are you about 5'5'' what's your goal? any before/after?



  • VannessaKss
    Hello :)
    Well im 5"4 and my current weight :120.8
    i would like to be 110 lb <---- :)
    i hope i reach my goal before i get back to school :)
  • VannessaKss
    btw you are AWESOME
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'm 5"6 as well..goal is 135 pounds.
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    I am 5'5" and my goal is 130, but I would love to be 125! -- which would still be in a normal range for my BMI.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I started at 189, I'm currently at 172.7!!! My goal is to be between 140-150. The way my body type is... I don't think going below 140 is necessary for me... but who knows I may want to go lower depending on how I feel at that point. Once I get to about 169 expect a 20 lbs. down picture from me! :D
  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I'm currently 145. My goal is 135. My body seems to like to sit at about 140 (it has since I was about 17/18). I don't mind 140 too much, but I've gotten down to 135 in the past and I really liked how I looked, plus I got a lot of compliments at that weight. I wouldn't want to go below that since I like having a little bit of curves (as does my husband). After I started developing curves, I was never super skinny again even though I was a dancer. It's just not meant to be for me.

    As so many have said, it's about finding a weight that looks good on you. It's all about being healthy!
  • NooNooBun
    NooNooBun Posts: 6
    I'm 5"5 and weigh 137 pounds right now. My goal weight would be 130. I would love to be 125, but i think my head will look too big for my body lol.
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    I am 5'5' and weighed 142 when I started exercising and eating better. My goal is around 120. I really just want to tone up,build muscle so I am not so flabby. I'm tired of big flabby thighs and a saggy butt. I am doing the 30 day Shred right now. With walks and a workout of Robert Ferguson. I am going on 30 day RIP-FIRE challenge with my work to see who can get the most ripped in 30 days. Should be interesting.
  • saydeebrannon
    I'm 5'5 but anything after 120 and I've either got extra weight on my arms,thighs, or i look like im carrying a small fanny pack in my mid region lol. I want to be firm and fit at 120. For my body type and BMI its considered really healthy. I wish you the best of luck! I'm currently at 165 so I have a hike before my feet on this journey! I'll post pics up at 145-140!
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    i was wondering what my goal wight should be? everyone around me is telling me to stop and maintain but i really don't think 125 is unreasonable or unhealthy. does anyone have before and afters at about my hieght to help inspire??

    We are the exact same weight right now and I am 5' 5" and my goal weight has always been 125. I even like to go a little lower than that to make sure I never see 130's again. I am ALWAYS told it is too skinny and where I am now, I looke fine. I feel I look good, but I don't want to settle for "good". I've had three kids and I think 125 is do-able.....easily. So I am on my way!!! Friend me if you would like as we have the same stats and end goal!!! Good Luck!
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    I am about 5 5, maybe a smidge shorter. My goal has been 135/139 but, just this week I decided that I REALLY want my goal to be 125 as well. I don't know if it's doable at 36 with 3 kiddos "under my belt" but, i am going to give it a shot. I wasn't really planning on talking about it much to people around me, just kind of trying to do it b/c I can see everyone telling me it's "too much"

    currently I am 148 and I have to say taht i'm more motivated with 20 more lbs to lose versus 8 more lbs....does that make sense?

    I say keep going as long as you are doing it "healthily" .... if that's even a word :wink:

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!

    *i've wanted to be 125 ever since I can remember.... in high school i felt fat at i'd love to see the 30's :)

    Anything is doable if you want it bad enough. I am 34 and also have three kids. If you want it, go for it! I too feel "fat" at 135. I always feel good at 125! Friend me if you would like, we have similar stats. Good Luck!
  • heidikins7
    heidikins7 Posts: 22
    I'm about 5'5/5'6, and my goal weight is 112. I am small boned and naturally thin to begin with, so I don't think it's too outrageous of a goal. My SW was 137, and I looked terrible, in relation to my body frame. I was even asked if I was pregnant or when I was due, and I clearly wasn't pregnant. It was depressing.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I think it really depends so much on your body shape, frame size, and the amount of muscle you are carrying. Someone who is lithe and willowy will look fine at the lower weights, but if you're an athlete with more lean muscle, that lower weight wouldn't look quite right.

    I'm 5'5", and before having kids I hovered around 128-132 range, and looked great. In high school I was 116-125, and at 116- I looked terrible and gaunt. Other peeps look great at that weight, but I have a good sized frame and a good amount of muscle in my arms and legs,. I was meant to be curvy and fit, but not extremely lithe.

    I'm at 148 now, and my goal is 135ish, but I'll pay attention along the way to see what looks right on me at age 33. :)
  • dcdc13
    dcdc13 Posts: 86
    I'm 5'4 and I would love to be 130-135. Im currently at 161. When I started I was pushing 210. Here's my B&A from 210 to 164. I'm the one in the pink.

  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    I'd like to be more than one doughnut away from diabetes.

    "More than one doughnut away from diabetes" LOL! Thanks for a good chuckle!
  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    My goal is more clothing size than weight. The reason is that you can either be skinny with muscle (in which case you will weigh more, look better, AND get to eat more calories), or you can be skinny without muscle (in which case you will weigh less, probably look worse, and get to eat fewer calories).

    At 5'4", I used to be 125, with very little muscle. I was a size 4 up top, and size 6 on the bottom. This was about six years ago. I figure if I can get back to those sizes -- this time WITH muscle tone, I'll probably weigh more like 135 or so. But I don't care what the scale says. I'd just be ecstatic to be in a size four again! :-)

    I'm age 45, and current weight is 154.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I would love to be 130-135. Im currently at 161. When I started I was pushing 210. Here's my B&A from 210 to 164. I'm the one in the pink.

    You look adorable! Nice gams! :wink:
  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal is 150. I am large framed (not an excuse, but true). I was a size 14 at 190, and at my thinnest in high school I was 135. I will be very happy and healthy at 150.

    I have 'sort of' before and afters in my profile. There is one from my daughter's prom in 2010 (I'm in the navy shirt) and then her prom in 2011. But that's me at 243, and then probably around 216 or so. I'm now 207
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Im just under 5'5" and my starting weight was 192. Im currently at 159 and my goal is 145. I think anything under 145 might be to small. So I"ll see when I get to 145 if I want to go smaller.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm closer to 5'6", and my ultimate goal is around 135. A weight of 130 would actually be healthy, but not for me, because I'm not built to go that low. The lowest I've ever gotten was 133, and that was bordering on too skinny for me, because I was starting to lose strength. I'm just too athletic, and I've always weighed more than people think, just because of the way that my body is built. So for me and my body type, anything below 135 wouldn't really be that reasonable of maintainable.
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