things get difficult for me! Keep the fats up and eat more insoluble fibre.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    In my experience, drinking water until you explode is not going to help constipation, as most water passes through the other route. Solution: Eat a serving of legumes every day. Beans. They have the perfect ratio of soluble and insoluble fiber and absorb some of the water you take in. Eat beans and your constipation troubles will go down the drain. In a matter of speaking. Hope you get better soon.

    Oatmeal has a nice combination of soluble & insoluble too.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    icemom011 wrote: »
    I think it has to do with lesser volume, personally. Maybe our intestines need time to adjust.

    I'd agree with this. I've been eating tons of salads and broccoli and going less often, but it's not uncomfortable so it's just a matter of adjusting to my new normal.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    There is a balance you will find with eating veggies. I eat my bulk of veggies for lunchtime, use olive oil and drink lemonade water, and coffee to help keep things going. Try not to eat combination proteins, beans and veggies. What I mean is (for me) if I eat quinoa I do not eat a protein with it like chicken or edamame, I just add a veggie with it. I try to eat more simply and not pile up the food combinations. My bigger meal is lunch and my small meal is dinner.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member

    Increase fat intake if it is low.

    Search around and see which fruits/veggies are highest in fiber and focus on those.

  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    capnrus789 wrote: »
    Are you actually constipated, or has your change in diet resulted in a change of BM frequency? IF you're eating less, you'll poo less, possibly less often as well. Every body is different. I go once a day, usually in the morning. I know folks who go 3 times a day, like clockwork. Others who go ever other day. All of those examples are regular and normal.

    True, but going from clockwork to rhe way it is now is a huge difference.
    Thank you, everyone. I will try different things, now that I've got so many ideas, it also refreshed some things i knew and forgot, since i haven't had this issue for a long time. Also, i was glad to realize I'm not alone in it. Appreciate all and every advice.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Also, i do put a beet into my morning smoothie, maybe i should increase the amount. Just a thought.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member

    Oatmeal has a nice combination of soluble & insoluble too.[/quote]

    True, but can i use uncooked quick oats for the same benefit? I can add it to my drink with everything else. Don't like cooked oatmeal.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    icemom011 wrote: »
    Hi, it seems that this problem is persistent and won't go away. I eat plenty of vegetables during the day, not to mention my morning smoothie starts with mostly leafy greens. So why am not having constipation issues? Haven't had a problem before, and I'm eating pretty much similar, just less and even more veggies than before. So what's happening? I don't want to take any supplements for stool, any one is dealing with this? How? Open to suggestions. Thanks!

    Story of my life. Coffee usually helps, but my diet is so high in protein that even then it can be 4-6 days. Struggle!

    I cannot imagine not going to the bathroom in 4-6 days. One day and I am crawling up the wall.

    I drink hot water in the mornings or sometimes add lemon to it.

    I have also started to add coarse bran to my yogurt, smoothie etc and drink water throughout the day.

    I also find when I eat too much blocks my daily bowel movement(s).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    icemom011 wrote: »
    I drink a lot of water during the day, tea and sometimes milk at night. Activity vise, I'm on my feet all day long, not really cardio, but moving around. Lower fat now, maybe. Comparatively.

    What's the percentage of fat, carbs, and protein?
  • mewilmes
    mewilmes Posts: 44 Member
    I know you don't want supplements, but you might try fiber gummies. I take 9 per day which is way more than recommended but has improved my constipation issues.
  • Cyndiaquino
    Cyndiaquino Posts: 72 Member
    I'm so glad someone else asked this question! I've cut down on my coffee because I like milk in it and would rather have the calories for food and have had a problem with this as well. I guess it is the lower fat intake for me too.

    You could use Almond Milk instead of Milk. For 8oz of almond milk is 30 calories.
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    I went to the doctor for this a month and a half ago. They tested my thyroid and it's fine. I think it's the medication I'm taking. I'm taking D ocolax once a day since that's what I was prescribed for a month and ran out. It's working,but I'm not sure it's safe to take long doctor didn't say.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    prune juice and drink more water all day long.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Found oatmeal to be very helpful, just two tablespoons of dry oats into my morning smoothie and back to my regular self.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    water with lemon in the a.m. before you eat, lots like 24 to 30 oz