

  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 5 It's 8:30 PM and this is the first chance I've had to sit down for more than 5 minutes since 4AM! (advance warning in case I stop making sense!)

    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night. On my way very very soon!

    2. Go to gym 3 days this week. ugh! let's not discuss this!

    3. Try out a different home workout program each day.Refer to #2

    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.) I hit 5.08 miles today. And I'm supposed go another quarter mile tomorrow??? Wish I was including exercise in this!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Report Day 5 It's 8:30 PM and this is the first chance I've had to sit down for more than 5 minutes since 4AM! (advance warning in case I stop making sense!)

    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night. On my way very very soon!

    2. Go to gym 3 days this week. ugh! let's not discuss this!

    3. Try out a different home workout program each day.Refer to #2

    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.) I hit 5.08 miles today. And I'm supposed go another quarter mile tomorrow??? Wish I was including exercise in this!!


    Don't beat yourself up. You made a lot og busy goals. Heck, every time I make a bedtime goal, I never make that!! With your pedometer, why not just say each day is to be further, even one step is further. Think about changing some for next week, or only making one. Anything will help you to keep your focus!!

    Get some rest........... :heart: WE STILL LOVE YOU!!:heart:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    This weeks goal park in the farthest space in parking lots to add extra steps to my day. I am setting a 6500 steps a day goal and still trying to get my lunch walks in daily.
    Mon=3589 steps running late to work so parked closer than my plan but ran to building that should make up the difference No lunch walk since I was late and we had a meeting after lunch took short luch breaks so everyone else could grab something before meeting.
    Tues=No lunch walk ran errands instead, did park in farthest space so extra walking out to car to leave for lunch and took the stairs today too. I just couldn't stand it that I was giving more excusess for not following thru with my goal so I went down and battled the treadmill 2mi C25K workout W1D2 complete 34mins warmup and cool down at 3.4mph walking/jog intervals were 3/5mph respectively. Finished time 1.75mi so walked an extra lap at 3mph to give me a round #. Total steps=6848
    Wed= no walk did park way out in the lot, and took the stairs total steps =3392. :ohwell: and missed breakfast and dinner so was way under on calories. Had to go to hospital and visit a family member stayed late until his daughter arrived so he and his wife had support with thier concerns.
    Thur= Forgot my body bugg on charger this morning so will have estimated steps for the day. :cry:
    Good Luck Everyone Hope You All Have a Great Day!!!:flowerforyou:
    So I did park at farthest space today, took the stairs, no lunch walk though. Stopped by hospital on the way home took stairs in parking garage but elevator in the hospital.

    YEA KRISS!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 5 It's 8:30 PM and this is the first chance I've had to sit down for more than 5 minutes since 4AM! (advance warning in case I stop making sense!)

    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night. On my way very very soon!

    2. Go to gym 3 days this week. ugh! let's not discuss this!

    3. Try out a different home workout program each day.Refer to #2

    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.) I hit 5.08 miles today. And I'm supposed go another quarter mile tomorrow??? Wish I was including exercise in this!!


    Don't beat yourself up. You made a lot og busy goals. Heck, every time I make a bedtime goal, I never make that!! With your pedometer, why not just say each day is to be further, even one step is further. Think about changing some for next week, or only making one. Anything will help you to keep your focus!!

    Get some rest........... :heart: WE STILL LOVE YOU!!:heart:

    Good idea! Sometimes I am the queen of overkill! Next week's gonna be really wild since we'll be doing the baby thing!! I'm definitely gonna have to rethink some things!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey all!! Sounds like it's been a wild day!!
    I am 4 for 4 on the am workouts I almost didn't get to it this morning but I knew I wouldnt make my goal. So I did it. I dragged my tired self out of bed.
    Tomorrow I have to take the husband to the train again. He catches a 6:30 train in order to get me hour long work out in and get ready I'd have to get up about 4:00. Not likely. So tomorrow first thing after work I'm going to get my work out in.
    I pinky swear it!!

    Still good on water intake. I think sometimes I under estimate how much water I drink in a day.

    Off to bed for me! Have a wonderful evening everyone. Keep reaching for your mini goals!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Why is my scale moving UP instead of DOWN... I have been committed in the gym this week (just the treadmill and the bike) so I've done way more exercise than I was doing the 2 weeks previously.... could I be retaining water? I'm also not eating the best things (I had take out breakfast and McDonald's lunch - even if it was a "salad" and some fries - the other day) so maybe that also has something to do with it. But I've stayed under calories everyday even when making poor choices. So what gives?!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    First of all you have been losing beyond fantastic!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and super fast!! You will slow down.

    My first time on Weight Watchers I lost 70 pounds in less then year. BUT as soon as I started eating, I gained 60 pounds back within 3 months. :-( I didn't learn how to eat. I focused on points, and if I could include chips in my points, I thought I was safe. :-( Following CORE 2 years later on Weight Watchers taught me to look for WHOLE & NATURAL foods.

    Second, you are losing weight and gaining muscle. You are probably losing inches and gaining pounds. not a bad thing!!

    Third, Can you try and elimanate ALL processed foods for 2 weeks, and you will see a HUGE difference, I am sure!!
    I stopped going to Fast Food when I watched Supersize Me a couple years ago.

    Another thing you could try is alternating lower/higher calories every other day.

    Don't beat yourself up for being a super fast loser. Hang in there. You are trying soooo hard.

    :drinker: You have been a great inspiration to me and many others!! :drinker:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Why is my scale moving UP instead of DOWN... I have been committed in the gym this week (just the treadmill and the bike) so I've done way more exercise than I was doing the 2 weeks previously.... could I be retaining water? I'm also not eating the best things (I had take out breakfast and McDonald's lunch - even if it was a "salad" and some fries - the other day) so maybe that also has something to do with it. But I've stayed under calories everyday even when making poor choices. So what gives?!

    Sue have you ever read this?

    Robin Landis, author of "Body Fueling," compares fat and muscles to feathers and gold. One pound of fat is like a big fluffy, lumpy bunch of feathers, and one pound of muscle is small and valuable like a piece of gold. Obviously, you want to lose the dumpy, bulky feathers and keep the sleek beautiful gold. The problem with the scale is that it doesn't differentiate between the two. It can't tell you how much of your total body weight is lean tissue and how much is fat. There are several other measuring techniques that can accomplish this, although they vary in convenience, accuracy, and cost. Skin-fold calipers pinch and measure fat folds at various locations on the body, hydrostatic (or underwater) weighing involves exhaling all of the air from your lungs before being lowered into a tank of water, and bioelectrical impedance measures the degree to which your body fat impedes a mild electrical current. If the thought of being pinched, dunked, or gently zapped just doesn't appeal to you, don't worry. The best measurement tool of all turns out to be your very own eyes. How do you look? How do you feel? How do your clothes fit? Are your rings looser? Do your muscles feel firmer? These are the true measurements of success. If you are exercising and eating right, don't be discouraged by a small gain on the scale. Fluctuations are perfectly normal. Expect them to happen and take them in stride. It's a matter of mind over scale.

    website for entire story: I LOVE THIS!!

  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Why is my scale moving UP instead of DOWN... I have been committed in the gym this week (just the treadmill and the bike) so I've done way more exercise than I was doing the 2 weeks previously.... could I be retaining water? I'm also not eating the best things (I had take out breakfast and McDonald's lunch - even if it was a "salad" and some fries - the other day) so maybe that also has something to do with it. But I've stayed under calories everyday even when making poor choices. So what gives?!

    Sue have you ever read this?

    Robin Landis, author of "Body Fueling," compares fat and muscles to feathers and gold. One pound of fat is like a big fluffy, lumpy bunch of feathers, and one pound of muscle is small and valuable like a piece of gold. Obviously, you want to lose the dumpy, bulky feathers and keep the sleek beautiful gold. The problem with the scale is that it doesn't differentiate between the two. It can't tell you how much of your total body weight is lean tissue and how much is fat. There are several other measuring techniques that can accomplish this, although they vary in convenience, accuracy, and cost. Skin-fold calipers pinch and measure fat folds at various locations on the body, hydrostatic (or underwater) weighing involves exhaling all of the air from your lungs before being lowered into a tank of water, and bioelectrical impedance measures the degree to which your body fat impedes a mild electrical current. If the thought of being pinched, dunked, or gently zapped just doesn't appeal to you, don't worry. The best measurement tool of all turns out to be your very own eyes. How do you look? How do you feel? How do your clothes fit? Are your rings looser? Do your muscles feel firmer? These are the true measurements of success. If you are exercising and eating right, don't be discouraged by a small gain on the scale. Fluctuations are perfectly normal. Expect them to happen and take them in stride. It's a matter of mind over scale.

    website for entire story: I LOVE THIS!!


  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 6

    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night. On my way very very soon!

    2. Go to gym 3 days this week. had major work at the shop today..got a good workout there!

    3. Try out a different home workout program each day.Decided to wait until the 'on call 24/7 for baby is over!

    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.) Unbelievable! I'm seriously setting myself up for a fall here! Today's total: 5.82 miles!!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Report Day 6

    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night. On my way very very soon!

    2. Go to gym 3 days this week. had major work at the shop today..got a good workout there!

    3. Try out a different home workout program each day.Decided to wait until the 'on call 24/7 for baby is over!

    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.) Unbelievable! I'm seriously setting myself up for a fall here! Today's total: 5.82 miles!!!

    I totally understand!! I over estimated and thought I could/would do it. but rough week, wasn't planning on rain! LOL

    As long as we keep plugging along and TRY!! :-):bigsmile:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    Strive FOR Five

    1) Walk 15/20 min daily ~Nope ~ got dressed including shoes hoping the rain would stop, and it didn't. Got busy doing house stuff and didn't walk away the pounds DVD either. :-(
    2) Exercise 15/20 min ~Nope~ unless I can count running shopping w/hubby this afternoon
    3) Stay within my calories✔100 remaining
    4) Do some Closet Cleaning/DeClutter ✔ LOTS!!
    5) Limit my computer time (especially games)✔ doing it now


    I am not going to complain though!!

  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Absolutely! As long as I'm still trying, I'm not giving up! I just finished reading a blog where she said she felt like all this wasn't working for her because she wasn't losing weight. The she realized it IS working for her because she's not gaining weight and she's staying strong and getting stronger! I feel the same. Just because things don't work they way we plan it, doesn't mean it's not working!!! I'm so glad I read that...just what I needed at just the right time!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Today was a day off from the gym and it was raining AGAIN for the 3rd day in a row here.... so we went to the movies. Yes, I had popcorn. I shouldn't complain about the scale when I am not doing right by my body in giving it the right food!

    Thank you for the article MissDee!!! I love it!

    I've never measured so maybe I should get a tape and start... just to see what happens. :smile:

    Tomorrow I hope to get to the gym to complete my goal for the week!

    Have a good night everyone!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    So today.... OOOOHHHH today (Whoa is me right. ... I'm such a drama queen LOL!) No AM workout, but that's ok, I did get it in after work. So after work I got home and popped in my DVD and started to work out. The workout is about an hour, a few minutes less then an hour, and then there is a 15 min ab workout. I had to pick the husband up at 5:30... so getting both in would be a stretch, but I was going to try my best. About 20 minutes in, Life Source called, time to donate. Then my dad called to talk about dinner. A bit after that my neighboor stopped by to see if I could help her get her power washer working. And finally my husband called to let me know he was taking an earlier train so I had to leave earlier then I had planned to pick him up. My less then an hour workout quickly turned into an hour plus work out, and I had to ditch the ab workout to go and get the husband on time from the train (by the way ended up running late... go figure)

    Today was an odd eating day for me. I was SUPER hungry when I got up this morning, my break fast was 405 calories... EEEEKKKK! For lunch a couple of coworkers and I went to a Mexican joint. I got pork loin simmered in green chili sauce (SO GOOD), I got a half order, and didn't eat the full portion, I went easy on the rice and beans, and managed to rein in the chips and guac. Lunch... 708 calories... double EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!. At this point I hadn't worked out, so I had no workout calories, which meant if I didn't work out, I had 147 calories for dinner... triple EEEEEKKKKK! So I got my workout in, and got myself a nice 500 calorie burn. Dinner, grilled bratwurst, some kraut, mustard, a few slices of tomato, some broccoli, and a pickle. Looking at about 379 calories for dinner. (usually my calorie intake is higer at dinner and lower at lunch).

    Ok so this is getting a little long winded (if you are still reading, thank you SO MUCH!) and you might be wondering why I'm going on and on... I was techinally under for today, but I feel fuller and (I know this sounds odd) but I feel heavier after today. I've been hovering so close to being under 170 for a while now, and this morning on my weigh in day I was finally down to 169.5. Mini goal #3 so close, and I feel like today I just went right back up. I looked over my day and my sodium was through the roof!!! Maybe that's it who knows. All I know is mini goal #3 (be under 170) and mini goal #4 (hit my half way point loss of 50 pounds) are so close and I want to achive them, not pop back up to the 170's and keep going but I've been hovering around 175-172 for a while and I'm getting a little down on myself.

    Thank you again for reading this! :flowerforyou: I love the fact that I have a place where I can let out all my woe's and I have this amazing support system that will listen to me :happy:
  • crazyquilter36
    I made my goal, 2 days early:happy: I lost 2.8 pounds this week:blushing: So happy to finally see the scale getting down again! Great job to everyone this week:drinker:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I made my goal, 2 days early:happy: I lost 2.8 pounds this week:blushing: So happy to finally see the scale getting down again! Great job to everyone this week:drinker:

    Awesome!!! It's so frustrating when it just sits there, doesn't change, teasing and taunting! Sometimes I think mine does it on purpose!! But you beat it!! Great Job!!!
  • crazyquilter36
    I made my goal, 2 days early:happy: I lost 2.8 pounds this week:blushing: So happy to finally see the scale getting down again! Great job to everyone this week:drinker:

    Awesome!!! It's so frustrating when it just sits there, doesn't change, teasing and taunting! Sometimes I think mine does it on purpose!! But you beat it!! Great Job!!!

    Thank you Oma! I went on vacation for a week and then it became 2, then 3, then my Mom had a stroke and I had to go to her in Florida so that makes four. I ended up gaining back 6lbs. I have now lost 3 of that. I am so happy to be back at it. Sure goes on lots quicker than it comes off ;)
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 6

    Admission of guilt:
    Didn't do a darn thing today! I played with the kids but nothing super active since their both sick. I've just been a lazy bum today. According to pedometer I barely made over 1 mile! Ugh! Well, I'll be more than making up for it tomorrow!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Report Day 6

    Admission of guilt:
    Didn't do a darn thing today! I played with the kids but nothing super active since their both sick. I've just been a lazy bum today. According to pedometer I barely made over 1 mile! Ugh! Well, I'll be more than making up for it tomorrow!

    You sound like I did on Wednesday!!

    Two good things........

    1, The week is about over

    2. You had a nice weight loss this week and you did have some super fantastic days!!

    Have a great sleep, think about some smaller and more reachable goals for next week. There is always a new week!!

    Well there are many more then 2 things but I anm super tired. LOL