April 2016 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    9---3.9 walk with hubs. Hoping tomorrow I'll be good enough to run.

    37.51/130 miles

    "Don't let fear decide your future" Shalane Flanagan. Olympic Bronze Medalist

    Upcoming races:

    04/24/16 OKC Memorial Half
    10/16/16 THAT dam half, Lewisville TX
    11/05/16 Jenks Half Jenks OK
    Run the year 2016  550.19/ 2016
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @mk2loser welcome to the group! I love trails too!

    @ohim Super luck tomorrow!
  • KoraMT
    KoraMT Posts: 10 Member
    Finally forced myself to go out and run in the ridiculous wind, even if it was on the short side. Very little wind tomorrow so I'm taking advantage of it and going to try and rack up at least 25 miles on the bike. So I suppose this week's running miles are going to be on the low side.
    4/4 3.6 miles
    4/9 2.7 miles


  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @skippygirlsmom @ddmom0811 - I hadn't thought that people I know only online might want to follow my progress at Boston. However, BAA has contemplated that people might want to follow any individual runner, and lets you get check point times for a runner by bib number. One of the local runners I know plans to be checking on all the Rochester NY runners at Boston that way; he can get bib numbers from names on the BAA site. My bib number is 11935. I am seeded in Wave 2, Corral 4. Wave 2 starts at 10:25 AM EDT.

    You can poke around on the BAA web site and see what options they have for reports. I recall watching a buddy of mine that way in 2014, and worrying that a late split wasn't being reported; turned out he got dehydrated and had a terrible last 6 or 8 miles.

    I do not expect to show up on television. As another buddy of mine says about the prospects of seeing him on TV at Kona, I will be nowhere near the leaders who get most of the coverage and I'm not old or slow enough to be a human interest story. At Boston, I will be a middle of the pack runner. I expect to finish well ahead of median in my age group but nowhere near getting an age group award.

    FWIW, I expect to record my Boston Marathon experience on Garmin, and it will automagically transfer to Strava before I get a chance to edit it and add comments. I expect I'll be slow to add those comments on Strava, because I'll be busy with other stuff after I cross the finish line.

    If the running community weren't so friendly and supportive, the fact that I can be so easily stalked would bother me. But the running community is supportive, and part of the reason I'm running Boston is because it's about all I can do to not let terrorism win.

    "We will finish the race." Damn right, we will.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @MobyCarp I plan on watching the marathon and following your progress too!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    4/1 - 5 miles on the bike around town, 3 mile walk, 45 min strength training (This is what I do when I can't run.)
    4/2 - 4.5 mile RUN! (no pain!), 3 mile walk because I love spring weather :)
    4/3 - rest day
    4/4 - 3 mile run, 23 min strength training
    4/5 - 4.25 mile run
    4/6 - rest day (should've gotten up earlier and done strength training)
    4/7 - 20 min light walk after an hour in the car, so I don't have to call this another rest day!
    4/8 - 3.1 run (testing out my sore knee so no Friday long run), 1.5 mile walk trip to grocery store, no strength because I have a pinched nerve causing my whole arm to burn :neutral:
    4/9 - 5 mile run followed by 25 min stretching and foam rolling followed by 35 min strength training (finally!)

    19.85 of 60 miles April running goal

    Totally crashed after family get together. Woke up at 5pm and weather had totally changed from bright and sunny to dark and dreary. Only got sprinkled on raining though and the wind felt good because it felt awful humid. Overall tried to slow down this run, starting with a 9:50 mile I think it was, 3 miles around 9:25ish, last mile 8:55 I think. But I was surprised when Strava told me I PR'ed the hill segment.

    @KoraMT Wind is challenging, way to go getting out there anyway!

    @mk2loser Welcome :)

    @ohhim Good luck tomorrow!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @louubelle16 Nice "moment"!

    @michable Thanks for the kind words.

    lporter229 wrote: »
    This thread would be so much easier to keep up with if only there was a like button.

    @lporter229 Ditto!

    Ohhim wrote: »
    Just a final shakeout run today, then racing the 70.3 in the morning.

    70.3 Miles??!!!! Even if it's kilometres, I am totally in awe and astounded. Big hugs and best wishes!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    2 April – 5 km parkrun
    3 April – 10 km PB 1:02:23
    5 April – 8.2 km
    7 April – 7.1 km
    9 April – 5 km parkrun PB 29:12 Sub-30 goal achieved!
    10 April – 15 km

    Total: 50.3 km
    Goal: 100 km

    Ran 15 km to the next town and back. Yay, that's one to tick off my list of things I'd been aiming to do.

    Bit short on goals now, other than, like @HonuNui , to run more.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    mk2loser wrote: »
    Just found this thread. I started running last year. No races, just me and the wind. All of it outdoors on trails, to heck with the weather so long as the mud is not too sloppy!
    @mk2loser Welcome to the Shoe Destroyers and dang Lady I like your thought process, to paraphrase @MobyCarp " there is no bad weather just bad clothing choices ". For me as long as the mud doesn't rip off a shoe it's good, and that's not with Trail Shoes that have a little extra in the Body and Laces to keep them on your feet.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited April 2016
    @wesley58 Welcome to the gang.
    Eating before running will be a very individual thing so you will need to experiment and find what works for you in terms of timing, quantity and food choices. Enough to fuel the body - light enough not to feel like a Brick in your Digestive system. This Morning I had 30gm Cheerios, 100gm Banana, 80gm Milk and 100gm of Yogurt and 1 liter of water ( 2 bottles ) One Hour Before my 16km run. After the run it was water, coffee and a bagel at the local Tims ( Canadians Know ). For a shorter run/ longer run / Afternoon run / Evening run this all changes.

    "Shaking the Ground when you run" Maybe give us a little more info about your running experience so far.
    How long have you been running?
    Did you start with a program such as C25K?
    Average Run distance, Pace time, Longest run.
    I am sure the more experienced runners will be able to provide some suggestions based on this info.

    As already asked by @AdrianChr92 Were you ever fitted for shoes at a True Specialty Running Store?
    At my Favorite store you do a Barefoot Run on a Treadmill ( dreadmill ) that they record and play back in SloMo? This Store has a Kick @ss Treadmill than can imitate an uphill or downhill slope. The first time I did this they described what they were seeing in the replay and then pulled out multiple pairs of shoes across different brands. ( they never tried to push the most expensive shoe or a particular brand on me ) I did a walking comfort/heel lift/toe room walk test and those that passed were set aside for a Test Run on the treadmill. This quickly eliminated shoes until I was down to two different brands/models. Left with the ones that felt the best. I spent over an hour in the shop the first time. So go to the Running Store(s) in Running Gear and be ready to do some test runs.

    A few months later I bought the other model. I now switch back and forth between the two. I prefer one style for the Shorter runs ( < 10 km ) and the other Brand for the Longer runs (> 10 km) . I can't really explain why during the run, other than the Feet feel better after a run using them this way.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @juliet3455 some shoes are built for long runs some are built for speed. Log run road shoes are usually heavier and with more protection. Depends a lot on the model. Every brand should have shoes for all occasions
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited April 2016
    @MobyCarp - Well, you are the rock star that is running Boston, so we want to follow. :wink: Thanks for the info! I will just be looking online since I'm teaching that day. Note to self - info is on the bottom of page 29.
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member

    Running Thoughts:
    So 10k this morning, had 3 unscheduled walk breaks...7k, 7.5k and 9k only for about 30secs each, but still annoyed.

    1. 18 runs.............................6
    2. 115km total......................32k
    3. 4 runs a week...................Done
    4. quickest 5km of 2016
    5. quickest 10km of 2016....done, 3mins quicker.
    6. 11 km long run

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    4/1- rest
    4/2- 6.23 miles
    4/3- 4 miles
    4/4- rest
    4/5- 4 miles
    4/6- rest
    4/7- 4 miles
    4/8- rest
    4/9- 6.24 miles
    4/10- 4 Miles

    Total: 28.47/60

    Notes on today: Recovery run today, and I finally had an average pace that was (according to the McMillan Calculator) at 12:03 min/mile, it was my slowest run yet. It was actually harder than I thought it would be. Despite my legs feeling heavy, from yesterday's 6.24 miles at the fast end of Long Run pace, I had a harder time keeping it slower. So, Miles 2 and 3 were too fast, but miles 1 and 4 were slow enough to bring the average pace o where it should be. It was a beautiful morning, withe the sun coming up as I was running. Great way to start the day/week.

    Wore my new Nike pegasus 32 Flash shoes today. They felt kind of tight at first, but I think that's because I was wearing heavy socks which, it turns out, were unnecessary. Other than that, the shoes performed just fine, nothing amazing, but I expected them to work well, since my other pair of runners is basically the same shoe.
  • biscuitnow
    biscuitnow Posts: 141 Member


  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member


    Been out of pocket for a few days. I decided on the plane to Vegas that I am going to train for my first marathon this year. The marathon is in Richmond, Virginia, in November ("the friendliest marathon"), and I am running about 25 miles a week currently, with 12 being my longest. I would love your insight. Could you share one or two of your most valuable pieces of advice in re: training, diet, injury prevention, the race, hydrating, recuperation, etc. I'm reading and researching, of course, but would love your input (and maybe it will also help someone else)! :) Thanks!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    4/1: Rest day!
    4/2: 5 miles
    4/3: 13.1 Caesar Rodney HM!
    4/4: 3 miles with Joe to Go crew
    4/5: Rest day
    4/6: 10 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    4/7: 7 miles tempo (am), 6 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    4/8: Rest day
    4/9: 22 miles << Last super long run for this training cycle!
    4/10: 10 miles

    Treadmilled it this morning. Could have run outside, but I really wanted to watch Casper on HBO Go (I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid!), and my 10 miles took excatly until the credits, so I was a happy camper. Took it nice and easy since my legs were kind of tired from doing 22 yesterday and tried out my calf sleeves that arrived yesterday. I'll have to try them again for a longer run next weekend, but I liked them this morning!


    Upcoming Races:
    3/12: Run O' The Mill 5K: New PR! 21:55
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM: New PR! 1:40:13
    4/16: River Horse 6K (Ewing, NJ)
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon (Lots of towns, NJ)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philly, PA)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2016
    OK, time to catch up on the 4 pages of posts since I last caught up Friday night!:lol:

    @shanaber - So sorry to hear the news.

    @Orphia - Great pic on that park run track! And congrats on the PB! Oh, and congrats on the 1 year MFP anniversary!!:smile:

    @juliet3455 - Hope that calf is back under control.:grimace:

    @louubelle16 - That's some great progress on your 5k times! I love it when clear progress is shown like that.

    @9voice9 - Don't worry, you'll speed up over time if you keep training. Not that it helps, but I am looking forward to getting up to 11 min/miles myself. I did 11:27 at my half yesterday, the best yet. So maybe next year (or maybe the fall, who knows?).

    @MNLittleFinn - Nice long run! How was that westbound route? As for the leags feeling heavy on the recovery run, that is pretty normal. Mine felt a bit like lead today, and on that last mile they felt a few times like they might revolt. But keeping things slow like that they can keep moving on, and also still recover due to not pushing the muscles all that much.:smile:

    @ariceroni - Way to go taking on that HM in the ice and cold! And to finish as strong as you did. Sounds like you definitely have a good HM in your future.:smile:

    @dennie24 - Way to go on pushing yourself with the new 5k time!

    @kristinegift - I do have a goal HM race coming up on 5/14 (Running with the Cows). That comes after a one week break after my 4 consecutive HM weekends. So these 4 HM weekends are "training", then I get a bit of a break to rest up fo rhte effort on 5/14. For the fall, I am torn about the Kansas City Marathon. It is my only full and is currently my target race for the fall. I am torn between leaving it as a full or bumping down to the half and having it as a fall half target. My only concern with the full is if I race it as a full, I shoudl be able to reverse taper in time to do my 6 halfs over 3 weekends, but I kind of wonder if that isn't pushing things a bit. I still have plenty of time to make up my mind on that.:smile:

    @ROBOTFOOD - That sounds like a crazy trail race! I'm guessing that was challenging on the hills. I'm also guessing it was the most fun ever? :smile:

    @juliet3455 - That is a very kind thing you did helping that new runner.:smile:

    @Ohhim - Best wishes on the 70.3 today!!

    @mk2loser - I LOVE your trail running enthusiasm!:smiley:

    @MobyCarp - Thanks for the info! I think it will be a lot of fun tracking your progress.:smile: Best wishes next week! Any butterflies yet?

    @greenolivetree - I think some of my favorite PR's are tough hill segments.:smile:

    @4leighbee - YAY!!! WOOT!!! Awesome!:smile:!:smiley:! Honestly, I think some of the best advice might be in @Stoshew71's blog post where he talks about training plans. It consolidated a lot of great info in one place. Start with a base building phase and I would suggest trying to get around 50-60 miles/weeks (just based on my experience). Don't worry about speed or workout runs too much (if at all) during that phase, just slowly build up mileage. Once you get up to that mileage then start adding in the tempo and intervals runs slowly to build up strength/speed on top of the established mileage. Then run your marathon. And give us a full race report.:smile: During your training you will have ample opportunity to test hydration/fueling. Take advantage of that and run the race using your proven, tested method.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @WhatMeRunning that west route was awesome. Harder with the hills, but a great workout, and just a nice run in general.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    4/3 5.56
    4/8 7.9
    4/10 5.04

