Starting Insanity



  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    M- I am so jealous! A home gym is my dream :) But for now with our apartment lifestyle I have to stick with my little bin of hand weights, kettlebell, yoga mat and resistance bands. Luckily our gym is a 5 minute walk so it's hard to make excuses not to go. I love workout classes, but our gym charges per class, so I have to limit myself to 2 or less per week. So the home DVDs are a great addition. Not to mention I don't feel embarassed working out in just my sports bra and shorts at home so it's a lot less laundry!

    I think it's amazing that you have inspired your husband! I wish I could get mine to do SOMETHING, not to lose weight but just for heart health. I haven't done P90, but I didn't think P90x was that hard. He might be able to start right with that.The cardio segments are a LOT easier than Insanity (except for the P90x Plyo workout.) And for the weights days, he could probably start with less weight and just work up to higher weights with time. I thought P90x was fun, but I was really bored and ready for something new after 6 weeks. Tony Horton is amusing to watch, though he doesn' yell at you like Shaun T does.

    I keep seeing the ads for Hip Hop Abs and I think it would be so much fun. Let me know how it goes, I might be interested in trying that later. If you had asked me a week ago if I'd ever do the entire Insanity program again I would have said no... but I feel like the improvements in the past week have been so huge that I am rethinking it. I wonder if I'll keep getting results if I alternate it with P90x? If not I might be convinced to give the 9 weeks another go!

    Hope you felt better yesterday and got in MIC.
  • Hi Amber :drinker:

    HS - Home gym does sound glamourous and we're fortunate to have the space (long story but we bought this house with my husbands mum to offer her some post retirement sanctuary as her house was old and she couldn't manage it, when I was expecting my daughter 8 yrs ago - things didn't work out and we managed to arrange an additional mortgage to buy her out when my son was born 2 1/2 years ago), so we've enough space but limited funds, especially with nursey fee's!!! It'll be a lick of paint in the existing room with some beat up mis-matching gym equipment, but will hopefully give us what we need.....and not just get overlookedbeing in a dedicated room that we can shut the door on!!

    You'd have been proud of me yesterday, finally got round to the MIC at 10.30pm and gave it a damn good go. After showering and having a shake was 12.30am so I didn't set my usual 5am wake up insanity call, but woke at 4.59am so got up anyway and gave Plyo a damn good attempt. My husband was on nights but working from home, so he was sitting at the dining room table on a conference call for MIC overlooking the lounge where I was busting my moves, and still on a conference call when I was up doing Plyo - he is now convinced, not that he wasn't already, that I am totally mad!!! LOL

    Amber - I'm on Month 2 week 2 day 3, and still getting up at silly o'clock to work out. I went through a really bad patch a week ago where I was virtually sobbing my way through routines fealing defeated. I changed three things - 1) I drank more water throughout the day, 2) I increased my caloroies quite a lot with tier 1 & 2 of Michi's, and 3) I started taking a multivit with ginseng & ginkgo biloba. I'm not sure whether one has helped more than the others, or all three but I'm in so much of a better place this week I wouldn't have thought it was possible.

    Good luck both - keep going, you're nearly there!!!

  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    HS & M- Thanks so much for your responses! I meant to get on here yesterday, but got busy. Im drinking coffee and icing my knees as we speak! I have been too, trying to just limit the jumping and when I feel its too much I'll jog or sprint or do switch kicks without jumping much to get through the move that is bothering me. You are both right about eating more, especially protein. I feel so much better this week, really trying to get more of it seems to help a ton. I started Insanity on 4/18 and plan to finish 7/1. The first month was very hard, I teach middle school and have 2 very active preteens, so fitting it in the scedule was hard. I was doing a lot more walking and elliptical at that time. Now that school is out and I am a lot more flexible with my schedule I am knocking those days down much faster! I am very OCD about things and having the calendar on the fridge and being able to physically check off each workout is great for me, pushes me to keep going. I do great M-F, but weekends are always so busy, that I have been trying to get at least one day where I will do a double, in order to get all 6 workouts in and it has worked well. HS- my fit test numbers have not greatly improved. I concentrate more on my numbers on the HRM. Each video I have entered on MFP, so every time that I can log it on and have a higher calorie burn, I am thrilled! Doing MaXPlyo this week, I burned 520 calories,and last week I burned only 464! That gets me really excited! Yesterday was my double day with Max Recovery, Cardio Condidtioning and Cardio Abs, 864 total! Its great to see how you guys are doing, Insanity is definitly not something that I enjoy doing, but love the feling after its over! I feel like I am in the best shape I have ever been in, it has made swimsuit season so much more enjoyable!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    M- holy cow! I am really impressed that you got up after that short of a recovery and little bit of sleep! I feel hardcore when I finish my workout at 9:30 and get up at 7 the next morning to do another one, and I only do that once or twice a week!

    My husband and I were watching TV last weekend and he noticed little smudges on the TV screen. Upon closer inspection we realized that they are from bits of my sweat flinging across the room while doing the videos! He's only seen me do parts of the workout before, so I think he was suprised to see how much effort they are! I can only imagine your husbands reaction to your two workouts!

    Amber- Nice improvement on the effort and calories burned! I knew I pushed harder than ever on Max Plyo Tuesday and given how sore my chest was yesterday I could tell I killed it on the pushups! Max CC was a struggle for me yesterday (more of the up-and-down Insanity rollercoaster). I was running low on energy and stopped a couple of the moves short of the full minute, but made it through the video and did Cardio Abs too.

    I am having an allergic reaction to something (probably skin care related, I have really sensitive skin). So I have an nice rash on my face and legs and it burns like crazy when I get it wet. So that's part of the reason I took things a little easy yesterday, it was really uncomfortable once I started sweating and it kills after the shower. It's starting to improve today, but I'm alll drugged up on allergy meds and am exhausted, so I'm gonna take a rest day and I'll do Max Recovery this weeked. Hopefully I'll feel better enough to do my workout tomorow morning.

    Take care!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I totally agree with the up down Insanity roller coaster. Yesterday I felt great and today its 3:00 and I have still not worked out. Like I said, seems with the max workous later in the afternoon seems to work better, but not today! I have MIC today and am really dreading it, just dont feel like I have the energy. Could be because last night I enjoyed 4 beers (Bud Select 55) with my husband and not that I feel hungover, but just drained! Ugh, one step forward two steps back, thats been my motto for the last few months, but I keep telling myself, its still life, I have to enjoy it too!

    M- I am very impressed that you are able to workout with so little sleep! I have to have at least 8 or Im dead! We are usually in bed by 10 though, my husband has a 2 hour drive to work each day and has to leave the house before 5! With having the summer off Im trying not to sleep in too much though, hate to waste the time off in bed!

    H- My husaband saw me last night and told me how impressed he was with how well I was doing, he started Insanity with me, but gace up after about 3 weeks, he just is too tired when he gets home form work and leaves way too early to do it before. Maybe thats why I was on a high and decided to indulge myself with a few drinks!

    Hope both of you enjoy your weekend, we are heading out in the morning for camping, we are taking the jet skis and boat so Im excited! Of course, none of our camping food is very healthy, I guess I start over again Monday, as usual!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    Finally forced myself to do MIC! Burned 2 more calories than last time, as much as I was dreading it and wasnt into it, I figure anything is an improvement! Good luck ladies with the next workout!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Good job getting through it Amber. MIC seems like such a hurdle to me- it's so long and hard the whole time! I'd much rather do Max Plyo!

    I did CC&B this morning, still feeling a little run down, so I switched it with tomorrow's workout. I have a lot more time and energy on the weekends anyway. Tomorrow I think I may try Max Sports training and Insane Abs instead of MIC, then do my make-up Max Recovery on Sunday.Then next week I'll do Plyo Monday, Cardio Conditioning and Abs Tuesday, MIC Wednesday, and my final fit test Thursday and be done!

    Have a great weekend!
  • HS - Sorry to hear about the allergy flare up, sounds horrid - hope you're able to clear it up really quickly. can't believe you're only a few workouts away!!! It's been such an emotional journay I'm feeling nostalgic for it already and it hasn;t even finished yet!!

    A - great effort on the MIC. The forced ones that don't beat us are the sweetest victories.

    Max recovery yesterday morning which was ok. Considered doing Max Cardio & Cardio Abs last night as I knew would be tough today but needed an early night - so didn't get chance. In bed by 10.30pm, alarm went off at 4am, needed to leave the house by 5am to catch a 6am train for work 2 1/2 hrs away today - got home just after 8pm to discover MIL had fed my son a load of haribo's. Was hoping to fit MC & Abs in tonight but it's now 9.45pm, son still bouncing off the walls and I've been invited to a friends house - bed seems the most appealing option right now!!! Just had a protein shake, so hoping he'll nod off soon, i'll pop out for an hour or two and may discover a second wind from somewhere and do it when I get back else will shift today to be my day off, and carry on tomorrow. Penultimate fit test on Monday, aiming to do early , or at least seperate to MIC.

    Hope you have a great weekend both xxx
  • Played catch up on Saturday after missing Fridays session and did MCC, Abs and CC&B. Didn't start till gone 9pm so was a late one but I did manage to get my husband to do CC&B with me. Considering how hard he found the last one he attempted with me then I was proud that he was prepared to give it a go. He struggled, and probably only managed about a third, but he did what he could and has committed to do it with me most evenings. So I'm going to get my usual workouts in in the morning as usual and then do CC&B in the evenings for the next two weeks with him.

    Had yesterday off as I'd caught up and went to the beach which was lovely, but I managed to get sunburnt really early on, misjudging the power of the heat yesterday - not too bad today but was a late night getting back so have yet to dig in to todays session.

    Have made a bold decision. Meant to be the penultimate fit test today but have decided not to do it. I put myself under so much pressure last time to do better that I felt ill leading up to doing it and was dreading it. The only purpose of doing it would be to motivate me that I'm making progress, but my motivation is just fine, so my next fit test will be on day 63.

    Hope all going well xxx
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    Well, I survived the weekend camping trip and actually weighed in yesterday 3 lbs lighter than Friday! Dont know if it was all the hardcore Insanity last week or what because i definitly ate way too much, smores and hotdogs arent exactly health food! I did drink a few too many beers also, finally today I am back to feeling more normal, took yesterday to get over the sunburn and lack of a descent nights sleep!
    I skipped CC&B that was sceduled for last week so I did it yesterday to get my body back in gear. I was really planning to finish Insanity this week, but without doing workouts twice a day each day, I will not be able to finish this week. I have been doing at least once a week double, but its usually with a recovery or CC&B so its not that intense. I thnk that this weeks scedule may be too intense for that! I just know I have to do this M-F, Sat and Sun never work for me, and with this weekend being a holiday weekend, we are already busy the whole time! We will just have to see how I feel, I know that I will need to increase my calories if I do. We leave for vacation July 9 so I was planning to just do CC&B all next week then obviously be off the following week and then Redo CC&B when we get home and then start a second round of Insanity. We will see how it goes, I am hoping my husband will start over with me again.
    Well, I guess I need to get started instead of just talking about it. I will try to keep posted how I am doing and am looking forward to see how you guys are doing .
    Mb- You amaze me how you are able to workout so late at night and so early in the morning as well. To start working out at 9 would kill me, I am usually laying in the recliner dozing off by that time!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    I've been crazy busy trying to get stuff done before vacation starts and haven't had a chance to check in. Of course that means I didn't log my food either the past 4 days and I was starting to feel gross about my food choices, so I'm really making an effort to eat well and log for the next two days. I switched things up a little this weekend out of boredom. I did the Max Sports Training DVD on Saturday instead of MIC and I have to say I loved it! It was still an hour, but a little less intense since there was more rest between a lot of the moves. The moves were fun and based on specific sports. If you got this one with your DVD collection I highly recommend it! I think it's something that will go into my normal rotation. Then on Sunday, instead of the makeup Recovery, I did P90x Shoulders and Arms, and Ab Ripper X. I've been feeling like I haven't been hitting the upper body as much as I want to, and since Recovery is a good upper body day, I thought it would be a good switch to make. Of course that meant my arms were wiped out yesterday and there was no way they were ready for Max Plyo, so I moved around the plan for this week and attempted MIC yesterday. I say attempted b/c I was so wiped out. It was a long day (and emotional-eating filled). I even took a quick nap after work to try to gain some energy for the workout, but I still didn't have it. I forced myself through the first circuit, and then stopped. I got some more sleep last night and am eating well today and am psyching myself up to do all of Max Plyo and the second half hour of MIC tonight! Then tomorrow will be Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs and Thursday morning my last fit test before my flight.

    M- The fit test is sooo intimidating! I kicked so much butt at the last one that I am worried I might collapse trying to beat it for the final one. I think your choice to skip it was fine. How did MIC go yesterday? Less than two weeks left for you!

    Amber-nice job on the weight loss! I hate the fact that I let myself eat badly this past weekend. I feel like I undid all my progress last week! I'm impressed you are planning on another round of Insanity already!
  • Didn't get to do MIC yesterday in the end. After a late night on Sunday I gave myself a lie in yesterday with the intention of doing it when I got home, but it was unseasonally hot yesterday and I just couldn't face it. So I dragged myself out of bed at 6am this morning with a slight headache and upset tummy (allergies), and attempted MIC with the intention of doing PLYO afterwards. Talk about zero energy!! Haven't been eating enough the last two days and I could barely lift my feet up off the floor. I stopped the dvd about 5 times and made myself go through the motions, changing the moves for some simple stuff through fear of injuring myself with such poor form sometimes. I've been trying to eat every two hours today to boost my energy and digestion - and am planning to catch up with PLYO once little'uns in bed. Evening workouts always seem much harder for me with the kids and hubby around - too many distractions then I get tired. Determined I'll get back on the horse today though, and get back into my morning pattern tomorrow........will let you know how I get on.
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Good luck getting back at it!

    I did it! All of Max Plyo and the second and third sets of MIC! Holy cow! The last 11 minutes I was kicking myself for being lazy yesterday and counting down the minutes. My legs were shaking so much during the cool down! But it's DONE and I'm all caught up with one more workout and the fit test left to go!

    In the end I will have missed two workouts from Month 1, the 5 days of CC&B when I skipped the recovery week, and the last 3 workouts of Month 2, but I'd say it's a success :)
  • Wow - fantastic. Amazing effort!! You should be very proud of yourself.

    I changed into my training gear last night and made it hrough the warmup and no further. Was no point going throught the motions of PLYO, then getting an hours less sleep. So I decided to write it off and move on. Got up this morning and did Max Cardio & Abs, so back on track. Meant to be Max Recovery tomorrow so may switch it out for the PLYO I missed, or swap the CC&B later in the week for PLYO. Hoping it's to do with the time of the month draining my energy now I've adressed everything else, but should be out of that tomorow.

    So excited for you that it's your last workout tomorrow.
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    Great job ladies! Seems like you are both pushing through.
    Mb- I like you sometimes feel like "whats the point" when you know your just not into it, why just go through the motions. Of course there have been a few times I have made myself keep going and by the end was so glad I did. I think its great that you can do ANY of the workouts that early in the morning. When school was still in, I could manage a month 1 workout at 5AM, but month 2 is just too hard, I need to fuel myself before I do that, so luckily I am not at work now and can wait until mid morning. Also, Insanity and TOM do not mix well at all, it is so energy draining in the first place and then having that too makes me feel like a zombie!
    HS-When is your official last day? Its hard to believe when you start that you will ever finish. I talk to people about Insanity all the time, a friend of ours just started and is texting daily about how hard it is. After being almost finished with month 2, month 1 was a great prep for month 2, makes me almost miss it! I have not missed any workouts, but like I said, i started way back in April and instead of following the calendar, just used it as a schedule to follow, so for the weeks I only got 3 workouts in, I just did the others the next week. Ive only been able to stick with the calendar for the last few weeks. Great job on finishing soon, it has got to be such a great feeling, to accomplish something that if you were like me, in the beginning never though was possible.
    Well, I think that today I am going to TRY to do MIC and MIP. Ill do one in the AM and the other in the evening. I doubled up yesterday doing MIP in the AM and MCC & Cardio Abs in the eveing. It worked out ok, Im a little sore today, but excited about checking 2 more off the calendar! As I said before, my goal is to do the FIT test Friday and be done by the holiday weekend. Each time I do insanity I dread getting started, but feel great after making myself push through and finish, thats how I felt week 1 and now still the same in this last week! But the 16 inches I have lost along with 11 pounds gone makes it worth it!
    Sorry about the ramble! Too much coffee I guess! Have a great day!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    Did my final MIC today. Was not really feeling up for it but totally kicked its butt! Last week burned 567 calories, today 590! I literally had a tear welling up during the cool down stretch just knowing that until next time, I am done with that one! It kills me! Checking them off and loving it! I think that I will shower, put my suit on and float on my raft in the pool the rest of the day! Thanks for all your support, its great to talk with those who really know how hard it is to get through Insanity, most people just think its just another workout, WE know better!
  • Excellent effort Amber. 16 inches and 11 pounds is fantastic - very proud of you.

    I'm very much an al or nothing person so worry that by missing any I won't go back at all. Thankfully I've got back into it - but where I was quite enjoying it last week, I'm hating it this week. Worked from home today and felt myself nodding off at lunchtime. With an hour until my next meeting I had a lunchtime nap for 45 mins. I went straight off, but after 40mins the dog started barking so I woke abruptly. I glanced at the clock and was all confused thinking it was 1.40am instead of pm - couldn't understand why it was light and why my husband wasn't in bed. I checked the drive and his car was gone and the kids weren't there - I was just making my way downstairs to see if they were int he lounge when the penny dropped!! LOL, talk about a haze!! I'm obviously more tired than I realised, early night in order tonight me thinks!!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Amber- 16 inches and 11 pounds is amazing! Great work! And great effort with your LAST MIC!

    M- I can't believe how much Insanity takes out of you. Even after doing these moves for 3 weeks I am feeling sore today after the 1.5 workout yesterday. Even though we feel "used to" working out so hard, these workouts are no joke and your body definitely lets you know when it is tired. Good job with getting on with the workouts again today.

    I've had a slight change of plans. The allergy rash on my face was starting to get better, but after the big workout yesterday it flared back up. My doctor friend says that the sweating is irritating it and said I should avoid getting too sweaty for a few days if I want it to go away. So while I hate not doing the workouts I planned, I feel like I should skip them since I am in a wedding this weekend and I really want it gone before then! So I'm re-structuring things and may take Amber's approach. I will bring my DVD's with me on vacay, not sure I'll have time to do them or not, but if not I'll just take the week easy and finish out Month 2 when I get home. I doubt one week will make a huge difference. So I'll probably end up finishing up just about when M does.

    I took measurements and progress pics today. I can't find my cable to get the pics off the camera so that will have to wait until after vacation, but I see a little bit of tightening, though nothing really drastic. As far as measurements, everything stayed the same, except for a 1/2 inch lost around my belly button. So that's good, though I feel like personally my waist and hips have shrunk and it was a bummer to have the measuring tape disagree. I've actually gained 3-4 pounds over the past 2 months while doing Insanity, I think because I got so carb-hungry that I ate crappy about half the time. So it just goes to show how important the eating is.

    Now that I know I can survive Insanity, I'd like to try Month 2 again and really watch my food, maybe in September once holiday travel lightens up.

    I'm so happy I've had both of you to "talk" to during this. It's been a windy road and full of ups and downs but we all are making it to the end and that is great! I probably won't be near a computer next week but I'll check back in when I get back and see how the end of Insanity went/is going. Good luck!
  • Have a wonderful vacation HS. I've just done MIC, have 7 work outs left before the final fit test.

    Speak to you when you get back.

    Having you guys for support has kept me going through this journey, knowing we were doing it together. Thank you xxx
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