Weight Lifting (Chest)

I have been lifting for awhile now and I can't seem to grow my chest. I don't have a gym partner so it makes it harder to push the last few reps without a spot. Suggestions of solo lifts and ways to build out my chest.


  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Drop sets
    Use machines like hammer strength in combination with fee weights
  • brianjohnson05
    brianjohnson05 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started that last week and am looking forward to seeing the results. Thank you for the suggestion for the longest time I was just using free weights.
  • woody2288
    woody2288 Posts: 103 Member
    edited April 2016
    It was the same way for me, I started focusing on stretching and contracting the muscle. Also getting the tempo down was a big help, supersets and drop sets would good too. I'm in no means an expert but I've noticed this has helped me.
  • brianjohnson05
    brianjohnson05 Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome thank you. I'll take any advice that I can get. I have had a lot of success on most other areas just not my chest.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Weighted dips.
  • Kr15by
    Kr15by Posts: 78 Member
    BigGuy47 wrote: »
    Weighted dips.

    i second this. Weighted dips are an underated exercise for adding size to the chest
  • ShodanPrime
    ShodanPrime Posts: 226 Member
    I have been lifting for awhile now and I can't seem to grow my chest. I don't have a gym partner so it makes it harder to push the last few reps without a spot. Suggestions of solo lifts and ways to build out my chest.

    Use a power cage for your big bench sets. Better spotter than a human.

    Myself, I'm rebuilding my chest after lifting Olympic for a long while. So I'm doing silliness like:

    10 sets of 3 at 85% flat bench , then followed by 150 additional reps at 60%. Then I'll switch to decline and do 100 or so more reps at 60%. Then I'll move to dbs and start doing 10 reps Pyramids until I hit a weight I know I can't get more then 10, then I back off all the way down to 5 pounders, but once I hit 20 pounds, reps jump to 20, then 30 at 15, then 50 at 10, then amrap with 5, and then immediate half sets until I can't push anymore.

    Then I'll head to lever machines direct for chest and my lagging rear delts.

    I call that a Tuesday. My work capacity is up, and I'm already hitting higher reps on my 225 benchmark for bench, and my pecs are growing. Arms are lagging, even though I do a ton of curls, Kroc rows, and overhead tri extensions, but it is what it is. They need to be beaten on more.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    If you are looking to put on size, are you eating enough? you gotta feed your muscles to make them grow. The guys i lift with alternate max effort days with volume/speed days and they get pretty big.
    If you are looking to increase strength, another thing to consider is making sure your form is spot on, adding leg drive etc. and of course a lot of focus on the accessory muscles like your tris and lats and shoulders.
  • robertpcooke
    robertpcooke Posts: 12 Member
    Agree with what's been said re diet, doesn't matter what exercise you do if you don't eat enough you want grow. Have you tried shocking your muscle with something like tri-sets? 3 exercises back to back max 10sec rest. For example 6 reps flat bench, 6 reps incline Dumbbells, then 12 reps cable flys or 6 reps Gironda press, 6 reps weighted dips then 12 hex press. Works for me when I get a sticking point
  • bigbuffbarry
    bigbuffbarry Posts: 38 Member
    Dumbbells if you can. Power rack is good too. Dont be afraid to ask for a spot any random person walking by. I never had somebody say no. And if they do so what.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Different rep ranges. Target your chest from different angles.

    Definitely do dips and dumbbell flys. You can shred your chest with the flys and the dips are an excellent alternative to bench that doesn't require a spotter. Also try upping your intensity, by either lifting heavier, more reps, or decreasing rest time.
  • brianjohnson05
    brianjohnson05 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for all the tips. I will need to work all of that in and see what works. I also need to work on my diet. I'm always scared to eat more because a few years ago I was 85 pounds heavier and in terrible shape. Now I am in the best shape of my life and don't want to end up back there, so eating more always makes me shudder. I have never added dips into my chest workouts so I'm going to start there. And today's the best day of all chest day!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    SonyaCele wrote: »
    If you are looking to put on size, are you eating enough? you gotta feed your muscles to make them grow. The guys i lift with alternate max effort days with volume/speed days and they get pretty big.
    If you are looking to increase strength, another thing to consider is making sure your form is spot on, adding leg drive etc. and of course a lot of focus on the accessory muscles like your tris and lats and shoulders.



    Work on form. Depression of the shoulders is probably the most underused. Engaging lats by contracting scapula AND keeping it tight. Pause work is beneficial.

    Strength day. Doesn't mean go for 1RM every time you lay back.

    Speed and explosive day.

    Two or three accessory lifts. Shoulder press, incline dumbbell, weighted dips, fly or pecdeck will suffice.

    Find your weakness or sticking point and work on it.