ANYTHING other then food to use as fuel??



  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    This whole topic makes me sad. I love food. I agree, though. Diesel is a very off putting smell. My dad is a diesel mechanic and while it never affected the old man's appetite, I never wanted to eat dinner if he didn't change out of his work clothes and take a shower before coming to the table.

    But if you really just don't want to think about it anymore do a soylent or something. Just make sure they are ok for diabetics first.
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    Soylent is a thing. Never tried it, so I can't vouch for taste and I don't know how an all liquid diet would go. You'd have to look into it extensively, but it's a possibility.

    I had a bunch of stuff written out, but reading down more, it seems like you don't have the luxury to eat within a calorie limit, but not cleanly. So instead, my advice is to try everything. Try all the things. Never heard of this food before? Try it. Look for foods you've never tried before. Look for recipes you've never tried before. No, look for foods and recipes you never would even have thought to try, before. I, myself, am a very picky eater, but even I've found healthy options that I like. I feel like there must be some option out there that you'd like. Maybe you just haven't found it yet. I hope you do.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    There's lots of junk food. Some (like pizza and burgers and tacos) actually can be reasonably healthy or modified to be so and would provide the protein you need, as well as a balance of other macros. Others (like candy and beer) really aren't going to give you what you need (although fine in moderation).

    So just saying you only like junk food isn't enough. Presumably you didn't drink lots of beer as a kid (I hope), and didn't just eat candy.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited April 2016

    Did a psychiatrist prescribe antidepressants? If not, you need an appointment with a psychiatrist and a diagnosis. If yes, what happened when you saw no results and what was your diagnosis?[/quote]

    Actually it was my primary doctor, which I thought was weird. After no results we switched to another..and I'm due to see him again and change it up again.

    How am I staying fat even though I hate food?? I have no idea, my only guess is that my metabolism is messed up, I often skip meals these days and will sometimes go multiple days without eating anything.


    Talk to a psychiatrist. You might be surprised, who knows? It does not sound like something where the average GP can help.
    Also, are you logging on MFP? Could you open your diary?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    I'd consult a psychiatrist and give them ALL the details of your issue. Nutritionists and personal trainers aren't qualified enough to help you. Something is definitely going on, but whatever it is I'm sure it's fixable. No sense continuing to be miserable.

    And if you go multiple days without eating anything then you must be over eating at other times or else you would lose weight.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Dude! You're 6'3" and weight 205 pounds . . . and you want to lose weight? Why?

    As for calories, I'm 5'10" and weigh the same as you. I'm currently dieting down at about 2300-2500 calories a day (if I drop to 2,000ish I lose too fast), and I work a sedentary job. Do you lift weights?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    edited April 2016
    aggelikik wrote: »
    So OP, since this has been going on for a while, what HAVE you tried? What specialists have you seen, what did your dr say when you mentioned your concerns? If you are saying you have been struggling for ever with weight issues, and texture/smell aversions, and yet have never discussed this with a professional (or multiple ones), then this makes very little sense to me. Unless there is something else going on. To be honest, I would start with a psychiatrist (no, they are not just for "crazy" people).

    I have tried many things actually, as far as diets I have tried vegan, liquid, low carb, South beach and a few others.

    I have talked to my doctor about this, he has put me on a few different anti anxiety medications, no real results though. I'm also going to stop taking Metformin because bad taste is a side effect that a poster here just pointed out, thanks to that person even though I can't remember the name at the moment! (sorry!!)

    I have seen three different nutritionalists and they have put me on various diets, the liquid diet was because of the 2nd one I saw.

    I have also sen 3 different personal trainers who have given me diets to try as well. Most of them just tell me to "man up!! Stop being a whiner!!" when I tell them I can't eat what I'm supposed to eat.

    I guess that's why I'm in this state, after all this stuff and all these years I just don't see food ever really working for me. I KNOW that sounds crazy, but again I have no idea what else to even think at this point.

    Stop dieting. Eat food you like within your calorie goal.

  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited April 2016
    Dude! You're 6'3" and weight 205 pounds . . . and you want to lose weight? Why?

    As for calories, I'm 5'10" and weigh the same as you. I'm currently dieting down at about 2300-2500 calories a day (if I drop to 2,000ish I lose too fast), and I work a sedentary job. Do you lift weights?

    2 reasons... First off is to get my A1C down to the point were I can stop worrying (so much) about my blood sugar.

    2nd (and I'm sure you will all hate me for this!) I'm trying to look good. Yes I'm down to 205 but its still mostly goo, not a lot of meat.

    weightlifting (or strength training if you don't want to lift weights) = more meat and less goo

    ETA in response to your additional post: Add at least another day of lifting (so minimum of 3) and try as many as 4-5. Also, make sure you're on a program and that you follow the program. Then give it time. How much protein are you actually getting?
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited April 2016
    Now this is interesting. Read OP post and am curious how others will answer.

    Have to leave but will read responses when I get back.
  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    I eat somewhere around 1700-2000 cals per day. I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast. Usually something like beef tips/rice or noodles and a veggie for lunch. Spaghetti for dinner and Ice cream for a night snack. That's not every night, but that is typical. I tend to agree with others who are saying that your problem seems more psychological than physical. Get some help brother.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    This post is making be crazy, lol. There have to be some foods you enjoy. Right? Some?

    Can you name 10 foods for us that you truly enjoy?
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    This post is making be crazy, lol. There have to be some foods you enjoy. Right? Some?

    Can you name 10 foods for us that you truly enjoy?

    Not counting junk food??

    No I really can't. I sat here trying to come up with ten and this is all I got.

    Peanut butter
    Nuts (cashews, Almonds, etc..)
    Ground beef

    Thats it! I mean I dunno, I just hate everything else so much these days. I dunno.

    Add a good deal of veggies in some form, maybe some rice or potatoes, and it's not bad.