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April 2016 Running Challenge



  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited April 2016
    4/01: Off, rest day
    4/02: 12 miles, long and easy
    4/03: 8K race - 36:36 (7:22 pace) - new PR! + 1 mile warm up
    4/04: 4 miles, easy
    4/05: 5 miles, easy
    4/06: 5 miles total, 2 miles @ 7:38 (LT) pace (am)
    4/06: 4 miles, easy (pm)
    4/07: 5 miles, easy
    4/08: Off, rest day
    4/09: Half Marathon - 1:53:11 - treated as a long run with strong finish
    4/10: 4 miles, easy
    4/11: 6 miles, easy
    4/12: 7 miles total, 3x1 mile repeats @ 7:19 pace
    4/13: 6 miles, easy (am)
    4/13: 4 miles, easy (pm)
    4/14: 8 miles total, 5 miles @ 7:45 (goal HM) pace
    4/15: Off, rest day
    4/16: 6 miles, easy
    4/17: 13 miles, long and easy
    Total: 108.57 miles

    Today’s run was a nice, long 13 miles along the lake. It was really hot and sunny out; I have to make sure I start a little earlier next week! My right leg felt kind of wonky for the first few miles, not exactly pain but just like the muscles in my hip and thigh and calf were working extra hard so I took those miles a little slow. Settled in to a nice rhythm for the last 9 or so miles though and felt really great by the end! A great end to a great week of training.


    Races I'm registered for:
    04/03 - Shamrock Shuffle (8K) 36:36 - new 8K PR!
    04/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon 1:53:11 - took it nice and easy
    04/24 - Ravenswood Run (5K)
    05/22 - Chicago Spring 13.1
    05/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
    07/21 - Esprit de She 5K
    09/10 - Magnificent Mile Half Marathon
    09/25 - Chicago Lifetime 5K
    10/09 - Chicago Marathon
    10/30 - Hot Chocolate 5K
    11/27 - Space Coast Half Marathon
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Apr 01    103.7    103.7  April Fools!!
    Apr 03      6.2      6.2  Cohasset 10K, PR and 19th in my age group!
    Apr 05      5.3T    11.5
    Apr 06      3.8T    15.3
    Apr 09      6.4     21.7
    Apr 10      5.0     26.7
    Apr 11      3.6T    30.3
    Apr 12      3.8T    34.1
    Apr 16     11.2     45.3
    Apr 17      4.3     49.6

    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    4/17 - 22mi long run. Cruised it at 9:35/mi. Got out the door at 5am. I was the only one out for hrs. Kinda nice. And it was 60f and dark which felt ridiculously good! Vertical: 705ft. Distance this week: 70.9mi. Super satisfied with that amount! And I still feel pretty good right now. Lil thirsty. Even though I drank the entire gallon of gatorade in my truck. I passed it several times so it was my aid station. Also ran in my new pair of Brooks Ghost 7s. So it felt like I was running on clouds. I forgot to take a sunrise pic though. Kinda mad about that. Next time.

    Good luck to anyone racing today! And for the Boston racers, I'm SUUUPER jealous!! I'll be watching it on tv! :/

    4/1 - Easy 10.1mi @ 8:25/mi
    4/2 - rest.
    4/3 - 1mi fun hike for views of SLC. 400ft vertical.
    4/4 - Snowboard 41.8mi 30,000ft, descent (not counted on April total), 55.8mph top speed.
    4/5 - 7.3mi mountain (steep) run. About 2,000ft vertical, 14:31/avg. Medium effort.
    4/6 - Rest
    4/7 - 4.5mi easy w speed bursts 8:50 - 5:40/mi
    4/8 - rest
    4/9 - Beginners Luck 25k trail race (2:53)
    4/10 - 7.1mi on Black Mtn, 2,234ft vertical gain, 14:11/mi (PR)
    4/11 - AM 9mi easy (8:41/mi) ---- PM 6.4mi trail (1,207ft vertical) -15.4mi total
    4/12 - rest
    4/13 - AM: 2.25mi Med w H bursts (6:59 avg). 2.25mi slow back. PM: 10.2mi @ glacial (9:05/mi) - 14.7mi total.
    4/14 - 8.3mi easy. 463ft vert.
    4/15 - 5mi all out. 36:14 (7:15/mi)
    4/16 - 5.2mi recovery (873ft vert)
    4/17 - 22mi long run (9:35/mi) (705ft vert)

    April total - 116.6 / 153mi
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited April 2016
    @9voice9 Haha the trick to getting the loot is to find races where you are alone in age group :)))
    @_nikkiwolf_ Trail shoes have much better traction on mud and dirt that road shoes. Road shoes have flat soles (like a F1 car) while trail shoes have heavy duty traction soles (like a jeep). You can use both for whatever but they are made for what they are made.
    @Orphia Congratulations. You made it.

    Just look how agressive the trail looks like.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @9voice9 Haha the trick to getting the loot is to find races where you are alone in age group :)))
    @_nikkiwolf_ Trail shoes have much better traction on mud and dirt that road shoes. Road shoes have flat soles (like a F1 car) while trail shoes have heavy duty traction soles (like a jeep). You can use both for whatever but they are made for what they are made.
    @Orphia Congratulations. You made it.

    Just look how agressive the trail looks like.


    Which trail shoe is that? Looks bad! I had the Merrell all out terra, they were great, but I needed a size up and they weren't in stock. I have the Merrell all out charge now.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @Elise4270 No ideea. It was just a pic I found when I googled road vs trail shoe
  • kellyship17
    kellyship17 Posts: 112 Member
    Miles in April
    4/1 1.5 miles
    4/2 rest
    4/3 8.23 miles
    4/4 2 miles
    4/5 rest
    4/6 rest
    4/7 3 miles
    4/8 1.5 miles
    4/9 rest
    4/10 3.67 miles
    4/11 rest
    4/12 5.27 miles
    4/13 3.6 miles
    4/14 rest
    4/15 3.6 miles
    4/16 rest
    4/17 9.2 miles

    38 down ...22 left for April! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Awesome races this weekend by so many on here! @WhatMeRunning - can't believe your schedule! You are doing great. :smile:

    @MobyCarp - Best of luck tomorrow!

    My daughter ran the Shape Magazine HM in NYC today. She said it has been her favorite HM so far. She had surgery in January and just got back to running in March so was just hoping to keep a steady pace and did just that. So she was happy with her time (no where near a PB) and happy that she felt good afterwards. She only signed up for it because she needs to volunteer and run a certain number of races in NYC to get an automatic entry into the NYC marathon in 2017. She tried to get into it this fall but didn't win the lottery for it.

    4/1- 5.1 miles in the rain
    4/2 - rest/travel day
    4/3 - 34 miles on bike
    4/4 - 5.1 miles (intervals)
    4/5 - 5.1 miles - intervals (although slower than yesterday)
    4/6 - 22 miles on bike + Strength training
    4/7 - 4.2 miles - slow and steady
    4/8 - strength training
    4/9 - 34 miles on bike
    4/10 - 50 miles on bike
    4/11 - 5.1 miles - recovery run from all the biking + strength training
    4/12 - 4.2 miles
    4/13 - rest day (biking rained out).
    4/14 - 4.8 miles
    4/15 - sick day
    4/16 - 4.2 very slow miles (feeling better)
    4/17 - 35 miles on bike

  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Thanks for all the advice following my rant/tantrum the other day. I think actually there was nothing specific wrong with me to make me feel as rubbish as k did, other than having had a lot of things to deal with all at once, as I mentioned. What actually helped was a day off, a takeaway and a damn good lie in!

    My run today felt much more like my usual self, blister aside. I really thought I was shredding the whole arch of my foot though, it was agony. Then I got home to find the smallest hole in my sock had caused a teeny tiny blister smaller than my little finger nail! I'm beginning to think running is turning me into a massive drama queen, especially after the "omgihaveshinsplints" panic that turned out to be an ingrown hair the other week :lol:

    3rd April - 13.1 miles - Half PB 2:04:35
    5th April - 2.43 miles
    6-8th April - away
    9th April - 3.09 miles
    10th April - 6.4 miles
    12th April - 3.67 miles
    14th April - 4.53 miles
    17th April - 7.37 miles

    MTD - 40.59/65 miles

    Upcoming races:
    8th May - Run Hackney Half Marathon
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    edited April 2016
    @WhatMeRunning congrats on the half PR!

    @Orphia Well done on the PR too! :smile:

    @AdrianChr92 Sorry to hear about your injury, enjoy your lifting in the meantime.

    @MobyCarp Good luck tomorrow!
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    Good luck @MobyCarp
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Elise4270 @sunnybeaches105 @WhatMeRunning @AdrianChr92 Thanks for the feedback on the trail shoes! Although - don't you know you shouldn't encourage an addict? Now I'm convinced my current four pair of trainers aren't enough, I feel like heading out and buying pair #5. Because I clearly didn't spend enough money on running shoes this year so far, I obviously need a pair of trail shoes right away now, don't I?

    @louubelle16 I totally get the "omgihaveshinsplints" panic - the other week I was freaking out I might have a knee injury, because it hurt when I woke up. Then I remembered that I had bumped into a box and gotten myself a big bruise there, which made for an alternative explanation for the pain... I've never actually had a running injury (*knock on wood*), but after reading about all kinds of injuries of different people in this thread, it's hard not to get a little paranoid!

    @AdrianChr92 People blocking you at the start can feel really annoying! I always try telling myself it won't cost me too much time, and you're supposed to run slower at the start of the race anyway. But still... I get a little mad about it sometimes, when people are deliberately being idiots. During my 10k last weekend there was actually a group of three people who stopped side-by-side 200m after the start to take a selfie together, blocking most of the road... I have to admit I was feeling more than just a little gleeful when another runner plowed right through them!
    Too bad about your knee, that doesn't sound good. Taking a rest right now before you make it worse is a really sensible decision. Take care, and you'll be back to running in no time!

    @MobyCarp All the best for tomorrow! I'll be sitting at work sneaking glances at race reports while you are there and actually run the thing. Can't wait to read about it afterwards :)
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    @Ohhim ... Old college's Spring Carnival in Pittsburgh? Are you a CMU guy?
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Congrats! @Orphia on reaching goal! Good for you! (I still have 25 to go...which will involve a little more not eating than I'm doing currently!)

    @Elise4270 I think a pirate booty is a great idea, lol!

    @9voice9 Congrats on your AG win! One of these days I'll win my AG. It will probably involve kidnapping and/or being 90 years old, though...

    Wow! on your Half PR, @WhatMeRunning !

    @_nikkiwolf_ I hate running on streets in my trail shoes, and I only wear trail shoes for some kinds of trails. I actually prefer my street shoes for gravel trails, because I need the cushioning more than I need traction. That isn't true for forest running--then my trail shoes are a must. I'd like to get ones with even chunkier sole grips, though. I wear Saucony Peregrine 5s (with inserts) and I still think they're a little slippery in wet conditions.

    Best of luck tomorrow in Boston, @MobyCarp !

    @4leighbee you should wear a bonnet and apron to run through Williamsburg. You can shout about how Washington has the British bottled up in Yorktown and everyone will think you're part of the entertainment!

    I am making lists of what runs I want to do in the next few months--here is what I have at the moment:
    4/23 Community 10K Burke, VA
    5/21 RunFitKidz 5K Springfield, VA (this is a week after tailbone surgery--I'm registering so I can run with my 9 year old if I feel up to it)
    6/12 Celebrate Fairfax 5K Fairfax, VA
    6/25 Jackson River Scenic Trail 10K Covington, VA (I think I'm going to do this one, @MLS1582 ! Maybe we can meet and go out to dinner with the SOs before or after the race).
    7/4 Freedom 5K, Fairfax, VA
    9/5 Great American 5k, Fairfax VA
    9/10 Hemlock Half Marathon, Clifton, VA
    9/24 Divas Half Marathon, Leesburg, VA
    10/30 MCM 10K, Washington, DC
    11/6 Parks 10K, Washington, DC
    11/19 Safety and Health Foundation 13.5 Annual Potomac River Half, Carderock, MD

    I suspect I have too many events later in the year, and not enough in the summer. I'll also have to decide if I want to do both the Hemlock and the Divas. The Divas would be more "fun", but the Hemlock is a challenging trail that I've wanted to do for awhile.

    4/1...5.0 @ 12:00 on the TM (4.0 @ 11:15 and 1.0 walking)
    4/2....3.1 @ 11:45 through the neighborhood. My ankle hurt the first mile or so, especially on the uphill bits--downhill isn't too bad
    4/3...Rest day
    4/4...4.6 @ 11:32 on the rail trail and neighborhood streets
    4/5...2.8 @ 11:50 on the TM--that's 2.3 (just to make it even!) @ 11:15 and .5 at a walk, plus strength training
    4/6...Rest day, but I got to go help out at my son's RunFit club. Next time I'm wearing my own running shoes so I can chase him with a sharp stick so he doesn't walk so much! (That was a joke...don't call CPS or Jeff Galloway...)
    4/7...7.0 @ 11:25 on the TM (This was really 6.25 at 11:05 and .75 walking to cool down)
    4/8...2.0 @ 12:06 (just had a short time to run while the kids were at gym)
    4/9...Unintended rest day. I got dressed to run...that counts for something, right? LOL
    4/10...4.6 @ 13:39 with the slow poke pup. We ran about 3 miles in the 12:00 neighborhood and walked the rest. Well, I walked. He sniffed and did...doggy stuff.
    4/11...3.0 @ 12:00 ish on the basement beheamoth. The kiddos were home sick from school so I was grounded, too.
    4/12...2.25 @ 12:00 on the treadmill and strength training
    4/13...6.2 @ 12:34 on the rail trail and neighborhood streets
    4/14...Rest Day
    4/15...4.75 @ 11:56 on the park trail. I decided to try running with earbuds so I couldn't hear my phone telling me how fast I was going. I settled in to a nice easy pace, but I didn't hold back either. This is the pace I love to run, and it was remarkably consistent, with splits of 11:55, 11:46, 12:03, 11:51 and 12:00.
    4/16-17 I've been a slug with a terrible head cold, so no running. I plan to be back at it tomorrow, but in the meanwhile, I'm shopping races for the rest of the year. :)


  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    @Elise4270 @sunnybeaches105 @WhatMeRunning @AdrianChr92 Thanks for the feedback on the trail shoes! Although - don't you know you shouldn't encourage an addict? Now I'm convinced my current four pair of trainers aren't enough, I feel like heading out and buying pair #5. Because I clearly didn't spend enough money on running shoes this year so far, I obviously need a pair of trail shoes right away now, don't I?

    Hey, if it makes you feel any better (and I shouldn't actually admit this publicly), it took me 3 pairs of shoes to get through my workout today. A pair of adipowers for squats, a pair of chuck taylor's for the rest of my lifting routine, and a pair of Nike's for my run. We are talking vital needs here!

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats to your daughter @ddmom0811!

    @louubelle16 - Glad to hear the run was better! Hope the blistering issue clears up!

    @_nikkiwolf_ - It probably wouldn't hurt to buy two pairs of trail shoes, you know, just in case you need a backup! :trollface:

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    vandinem wrote: »
    @Ohhim ... Old college's Spring Carnival in Pittsburgh? Are you a CMU guy?

    Yep... (undergrad '98, MBA '03). Even did about a mile on the track this AM with my Sunday morning crew.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ haha! Shoes! I have 3 pair I bought trying to find the right shoe. So shame on me for having shoes I won't be wearing. I have just one pair that do me right. I'd like to get another pair of trail, especially after today's awsome rain run. I don't think anyone here is gonna say "no more shoes" :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    9---3.9 walk
    14,15--- nah
    17---7.09 Super rain trail run!

    60.07/130 miles I'm so behind.... :sweat:

    "Don't let fear decide your future" Shalane Flanagan. Olympic Bronze Medalist

    Upcoming races:

    04/24/16 OKC Memorial Half
    10/16/16 THAT dam half, Lewisville (maybe)
    11/05/16 Jenks Half Jenks OK
    Run the year 2016  591.59/ 2016
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ haha! Shoes! I have 3 pair I bought trying to find the right shoe. So shame on me for having shoes I won't be wearing. I have just one pair that do me right. I'd like to get another pair of trail, especially after today's awsome rain run. I don't think anyone here is gonna say "no more shoes" :wink:
    Never can have too many shoes. I think I seriously have 9 that I'm rotating right now. Plus a dozen old worn down pairs for hiking etc. What was I doing about 20min ago? Looking at new Saucony Kinvaras to buy! Someone take my credit card! lol