April 2016 Running Challenge



  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Ran a 10km today for my long run, I'll be glad when my long run can go back to being a bit longer next weekend! I have to keep reminding myself that it's only 7 days since my half marathon and that I pushed hard so I need to take it a bit easier.

    Now to eat some pasta (that's the number 1 reason why I run to be honest) and then sit and catch up on posts :)

    3rd April - 13.1 miles - Half PB 2:04:35
    5th April - 2.43 miles
    6-8th April - away
    9th April - 3.09 miles
    10th April - 6.4 miles

    MTD - 25.02/65 miles

    Upcoming races:
    8th May - Run Hackney Half Marathon
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    Big moment for me today, i ran my first 5K-35:05...its was called the "Spring Thaw" for a reason eh! 31 degrees running beside Lake St.Clair perfect weather for us thick skinned Canadians. I went into the race with the attitude to just have fun....and fun was had by all.

    Cheers to all you inspiring runners on this April Challenge!

    4/1-Run 4.1 miles
    4/2- Rest
    4/3-Run 3.27 miles
    4/5-Walk-3 miles
    4/6-Run-4 miles.......Total Running Miles 11.37
    4/8-Run 3.1 Miles
    4/9-Walk 4 Miles
    4/10-3.1 Miles~Ran my first 5K~...Total Running Miles ~17.57~
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Big moment for me today, i ran my first 5K-35:05 its was called the "Spring Thaw" for a reason eh! 31 degrees running beside Lake St.Clair perfect weather for us thick skinned Canadians. I went into the race with the attitude to just have fun....and fun was had by all.

    Cheers to all you inspiring runners on this April Challenge!

    WHOOO! Congratulations! That's a great time! So great to hear you had fun!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Apr 01    103.7    103.7  April Fools!!
    Apr 03      6.2      6.2  Cohasset 10K, PR and 19th in my age group!
    Apr 05      5.3T    11.5
    Apr 06      3.8T    15.3
    Apr 09      6.4     21.7
    Apr 10      5.0     26.7

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    9---3.9 walk
    10---6.35 starting to feel normal again...

    44.01/130 miles

    "Don't let fear decide your future" Shalane Flanagan. Olympic Bronze Medalist

    Upcoming races:

    04/24/16 OKC Memorial Half
    10/16/16 THAT dam half, Lewisville TX
    11/05/16 Jenks Half Jenks OK
    Run the year 2016  558.76/ 2016
  • juliehiggs
    juliehiggs Posts: 2 Member
    What a great group! Will shoot for 40 miles this month. So far have done about 3! :) So awesome to hear about others setting fitness/running goals and completing them. Subgoal - to daily fit in the workout and not let work get in the way.
  • MLS1582
    MLS1582 Posts: 71 Member
    4/1 - 2.2 miles
    4/2 - 6.2 miles (my first full 10k!)
    4/3 - 3.9 miles recovery
    4/4 - 2 miles easy
    4/6 - 3.6 miles 8x400 @ 2:20/interval
    4/8 - 4.1 miles easy
    4/9 - 4 miles easy
    4/10 - 6 miles race pace
    4/11 -
    4/13 -
    4/15 -
    4/16 -
    4/17 -

    Total: 32/75

    5/7 - Sgt. Larner Memorial 10k
    6/25 - Jackson River Scenic Trail 10k
    9/4 - VA Beach R&R Half Marathon
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member


    Thanks @WhatMeRunning ! If anyone has any advice about long runs and menstrual cycle (i.e., related injury prevention - avoiding female athlete triad), feel free to inbox me about how you handle it. I suffered a fracture to the femoral head during that perfect storm - would prefer to avoid that! :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    4/1 - 5.5 miles
    4/2 - family day
    4/3 - 5 miles
    4/4 -6 - lazy butt days
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 -9 - rest days
    4/10 - 13.2 Bridge Street Half Marathon

    28 out of 100 miles

    I'll have to catch up on everything last I just wanted to drop in quick.

    Since I like to read everyone’s race reports I thought I’d drop one here myself. Today was my 3rd Half Marathon and 2nd time I’ve run the Bridge Street Marathon. It’s basically a run around the office complex I work starting and finishing at the outdoor mall next door. It’s put on by our local Fleet Feet store and is a great race.
    The weather was having its all field day today it was supposed to be 40s and start time (7 am) cloudy and 55ish by race end. Suddenly this morning there was a 30% of rain. I wore short sleeves and a throw away zip up hoodie. Skip was a sentry at mile 12.5ish so after my first mile (which is a loop around the mall) I threw her my head band and went off. I was sure within the first few miles I would throw my sweatshirt. I did unzip it by mile 4 but never threw it off. I’m glad I didn’t because some parts of the course the wind was just cold (at least for me) and it rained (lightly) from time to time. Some of the people around me who threw theirs wanted them back LOL.

    I decided to start just behind the 2:15 pacers and I kept a nice pace around high 10:20s to around 10:35 for the first 8 miles. Miles 9, 10 and some of 11 kicked my butt with closer to 11 mm. I was okay with this these miles tend to be a slow gradual climb and a hill. I wanted to be sure I was taking care of my knee. My last 2 miles were back down to low 10:40s and I actually felt the best I have in a half at mile 11.
    I got to Skip at 12.5 and I was feeling good passing people and there I handed off my sweatshirt and water bottle. Wanted to look nice in my finisher photo LOL. I sprinted the last ¼ (well a Kathie sprint) and felt great crossing the line.

    I got my jacket, my medal, some food and walked back to Skip and stayed with her for the next 90 mins cheering on folks coming in. I did what I set out to do today, I finished, I ran the whole course and came in under 2:30. My official time was 2:21.01 which is 10 mins slower than my PR. My watch read 13.22 but I’m not surprised, I tried to stay in the middle of the street to keep on level ground so I know that added to my distance. I knew coming in I wouldn’t PR I just wanted to finish unhurt and I’m happy to report I felt a twinge here and there but basically ZERO pain for the whole race. I’m so happy!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »


    Thanks @WhatMeRunning ! If anyone has any advice about long runs and menstrual cycle (i.e., related injury prevention - avoiding female athlete triad), feel free to inbox me about how you handle it. I suffered a fracture to the femoral head during that perfect storm - would prefer to avoid that! :)

    I've heard about it, but from what I understand it's also nutritional, right? I eat a lot so I've never looked into it. I'll forgo the PM, cuz this IS running related, and the fellas can skim or skip :wink:

    I'd be interested in hearing others advice too. I'd think @skippygirlsmom with Skip's age, and maybe @kristinegift would have some info?

    Lauren Fleshman brushes over it in the Believe training journal. But, like I said- I kinda skiped that.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    @Elise4270 Yes - my understanding (from the ortho doc who chastised me) is that it's a combination of over-training, under-eating, and anemia. Easy to do for a distance runner!
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    wow amazing people on here and awesome runs! i'm afraid I might be one of the shortest lasting contributors on here. 10th April and I have only managed my 2nd run of 1.5 miles and I have been paying for it all day - chest is awful. Maybe I need to rejoin you in May? You guys are awesome though. Keep going!
  • ChrissalmonPT
    ChrissalmonPT Posts: 54 Member
    Insane terrain 10k mud run/ocr completed this morning. Total miles for April 38.
  • KoraMT
    KoraMT Posts: 10 Member
    So I did my bike ride today, prepping for a three day ride in South GA next weekend. This coming week I'm going to have to take it easy on the running so I can rest up for the ride. More core strengthening instead, and maybe a swim.

    Unfortuantely, between last week's lack of motivation for running into 25mph winds and this coming weeks taking it easy week, I'm way behind on my mileage.

    I have an event every month unitil October, where I finish my season with a half iron man.

    March- Spartan sprint 6 mile - DONE
    April - BRAG spring tune up
    May - tough mudder & 5k
    June - haven't got anything scheduled.... Yet
    July - Crows like TRI- sprint & Peachtree road race 10k
    August- spartan super 10mils & TRI to Beat Cancer sprint
    Sept - Lake Lanier island TRI
    Oct - RocknrollMan 1/2 iron man & Spartan beast 12miles

    I started all prepping for this in October. Prior to that, I didnt do much. Smoking didn't really allow for alot of excercise. But I've quit and my running is improving quickly. I'm even beginning to enjoy it. *gasp. Everyone on this thread is motivating me to push my self to do better.


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for April
    4/1 REST DAY
    4/2 14.3 miles - 14.3 <<< 13.1 HM + 1.2 warmup
    4/3 REST DAY
    4/4 4.2 miles - 18.5 << will try and get a second lunch time run in
    4/4 4.0 miles - 22.5 << daily double, 3E +1HMP
    4/5 8 miles - 30.5
    4/6 4.2 miles - 34.7 << easy recovery 4 (taper week)
    4/7 6 miles - 40.7
    4/8 5 miles - 45.7
    4/9 3.3 miles - 49
    4/10 14.2 miles - 63.2 << 13.1 + 1.1 w/u


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

    1:36:33 was the official time. Another PR and another 3rd place AG win. I need a nap. I will check in later.

    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    edited April 2016
    @WhatMeRunning Yes hills got a little tough towards the end. But it's fun. --- Today, ran up Black mtn again. It's raining here and 45f (38f at the top). Ran right through the clouds. So amazing! 7.1mi total, 14:11/mi avg pace, vertical gain: 2,234ft, time: 1:41 PR's all around! Wahoo! Posted some rad pics on Strava and IG. @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks! It was a blast! And congrats to everyone racing today! WTG!

    4/1 - Easy 10.1mi @ 8:25/mi
    4/2 - rest.
    4/3 - 1mi fun hike for views of SLC. 400ft vertical.
    4/4 - Snowboard 41.8mi 30,000ft, descent (not counted on April total), 55.8mph top speed.
    4/5 - 7.3mi mountain (steep) run. About 2,000ft vertical, 14:31/avg. Medium effort.
    4/6 - Rest
    4/7 - 4.5mi easy w speed bursts 8:50 - 5:40/mi
    4/8 - rest
    4/9 - Beginners Luck 25k trail race (2:53)
    4/10 - 7.1mi on Black Mtn, 2,234ft vertical gain, 14:11/mi (PR)

    April total - 46.2/153mi
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @ROBOTFOOD 25km trails with thunderstorms and lightning sounds like quite an adventure! Congratulations on your great time.

    @mk2loser Welcome to the thread :-)

    @MobyCarp I am definitely going to check out the follow-function. It's kind of exciting - I never knew anyone who ran Boston. After reading about your training during the past month in this challenge, of course I want to see how the race goes (if that doesn't sound creepy-stalkerish - don't worry, I live an ocean, so you are safe. At least from me ^^)

    @mrswhitehog Wow, first 5k, that's cool! Congrats on the time, and on having fun :-)

    @skippygirlsmom Great HM report - and I'm really glad to hear you were pain-free. And it's amazing that you could run a 2:21-HM so shortly after recovering from an injury.
    If you did get a nice finisher photo, you'll have to share it here - if it's a weird one, too ;-)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited April 2016
    I ran my first 10k race today! Not surprisingly (since it was my first ;) ), it was a PR: 1:01:02 - best 10km time in training runs was 1:08:30.
    I'm pretty happy with my time - I plugged my last 5k time from 10 days ago into a race time predictor, which told me 1:01:30 was possible, and I managed to do slightly better than that.
    Okay, if I'm completely honest, I might have been dreaming of a sub-60 10k, but I'd decided before the race to be happy with everything under 1:05:00.

    Below is a picture of the course with my split times (if you can read them). They are all over the place - there were some hills to climb in the first 4km, and for most parts the way there was just wide enough for two runners side by side, which made overtaking people an additional challenge. After those 4km, my average pace was 6:26min/km, so I was more or less resigned to the fact that I would "only" hit my "minimum" goal of 1:05h.

    The next bit was a beautiful bit of downhill trail by the riverside, and I was able to speed up a bit. That didn't last long, km-6-to-7 right after that ended up being the slowest of them all, with a pace of 6:58min/km. No hills to blame from this one, but a combination of walking to drink something at an aid station, and stairs. My sense of balance is really aweful, trying to run down stairs is bound to end up with me tumbling down. Might be a fast way to make the descent, but I chose to walk instead.

    After that though, the course was lovely - the field started to stretch out, it was finally enough space that everyone could overtake whomever and whenever they wanted, and save for a bit of climbing at the end, it was also flat. My average pace on the last 3km was 5:48min/km - pretty much my 5k race pace. When I crossed the finish line, I was in a state of "keep walking, breath slow, don't stop or you'll throw up", so I guess that means I gave it my best effort.
    For the next four weeks, I want to focuss on my HM training now. But after that one, I might have to find myself another 10km race and see if I can't shave some 63 seconds off along the way...


    cdp.png 278.4K
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats @Stoshew71! I should have thought to get my MFP shirt autographed. You're on a great streak!!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    No running for me today. It's crazy windy and I should really rest my knee and not overdo it. I'm on track still to make 60 miles this month but I secretly wanted to make 70 or 80. Ha. Not gonna happen right now. So an hour low impact aerobics today. Tomorrow is stormy so hopefully back to running Tuesday.

    @_nikkiwolf_ Great job on your first 10k!

    @ROBOTFOOD Your elevation blows my mind.

    @Stoshew71 Awesome PR :)

    @KoraMT Congrats on giving up smoking and becoming active.

    Okay, that's as far back as I'm going but hi everyone else!