Binge Eater... Help wanted.



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I have the same problem, but after tracking calories consistently for a few months, including the binge sessions I find that it all balances out in the long run. I'm not sure if it's the same for you, but the day after I binge I usually don't feel hungry until later in the evening where I might have a meal or two that total no more than half my calorie goal.

    If you're finding that stress is the main factor of why you do it, I'd also recommend taking 10 minutes a day to follow a meditation app. That's helped me hugely as far as stress relief.

    Other than that, just make sure your calories for the week balance out to keep you at a deficit until you find a solution. Personally though, I enjoy the binges :smiley:

    This is awesome advice.
  • miss_aims
    miss_aims Posts: 64 Member
    Hey! I'm definitely a stress/boredom binge eater with almost no self-control. It doesn't help that at my work, potlucks are a normal occurrence and there's junk food that is way too easily accessible. If you'd like a buddy, please feel free to reach out to me!
  • OhioBrian40
    OhioBrian40 Posts: 6 Member
    Weekends at home are tough
  • charlsy1691
    charlsy1691 Posts: 36 Member
    Just don't have any binge foods in the cupboards, don't buy that stuff anymore then it won't be readily available to you. Find distractions be it, a hobby, start a craft, relaxation, gym anything to take your mind to f the urges.
  • LeoZandi
    LeoZandi Posts: 38 Member
    Oh man me too! Totally sucks! Worst feeling when your eaten till you feel sick. Intermittent fasting has helped me through this, for the past couple months I have been more in control with eating but some days....
  • Erin1082
    Erin1082 Posts: 25 Member
    Find something to keep yourself busy during those times you know you are art risk for binging. I tend to binge at night, after my kids are sleeping. My new routine is to eat a protein rich snack before 8pm and drink lots of water. I try to not eat after 8pm. Then i avoid the kitchen at all costs. I like to color in an adult coloring book while watching tv, keeps my mind off did and my hands busy.