I don't have a choice now and it is scaring me.....



  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    Don't have anything to add over what has already been said but just wanted you to know that you have my support!

    So many here have been in your shoes and made a change. I KNOW you can do it too!!! It is NEVER too late.

    Do not start tommorow. Start this minute!
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    pootle1972 wrote: »
    If you're still breathing it's not too late! You're stronger than you think;) Thank God for that heartbeat in your chest and that He has a purpose for your life:) You've got this:) The first step is always the hardest.


    yup, this this this
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    One day at a time, OP.
    Numbers 6:24
  • flower8330
    flower8330 Posts: 7 Member
    If you break one egg, do throw the other 11 on the floor. Keep going! You're gonna mess up. Pick yourself up and do it. You can do it!
    BRUSON Posts: 5 Member
    I am also 42 years old and have no choice now. Work and home life are my key influences with my obsessive eating. I don't have like minded people around me and it's so hard to keep up the pace i need. Good luck to us both!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's not too late. Please read the success stories. One man was over 500#, had a cardiac arrest, and when he survived it, vowed to lose weight and lost over 300# and is off med's and in good health. You can do it, if you choose to.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    If you have not done so already, seek a therapist. Immediately. You need support in this.

    I was going to suggest meditation for stress relief, but this is excellent advice!
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Kkallisti wrote: »
    Dude. There is no fear on this earth like the panic that sets in after a choice is taken from you, and no pain like regret for not helping yourself from your current situation. I'm very sorry to hear about your issue.

    That being said, you're in the right place. You have doctors that are aware of your diagnosis, and can help point you to the kinds of resources that will help you. Listen to THEM (doctors, dietitians, trainers) over people on mfp. This is a great place for moral support, but the professionals working with you are the closest to the truth.

    So first things first! :) speak with your doctor and ask how much physical activity your heart can handle. This way, you can manage your body without hurting it. next, ask your doctor to recommend you to a dietitian, not a nutritionist (one has a degree, one does not). Get with your new dietitian and have them break down the basics of nutrition for you, have the help you formulate a meal plan that will help you both shed weight and heal any damage to your heart. Once you have that plan, stick to it. Throw out the snacks, replace all food in your house with things that will help you, not hurt you. It helps eliminate cravings if you're not staring down the calorie-rich nutrient-dry stuff all day. Fizzy waters in place of sodas, mixed nuts instead of chips, etc. Making the switch is difficult, but worth it.

    Finally, wait. It takes a very long time for a healthy body to shed weight, and in your situation, it's going to be even tougher. You may have to wait for the diet to cut your weight before you are "allowed" to exercise, if your condition is looming. It's going to be hard. But hard doesn't mean impossible, and you can do this. You raised a KID, the hardest job in history. You've got this. Sure it took a kick in the pants, but you're gonna pull through this because you have the power to arm yourself with the tools you need. And everyone on this site is cheering for you.

    Excellent advice.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    lloydrt wrote: »
    I have a MFP friend who weighed 700 lbs......Yes ,you read right SEVEN HUNDRED POUNDS........he has been diligent and has been thru lots of medical issues, BUT HE IS HANGIN IN THERE.........he is now at 280 and looks great, but wants to lose about 65 lbs and he will be happy.........

    you only need to lose about 90 lbs........he has to lose 500 lbs to his desired goals.......can you imagine
    and he is older than you

    just be patient, COMMIT to it and this time next year you will be so happy with your loss......best wishes

    We have a new candidate for superhero status! What your friend did is absolutely amazing and awe-inspiring!
  • Latitude11Courtney
    Latitude11Courtney Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with getting a therapist !! Talking with someone while moving your body more and eating healthier will help you feel better. Talk with someone that will help you figure out why you gained this weight and figure out better coping skills. You are not stuck here ...the ball is still in your court. You can add me as a friend if you want !
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    No choice huh? Sounds like you can choose life or death. I know what I would choose.
    Good luck.
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    I just wanted to throw my support in; you've gotten great advise - esp, get medical advise immediately so you can move forward safely.

    Also, yes, you can do this. People do it every day.

    Every single day. The Success forum is full of them, and some of them in far more dire straights than you are. So, that could be you a year from now, doing much better, cheering someone else on.
  • Officially_Rosey
    Officially_Rosey Posts: 73 Member
    lloydrt wrote: »
    I have a MFP friend who weighed 700 lbs......Yes ,you read right SEVEN HUNDRED POUNDS........he has been diligent and has been thru lots of medical issues, BUT HE IS HANGIN IN THERE.........he is now at 280 and looks great, but wants to lose about 65 lbs and he will be happy.........

    you only need to lose about 90 lbs........he has to lose 500 lbs to his desired goals.......can you imagine
    and he is older than you

    just be patient, COMMIT to it and this time next year you will be so happy with your loss......best wishes

    Wow that's amazing! Good for him for managing to lose so much :smile:
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    You definitely know what to do. My Dad lost his father to the same thing, and he's lost all excess weight and walks daily. I don't know all of his emotional struggle but I know he's proud of himself and he's a very healthy man now.