Runners- share your run!

I just ran 15.5 km. This is the longest I have run in my life. I stopped a few times for about a minute.


  • emotrashlord
    emotrashlord Posts: 3 Member
    I finished week one day three of C25k and tbh I would have probably died if I hadnt taken a break halfway through. But it was easier this time than day one so I guess this is working :smiley: my ankles are pretty sore now though and im not sure why but I feel good :)
  • ready4cruise
    ready4cruise Posts: 7 Member
    I completed day2 of week2 in Couch to 5K yesterday and didn't die! :D GO ME!!! (not as excitingly awesome as yours.. but baby steps for a beginning runner. hehe)

    Great, I just started also couch to 5k. Start week 2 and I'm going to do it!
  • gorple76
    gorple76 Posts: 162 Member
    I am 173 days from couch to a more healthy lifestyle. When I started I never thought about even trying to attempt to run. Started off by walking my dog. My first marathon of my life is tomorrow. I have ran all of the milage to train for a marathon and the race is at 7:30am.

    Wow! Best of luck. I'm running my first marathon in October have been running for a while, so utterly in awe of your progress. Friend request duly sent as would be great to hear how you get on.

    I ran 6miles yesterday but tried to challenge myself by running completely off track (ie boggy, muddy moorland). Lots of hills and a slow pace but brilliant fun.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    edited April 2016
    Falls in the stupid category, but here it goes: had set myself to run a 14km route. After two km I was wondering why I was still not warmed up and I still had side stitches. 4km in I had to walk every 500m or so. 7km in I realized it must be an asthma flareup and what I considered to be stitches was a tight chest *sigh* No mobile phone reception in the area, no inhaler with me, a road with not too much traffic but cars generally going 60 or 70mph.. and no other way of getting home than to continue. Took a while for me to get home. Whole flareup took me 4 weeks to get rid of again. At least I know now why I sometimes have stitches during running, or sometimes just from getting up from my desk to fetch a new cup of tea.

    Btw, I hope to run my first half marathon in October. I'll probably be fit enough to run one in june or july, but the route is rather boring.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Nice slow 5km this morning along the recreational path by the Ottawa River. Onse small section flooded, still some patches of snow. Lots of birds.....saw a pileated woodpecker, mallard ducks, a few geese plus the usual assortment of robins & red wing blackbirds (haven't been buzzed by one yet this year).

    I'm supposed to run a half-marathon in 6 weeks but am coming back from a tender achilles tendon....we'll see how things go,
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Fairly gentle six miles this morning on mixed trail and a little bit of tarmac. Not really in the mood for it but I have to get the miles in with a three race weekend in a month and a marathon in two months.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    Training for a half on May 29. Doing 7 later today. Just started taking Creatine; I've noticed a difference in my leg soreness - much less. However my legs have also started feeling like concrete. Don't know if there's a correlation to that and the Creatine use. Lots of running buddies use Creatine.
  • SecondSummer
    SecondSummer Posts: 2 Member
    I just ran a little over 6 miles this morning. I found a new trial near my house. The weather was 65 and sunny! A great start to my saturday :)
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    Nice job guys. I have been running for years. I am planning on a recovery run in the morning of 6 miles. Half marathon and marathon distances. I haven't signed up for anything this year but I don't run many of those. I just like the peace that running brings me.

    If anyone needs any advice or help, let me know. Add me as a friend.
  • flab2fitmama
    flab2fitmama Posts: 12 Member
    On my 3rd try of C25k after quitting the first 2 times. Ran W6D3 this morning and got my best time out of all 3 tries
  • willammoney
    willammoney Posts: 137 Member
    edited April 2016
    Mon tues wed = 2 miles per
    Sun= 6 miles
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    It's Saturday so of course it's got to be parkrun! I'm on no97 and so far have dropped my 5k time from about 32mins to 26. Love parkrun, what it stands for and what it's helped me to achieve. Get out there and give it a go next Saturday 9am at a park near you. Anybody can walk/jog/run their way round and it's entirely free. If in doubt turn up and offer to help at the first one so you see what it's all about before getting stuck in.

    (Sorry American peeps not sure it's as established over there yet so your nearest may not be so near...! Unless you start one up yourself?)
  • jusbowers
    jusbowers Posts: 75 Member
    C25K W6D3 for the 2nd time after breaking a hip. Taking it easy and concentrating on form and breathing rather than just getting to the end of the section and running is a joy again!