Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Week 3 in Burn Phase, CLX

    Today did Circuit 3 and Ab Burner. Threw that in because I didn't have time yesterday. I am noticing that my HRM says I am burning more calorie for each workout than when I started. I am becoming a believer....MUSCLE DOES BURN MORE THAN FAT..and that scale is moving in the right direction.....whooooooooooooooooooop whoooooooooooooop! :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! Did Burn it Off and Extreme Abs today. I really don't like her abs routines but they are effective. I was in the mirror this morning and I am noticing a reduction. I also flexed in the mirror at work yesterday and my biceps, personally, are the!!!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Bev!!!! You're starting LEAN!!!!!!! SO EXCITING! <3

    Marianne! GET IT, GIRL!!!! Lemme borrow those weights while you're not usin em! Still stuck with my heaviest weights being 20's! I wish Christmas was around the corner so I can get Select Techs!!!

    FabulousFifty! I LOVE hearing that kind of news! Especially since I don't have an HRM to check that out for myself! I personally am a believer that muscle burns fat because my body is TRANSFORMING! I love it!

    Ceeeeeee! I need a ticket to your gun show before they SELL OUT! Sounds like SOMEONE is going to be seen in a bikini if she keeps those ab work outs up... speaking of which...

    GUYS! I just ordered ChaLean Extreme Deluxe Upgrade! I'm ready for MORE torturous ab routines on a stability ball and more gruelling interval workouts! Who is this new hard worker & where did the old Janine go??? Tell her not to come back cuz this girl's on FIYAH! OOWWW! :devil:
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    So I should be finishing with the push phase this week but have been off for 3 weeks and will be restarting the push phase. I was so sick and then found out that I was pregnant even though I was "fixed" and not suppose to be able to -- oopsy. I have the go ahead to continue the program and will be restarting on Monday. I need it as I can feel like I am losing muscle even though I have done some stuff just not much.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    I personally am a believer that muscle burns fat because my body is TRANSFORMING! I love it!

    After looking at my BodyMedia Fit on Saturday, I now definitely believe & can see why muscle burns fat....
    For about 8 hours after my Push circuit, my calories (after) burn was double what it normally is.....!

    Yesterday, I was supposed to do Burn It Off & Recharge.... but didn't.... again.....! :embarassed:
    It was 29 degrees (celsius) over here (84F).... which is hot for London....

    So, I didn't do any exercise & just did stuff around the garden - but still my TDEE was 3379 calories for the day....!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Burn 2 + Ab Burner.

    EVERYONE is doing amazing! It's great to see.

    ofc - Congrats!! Glad you got the go ahead on the program, I wish I had worked out with I was pregnant - I wouldn't of been so hard afterward to take off all the weight.
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi all! I'm back from my travels (for now), and I'm beyond ready to get back into the push phase! Thankfully, I didn't gain anything while I was away, and I did get in a few Turbo Jam workouts in my hotel room.

    I'll be visiting family next week, so I feel like I need to make the most of this week! I decided to basically restart the push phase this week, and I hope it doesn't kill me, as I feel like I've been away from heavy lifting for more than just 1 1/2 weeks. I miss the way I felt before that when I was following the program almost 100%.

    Unfortunately, my knees are still giving me trouble. It is so frustrating to have the energy & desire to do so much more, but having to hold back for fear of doing permanent damage. I'm trying glucosamine supplements & ice packs, but jeez..I'm only 33! I'm going to try to work through it this week, but I may slack off a bit on the Turbo Jam if it doesn't get better soon.

    I hope everyone has a great week & I'll try to catch up on the posts I've missed!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    K...Here's my results after completing the push phase...

    Weight 189 to 175 --seem to be stuck here though :(
    Waist 39 to 35
    Hips 44.5 to 42
    Chest 43 to 39
    Right Arm 13.5 to 12.5
    Left Arm 14 to 12.5
    Right Thigh 26.5 to 24
    Left Thigh 26.5 to 24

    Total inches 18 :D
    Total pounds 14

    There wasn't much difference between the 30 days and the 60 days.

    On to Lean...let's see what happens!
  • lauralu71
    lauralu71 Posts: 23
    I am new to fitness pal and chalean extreme. Started the meal plan today as well a
    s tracking. Plan to begin the burn circuit tomorrow. Is anyone else just beginning? Any tips or advice? From what I have seen on the board everyone is doing well with this program. Can't wait to get some results !
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Lauralu! Good for you starting the meal advice is to listen to your audio cd over and over. It just reminds me of what I already know...but pumps me up when I am feeling like throwing in the towel...which has not been often because I love how I feel after the workouts...energized!

    :happy: bevgay: Yay for you completing the push phase. Those are fantastic numbers. Bring it on Lean phase! :)

    :bigsmile: Did Burn it off and recharge today. HRM was over 400...up from last week when I did it. MUSCLE BURNS MORE THAN FAT! 3 CHEERS FOR THAT! :)

  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Burn Intervals and Ab Burner today. I like burn intervals and despise ab burner!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bev, FABULOUS results!! You are just burning it up!

    Welcome, lauralu!

    Great burning, Sharon!!

    Bootylicious, Ab Burner is the least despised out of all of her ab workouts for me. I also think it's the shortest. :laugh: I still wished she did more plank and standing ab work though. I really just can't stand crunches. But it is working as I'm noticing a change in the midsection finally!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Did Fire55 from Turbofire today. So much fun!

    Bev - those numbers are awesome! great job!

    Welcome Laura!

    CHEERCHEERCHEER on the burn Sharon! =D
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Ladies you all are amazing!! Bev you are doing a awesome job keep it up! My soreness is gone so I think I'm about to get up here and knock out a TF workout. I haven't checked my schedule so I don't know which one I supose to do...I bet its a HIIT BLAHHHHH!!! I need to lift tonight as well. I did Zumba earlier this morning.

    I just feel like working out today. I guess its because I had to slack off because of how I've been feeling...1st my quads and then my shoulder.

    Well everyone have a good day and keep up the good work!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    HI ladies! I'm in my 4th week of CLX. I've used the program in the past, but kept getting pregnant and never made it to Push phase, so I'm excited to start it next week! And I was reading up that the Lean Phase helps with fat loss, which I really need (haven't really lost any weight with CLX thus far). It looks like this is a good place to get some support to finish out the last couple months!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Thanks for all the Congrats from everyone. I hope you all are able to keep up and are enjoying this "process" as Chalene says!

    OMG---Lean 1 is tough but I did it :happy: . If I don't loose weight this month then I don't know what else to do!!!!!

    Rachel, I just posted my results and I didn't loose a lot up to this point but I did loose some inches (today was my first day of lean). I have to keep reminding myself that the scale is not my friend! Keep going!!!
  • Hey everyone!

    Newly committed to logging food here at MFP and am in week #4 of Burn Phase of Chalean Extreme. Doing it with my beautiful 20-year-old daughter and loving the time together, and having a workout partner! Usually I workout alone - I have done Slim-in-6 and Turbo Jam. I love Turbo Jam, and I'm really enjoying Chalean Extreme. NO weight loss though :( Hoping to clean up my diet and see the pounds start to drop! Had a VERY tough year, grieving the very sudden death of my mother last spring, starting a new FT job, and sending yet another one of my babies off on his senior year, graduation and now in the fall off to college. Still one at home though :)
    What does everyone log for calories burned and for exercise since you can't put in the actual workout? Do you add it under strength training? And if so, how? Thanks for any advice - I can't figure this part out!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hi fellow CLX'ers!! I'm still here - just been busy getting things together the last week to get my daughter off to camp!! She's at a band camp on a university campus - the first time she's been "on her own" ever and she was nervous, but all is good and she is really enjoying it! Mom, on the other hand...well, it's hard for me to sleep when my kid isn't home! :( On the plus side, for the next two weeks I won't have any interruptions to my workouts!

    Did Burn 1 today and am back up to my usual weights with my back - felt fan-tas-tic!! I love lifting heavy and love the feeling when I'm done with a tough workout!! Woot! So good to be fully back in the game!!

    Even though I've been largely MIA, I've been keeping up with all your posts and ladies, you have all been ROCKING IT OUT!!! I am so impressed by all your efforts!!

    Bev - ultra fantastic job - your results are outstanding!!! Remember - the scale is not your friend, but the tape measure and your mirror will never lie to you!! Can't wait to see your results after Lean!!

    Cat - We need an update!! Have you taught your first Pilates class yet? How did it go?? Tres awesome performance on the push ups from your toes!

    Welcome to all the new CLX'ers to this thread! Keep up the great work everyone!! :happy: (they really need a "thumbs up!" smiley, don't you think??)
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome Rachel and Mainegirl!

    Mainegirl - it's great working out with your daughter, wonderful support system. You've been through a lot, good luck. =)
    I wear a HRM, so I don't really log my exercise.

    mmtier - enjoy your uninterrupted workouts! ;)

    I'm about to knock out Burn 3 and I think I'll do Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack that's on exerciseTV since I have an extra 30 minutes to get to class this morning. I think 6Wk6Pack is a great workout for your abs and some extra cardio!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hi everyone....

    Monday was the start of my 3rd week of Push.... BUT... it was so hot here in London (29C+ / 82F+), that I couldn't face working out in that heat with no fan....

    So, I got up on Tuesday morning & did it then.... I was hoping to get the same afterburn as I did on Saturday when I did Push 3.... Hmmmm... my calorie burn was slightly higher, but not as high as it was on Saturday.... maybe Push 3 gives a better burn because it has more lower body exercises ....?

    Anyway..... my plan was to come home after work & then do some cardio.... well that didn't happen....
    Hopefully, I won't be lazy today... and I'll do a Turbo Jam session....

    I'm actually getting bored of Turbo Jam now.... I think it's time for me to move on to Turbo Fire.... I might try one of the 45 minute classes tonight.....
    What does everyone log for calories burned and for exercise since you can't put in the actual workout? Do you add it under strength training? And if so, how? Thanks for any advice - I can't figure this part out!

    Add it as a cardio exercise, and use circuit training

    If you wear a HRM, then create your own exercise (button top right on exercise page) and enter your calorie burn. I wear a KiFit (UK BodyMedia Fit), and this is what I have done for all of my exercises. I don't burn much... probably 140 - 180 calories....
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