Not loosing any weight!

I've been counting every calorie and going to the gym 4-5 times a week for the last 6 weeks and I've lost 3lb over that time.
I've made a massive difference to my diet and everything I eat I log.
I've gone from doing no exercise to doing a lot and still the weight not coming off.
One week I lose a pound and the next I put it back on.
I just don't get it all the changes I've made the weight should be falling off


  • ThunderZtorm
    ThunderZtorm Posts: 27 Member
    Keep at it. Have patience. 6 weeks is not very long. Check your waist line, and if possible, your fat percentage. Those two will tell you a lot more about whether things are going the right way or not.

    Also remember that the maximum healthy weightloss is 1lb per week. That will naturally be less if you are building muscle at the same time.

    Weight loss is not a sprint. It's a marathon.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Also remember that the maximum healthy weightloss is 1lb per week. That will naturally be less if you are building muscle at the same time.

    Um, actually, it's 2lbs a week (dependent on your starting weight) and I'm pretty sure basic physics says you can't build muscle if you're eating in a deficit. You can't build a house if you are removing bricks.

    OP, are you weighing your food?
  • lucylocketlostherpocket32
    I will definatly keep at it.
    My body fat % has gone down and I will measure now.
    Maybe it's s mixture of giving up smoking, cutting out all the junk sugar and carbs and doing a lot of exercise. Think my body had a shock to the system.
  • lucylocketlostherpocket32
    I've got a lot to loose!
    Yes I've been weighing my food.
    I've gone from eating a lot of junk food/takeaways, carbs, fat and drinking sugary energy drinks to low sugar fat and carbs and just drinking water.
    I'm always under my calorie allowance.
    The first week I lost 6lbs then second week put 4 back on then it's been on and off a pound a week.
    People have said to me I've lost lots of weight but actually I haven't.
  • sllingenfelter
    sllingenfelter Posts: 27 Member
    I started out the year at 220 and three months later I'm 190 without a lot of exercise. It doesn't matter how much you work out if you're not burning more calories then you're taking in, you won't lose weight. You have to burn about 3000+ calories to burn one pound.
  • lucylocketlostherpocket32
    My calorie intake a day is usually around the 1300 mark so I know I'm not taking in too much. I don't know what else to try as I already weigh everything
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited April 2016
    OP if you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Do you weigh ALL foods?? Are counting every little bite you put in your mouth?? Number 1 reason people are not losing is they are not accurate nor weighing their food.

    ETA: Can you open your diary??
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I've been counting every calorie and going to the gym 4-5 times a week for the last 6 weeks and I've lost 3lb over that time.
    I've made a massive difference to my diet and everything I eat I log.
    I've gone from doing no exercise to doing a lot and still the weight not coming off.
    One week I lose a pound and the next I put it back on.
    I just don't get it all the changes I've made the weight should be falling off

    Are you weighing and measuring the food you eat? Do you eat all of the calories you are losing through exercise? If so, that may not work for you. I can't eat the calories I burn through exercise or else I would just maintain or not lose any weight. Try tweaking what you have been doing and make some subtle changes and maybe that will work. Give it some time though. It may take a while to show a real loss. Measuring yourself can show more than the scale does sometimes.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I will definatly keep at it.
    My body fat % has gone down and I will measure now.
    Maybe it's s mixture of giving up smoking, cutting out all the junk sugar and carbs and doing a lot of exercise. Think my body had a shock to the system.

    Congrats on giving up the smoking! That's a hard one.
  • HealthierRayne
    HealthierRayne Posts: 268 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking - huge!!!!!! That will make such a big difference in your health overall! :smiley:
    You are doing great things, just don't be too hard on yourself and don't give up. Weight doesn't come on instantly and it won't come off instantly either. As others have mentioned, considering weighing/measuring your food for accuracy but otherwise you should be patting yourself on the back B)
  • lucylocketlostherpocket32
    Serah87 wrote: »
    OP if you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Do you weigh ALL foods?? Are counting every little bite you put in your mouth?? Number 1 reason people are not losing is they are not accurate nor weighing their food.

    ETA: Can you open your diary??

    I think I've opened my diary now
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    OP if you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Do you weigh ALL foods?? Are counting every little bite you put in your mouth?? Number 1 reason people are not losing is they are not accurate nor weighing their food.

    ETA: Can you open your diary??

    I think I've opened my diary now

    Are you weighing all your solid food? You have some weights entered, but they are very regular (multiple days with exactly 100 grams of banana, for example) and other foods aren't weighed at all ("2 waffles," cup measurements, etc).
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP you say you are counting all your calories, yet I look and I didn't even go a 1 week and you missing a lot of days and partial days of logging. That's your problem fix that, start logging and weighing!!!!
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I have been having this issue as well, and I posted about on the forums as well and I have gotten told from everything from "you are not logging acurrately" and "you are lying to yourself about what you really eat." Its debilitating hearing that from a community when you KNOW you are not lying and logging, weighing food, and exercising. All I can say is keep at it! I hit a month plateau and was stuck at 274 lbs, finally just barely this morning I am under and hit 273.6. I know its a small half pound loss, but it gave me hope and I know I can keep going now. Things may slow down and I do not know why, but just keep doing it and the weight WILL come off. I also tried stepping away from the scale for a week, as I was weighing myself on a daily basis, and seeing 274 everyday would just make me pissed! lol
  • lucylocketlostherpocket32
    I work 12 and half hour shifts so that's probably the days I've missed. And the partial logging that is nt bits missed that's what I've actually eaten.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    hiyomi wrote: »
    I have been having this issue as well, and I posted about on the forums as well and I have gotten told from everything from "you are not logging acurrately" and "you are lying to yourself about what you really eat." Its debilitating hearing that from a community when you KNOW you are not lying and logging, weighing food, and exercising. All I can say is keep at it! I hit a month plateau and was stuck at 274 lbs, finally just barely this morning I am under and hit 273.6. I know its a small half pound loss, but it gave me hope and I know I can keep going now. Things may slow down and I do not know why, but just keep doing it and the weight WILL come off. I also tried stepping away from the scale for a week, as I was weighing myself on a daily basis, and seeing 274 everyday would just make me pissed! lol

    Look at her diary, many days of no entries or only partial days!!! **rollingeyes**
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    1.jpg 135.4K
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    hiyomi wrote: »
    I have been having this issue as well, and I posted about on the forums as well and I have gotten told from everything from "you are not logging acurrately" and "you are lying to yourself about what you really eat." Its debilitating hearing that from a community when you KNOW you are not lying and logging, weighing food, and exercising. All I can say is keep at it! I hit a month plateau and was stuck at 274 lbs, finally just barely this morning I am under and hit 273.6. I know its a small half pound loss, but it gave me hope and I know I can keep going now. Things may slow down and I do not know why, but just keep doing it and the weight WILL come off. I also tried stepping away from the scale for a week, as I was weighing myself on a daily basis, and seeing 274 everyday would just make me pissed! lol

    But chances are that someone who regularly logs 100 grams of banana isn't logging accurately (unless they are saving the excess banana or throwing it away). Logging issues are pretty common -- that's why they are frequently brought up.
  • lucylocketlostherpocket32
    The partial logging isn't partial that's what I've eaten all day. The days missed is when I'm at work and I get a 30 min break in 12 and half hours I work in a hospital in delivery suite so I can't log then and I can tell you exactly what I eat in the whole 12 hour shift a tin of baked beans on 2 slices of toast and yogurt with fruit so I know them days I def don't eat too many calories
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    edited April 2016
    Serah87 wrote: »
    hiyomi wrote: »
    I have been having this issue as well, and I posted about on the forums as well and I have gotten told from everything from "you are not logging acurrately" and "you are lying to yourself about what you really eat." Its debilitating hearing that from a community when you KNOW you are not lying and logging, weighing food, and exercising. All I can say is keep at it! I hit a month plateau and was stuck at 274 lbs, finally just barely this morning I am under and hit 273.6. I know its a small half pound loss, but it gave me hope and I know I can keep going now. Things may slow down and I do not know why, but just keep doing it and the weight WILL come off. I also tried stepping away from the scale for a week, as I was weighing myself on a daily basis, and seeing 274 everyday would just make me pissed! lol

    Look at her diary, many days of no entries or only partial days!!! **rollingeyes**

    My phone was taken in for repairs since last Friday so I have been without one and not been able to log. Don't judge unless you know someone lol I've lost over 100 lbs on MFP in the last 3 years. ^_^