Not sure what's happening to me

ilovefastcarstoo Posts: 115 Member
i wanted to let this out but not on Facebook or any other social media. I met this guy a few days ago and he has completely changed my world. We can talk all day and all night and when we're together I just feel at peace and at home. Our intentions were to be just friends at first but things seem to be moving fast so far... We both feel right but scared to death at the same time. I'm not sure what to do or think anymore. There's just too many things that are crazy that's been going on. I've never met anyone like this. I just wanted to let that out.


  • ellersrb
    ellersrb Posts: 21 Member
    Go with it, just little to your head. Don't be scared to have some time out from each other so you can evaluate how you feel on your own. You are enough on your own so don't lose sight of that. But enjoy having an amazing connection with someone!x
  • ellersrb
    ellersrb Posts: 21 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you don't have to 'do' anything. just enjoy it while it lasts!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    Another person leaving the forever singles club, I definitely feel more and more like everyone else lives in this whole different world I'm not a part of. So I'll just say what I would do if I ever came across that one person who made me feel like that and they felt the same way about me - enjoy it in any and every way that you can and don't place expectations on it. Maybe it is something long term, maybe after a short while things don't work out. But either way, if it makes you happy then this is a very good thing however it ends up.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Just came here to see what @DavPul had to say. Was not disappointed.
  • jenovatrix
    jenovatrix Posts: 219 Member
    Don't sleep with him, don't move in together, no big moves. Take it slow. So slow that snails think you're too slow.

    Once you guys have your heads back on straight then you can move forward. Not insulting either of you but infatuation can cloud your mind and make you do things you'll regret later - I'm speaking from experience here!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    OP, have the pants stayed on so far?! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    Hey. you should roll with it. You are having an experience that most of us only dream about. Maybe don't run out and get married and/or pregnant right away, but other than that I see no reason to second guess it. You're blessed . Just accept it!
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    So how long has he been married and how many kids do he and his wife have together?

    You never know....he and wifey may just be roommates at this point. No need to judge. :D
  • ilovefastcarstoo
    ilovefastcarstoo Posts: 115 Member
    I appreciate all the responses. It's almost scary how fast things can change in your own little world by one person. We were discussing this. And yes we are very blessed. Only time will tell what will happen from here on out. :)
  • Tamijennelle
    Tamijennelle Posts: 36 Member
    Sounds like my relationship in the start.
    I never been so happy as i was then with him. It was so heavy, it consumed me.
    Now, 3 years and a baby later, we are still together, have a home, but he recently came clean to me that he was only being so awesome in the start to ensure i keep giving him the booty.
    Yup, i was his toy.
    That spark has long since gone and i really am bored.
    And i resent him because if i knew he was being so insincere, i would have moved on and not let it get to tge point where i got pregnant.
    Hes not an *kitten*...he is educated has his masters, is a vp in the IT sector of his company.....takes care of us, is helpful, but yup....he said this is usually why men come on strong. So my advice....take it slow.
    That honeymoon period does eventually end and you start to see their true nature.
    He changed.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    TJLorre wrote: »
    Sounds like my relationship in the start.
    I never been so happy as i was then with him. It was so heavy, it consumed me.
    Now, 3 years and a baby later, we are still together, have a home, but he recently came clean to me that he was only being so awesome in the start to ensure i keep giving him the booty.
    Yup, i was his toy.
    That spark has long since gone and i really am bored.
    And i resent him because if i knew he was being so insincere, i would have moved on and not let it get to tge point where i got pregnant.
    Hes not an *kitten*...he is educated has his masters, is a vp in the IT sector of his company.....takes care of us, is helpful, but yup....he said this is usually why men come on strong. So my advice....take it slow.
    That honeymoon period does eventually end and you start to see their true nature.
    He changed.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Only time will tell what will happen from here on out. :)


  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    TJLorre wrote: »
    Sounds like my relationship in the start.
    I never been so happy as i was then with him. It was so heavy, it consumed me.
    Now, 3 years and a baby later, we are still together, have a home, but he recently came clean to me that he was only being so awesome in the start to ensure i keep giving him the booty.
    Yup, i was his toy.
    That spark has long since gone and i really am bored.
    And i resent him because if i knew he was being so insincere, i would have moved on and not let it get to tge point where i got pregnant.
    Hes not an *kitten*...he is educated has his masters, is a vp in the IT sector of his company.....takes care of us, is helpful, but yup....he said this is usually why men come on strong. So my advice....take it slow.
    That honeymoon period does eventually end and you start to see their true nature.
    He changed.

  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    TJLorre wrote: »
    Sounds like my relationship in the start.
    I never been so happy as i was then with him. It was so heavy, it consumed me.
    Now, 3 years and a baby later, we are still together, have a home, but he recently came clean to me that he was only being so awesome in the start to ensure i keep giving him the booty.
    Yup, i was his toy.
    That spark has long since gone and i really am bored.
    And i resent him because if i knew he was being so insincere, i would have moved on and not let it get to tge point where i got pregnant.
    Hes not an *kitten*...he is educated has his masters, is a vp in the IT sector of his company.....takes care of us, is helpful, but yup....he said this is usually why men come on strong. So my advice....take it slow.
    That honeymoon period does eventually end and you start to see their true nature.
    He changed.

    That's a horrible thing for a man to say. If I had to guess, I'd guess that's not entirely true either. He didn't fake it all, unless maybe he's a sociopath. . But the fact that he said that at all reveals a pretty serious mean-streak.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I've found out over time that these things have a tendency to burn out as quickly as they started.

    How did you meet this guy??
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Well, let me just say that (from a guy's perspective), go with it and enjoy the ride. If you spend all of your time worrying and stressing about how strong your feelings are, you'll never fully enjoy how you feel. I am in the same situation, fell in love with someone that is more intense than what I've ever felt and she feels the same way. If someone hasn't experienced if for themselves, they just won't understand. Additionally, some people are so jaded that they'll never believe in the possibility of "love at first sight" or "true unconditional love". In my mind, it exists but is very rare, rarer still is the ability to foster that love and let it grow, especially if you're spending way too much time worrying about it. I guess you need to ask yourself some simple questions:

    1. Has he asked for anything from you other than your time and company?
    2. Has there been any indications that he wants more from you than what you're willing to give?
    3. Is the relationship just about sex or can you spend time with him without being intimate and still enjoy each other's company as if you have been?
    4. Does he go out of his way to make you feel as if he'd be broken hearted without you and do you feel the same?

    In the end, just take simple precautionary measures to protect yourself but don't worry so much about how you feel.