Weightloss shakes without artificial sweeteners



  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    If you're so paranoid about artificial sweeteners, just make your own darn smoothies. Cheaper and you can control what you put in it.

    I don't have issues with any sweetener, artificial or otherwise, so I guess, yeah, my best advice to you is to just make your own.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @PattyBanzhof1 you never did get back to me in your other thread about how these shakes will magically cause weightloss. I clearly am confused about how the body works, even though I bulk and cut multiple times a year. While lowering my body fat percentage to 8%. I was just wondering if you could enlighten me as to how these shakes will cause me to just burn off the weight purely because of their names.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    After preparing & drinking strawberry slimfast 3-2-1 shake w/artificial sweeteners, felt fine, but not satisfied! Then, I decided to make Chocolate slimfast Advanced Nutrition w/Sucralose, with PB thrown in to counteract the protein baby formula taste, then have one for lunch, then my sensible dinner, like ive been doing since April 8. Well, my appetite ceased, but, then, boom, the AFTERTASTE, then began to feel like CRAP shortly after. Flu-like & headache. Who knows. Starting to feel bit better now. I really felt the side effects come on strong after the slimfast chocolate Advanced Nutrition, made with Sucralose, which is supposed be the "safer" choice! Strange.

    I'm not going to argue anecdotal evidence with you and how you feel. That way lies madness and proves nothing.

    For example, here's something that can easily happen to me:
    After preparing and eating roasted cauliflower with cheese, felt fine, but not satisfied! Then, I decided to make roasted brussel sprouts, with bacon thrown in to counteract the bad taste, then had that for lunch, then my sensible dinner, like I've been doing since January 17th. Well, my appetite ceased, but, then boom, the BURPS then began to feel like CRAP as well. Bloated, gassy, and stomach ache. Vegetables are supposed to be the "safer" choice too! Strange.

    The struggle is real. A lot of my favorite healthy foods can shred my stomach. (Looking at you, larabars). This doesn't mean they cause tumors.
  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    Here are my findings, which used lab rats as their subjects.
    You are aware that humans are not rats? And that the vast majority of rodent studies are not reproducible in humans? Thalidomide is safe in pregnant rats, should we start prescribing it for pregnant humans?
    From starting off tumorless, healthy rats, to rats with tumors in certain areas of their bodies, only after putting artificial sweetener in their food, THE EVIDENCE IS QUITE CLEAR.
    The NCBI site is a reliable source.
    Sprague-dawley rats are cancer prone, some studies have shown that up to 87% of Sprague-dawley rats will develop cancer.
    ...if you are a cancer prone sprague-dawley rat. And just for clarification purposes, humans are not rats. Unless of course you have a rat study showing humans are rats.

    So there you have it......news you can use.
    ...if you are a cancer prone sprague-dawley rat.
    Please use caution when it comes to using artificial sweeteners!!!!
    ...if you are a cancer prone sprague-dawley rat.
  • coonhoundmom50
    coonhoundmom50 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi John welk,
    I must clarify something with you. Little do you realize, any artificial food, sweetener, whatever may enter my mouth that has the possibility of causing cancer, even in rats, I cannot go there. Lost 2 family members to ovarian cancer, the one had Mets to brain x7 areas,and sister living with HPV, had hysterectomy as a result of cervical cancer.I have been referred to a genetic oncologist because of the strong family history of gyn cancers. So that is why I feel so strongly against csncer-causing foods. It's a do not enter zone for me. Thanks for understanding, and hoping this never affects your family like it has mine.
  • ladywishingstar
    ladywishingstar Posts: 64 Member
    most people running the FDA used to work for monsanto... Enough said lol
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Little do you realize, any artificial food, sweetener, whatever may enter my mouth that has the possibility of causing cancer, even in rats, I cannot go there.

    You completely missed the point. The rats used get cancer from nothing. Or everything, if you want to look at it like that. They spontaneously grow cancer cells. Using your line of reasoning, you can't ever eat anything.

    In fact, those rats actually got cancer - while subjected to ridiculously large amounts of aspartame - at a rate lower than what they typically do. Which isn't to say that aspartame prevents cancer - it's just that you have to know what you're looking at, so you know how to interpret the data.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Little do you realize, any artificial food, sweetener, whatever may enter my mouth that has the possibility of causing cancer, even in rats, I cannot go there.

    You completely missed the point. The rats used get cancer from nothing. Or everything, if you want to look at it like that. They spontaneously grow cancer cells. Using your line of reasoning, you can't ever eat anything.

    In fact, those rats actually got cancer - while subjected to ridiculously large amounts of aspartame - at a rate lower than what they typically do. Which isn't to say that aspartame prevents cancer - it's just that you have to know what you're looking at, so you know how to interpret the data.


    It's from the Ramazzini foundation, which I've heard is absolute, and complete garbage, where about 90% of all their studies "prove" X or Y causes cancer, regardless what it is. So, that already doesn't lend too much credence to the whole thing.


    "The problem hanging over the Splenda finding is that which hangs over the Ramazzini Institute in general: Quality control. No matter what substance the Institute tests for cancer, the results always seem to be positive, whereas other laboratories testing the same substances repeatedly fail to come up with the same findings. […] All of this has made the Ramazzini Institute something of a joke in European and American science. But, of course, there’s nothing to laugh about when you use a charity conference on childhood cancer to promote an international cancer panic. "
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    The fact you want a "weight loss shake", makes me assume you're trying to lose weight? Within your years, because you became anti-artificial sugar, I'm 100% positive you consumed foods that contained things far worse than sweeteners. Everything causes cancer now days. We literally all have the cells, they just sit dormant. And do you truly believe you're the only one who's lost someone to cancer in your immediate family? I refuse to not enjoy life, because I've managed to turn something into a fear mongering object.
  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    Hi John welk,
    I must clarify something with you. Little do you realize, any artificial food, sweetener, whatever may enter my mouth that has the possibility of causing cancer, even in rats, I cannot go there. Lost 2 family members to ovarian cancer, the one had Mets to brain x7 areas,and sister living with HPV, had hysterectomy as a result of cervical cancer.I have been referred to a genetic oncologist because of the strong family history of gyn cancers. So that is why I feel so strongly against csncer-causing foods. It's a do not enter zone for me. Thanks for understanding, and hoping this never affects your family like it has mine.

    While I'm sorry for the health issues of your family, Im pretty sure cancer has affected the lives of most people, myself included. With that being said it has nothing to do with the discussion. Your logic is fundamentally flawed, as pointed out above, ANYTHING fed to those rats will cause cancer just because they are cancer prone rats. Seach pubmed long enough and you will find just about everything at some point in time has been shown to cause cancer. Also, the vast majority of animal studies are not applicable to humans. So why use that as the metric to base your life around?
    So that is why I feel so strongly against csncer-causing foods
    So then artificial sweeteners should be fine because they don't cause cancer.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Hi John welk,
    I must clarify something with you. Little do you realize, any artificial food, sweetener, whatever may enter my mouth that has the possibility of causing cancer, even in rats, I cannot go there. Lost 2 family members to ovarian cancer, the one had Mets to brain x7 areas,and sister living with HPV, had hysterectomy as a result of cervical cancer.I have been referred to a genetic oncologist because of the strong family history of gyn cancers. So that is why I feel so strongly against csncer-causing foods. It's a do not enter zone for me. Thanks for understanding, and hoping this never affects your family like it has mine.

    Look, no one is trying to be mean, or say that your family is cancer-free, or say our families are cancer-free. (Or at least I think no one is trying to be mean.) Stick around on this board and almost every food will be said to cause cancer. Lately I've seen more threads on how sugar causes cancer. I've also read that red meat, or all meat, or too much meat causes cancer. I've read that vegetables from massive farms cause cancer. Almost every food everywhere is bad for someone with some medical condition--even salad, should you have Crohn's disease.

    When I hear a new claim, I try to check out the results and weigh the benefits and risks. In this particular case, the list of organizations that rely on scientifically done, replicated studies all say artificial sweeteners are safe. There is an addendum that further study might be warranted, but right now hundreds of studies say it is okay. I have to go with the science. Otherwise I will teach my kids to fear food for no damned reason.
  • coonhoundmom50
    coonhoundmom50 Posts: 75 Member
    All I wanted to know on this myfitnesspal community site was IS THERE A WEIGHTLOSS SHAKE THAT CONTAINS REAL SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE? all I'm saying is this type of weightloss plan is working for me, and I choose not to have the sugar substitute in my slimfast. Is there a problem with that?? Seems like some of you have real issues with supporting artificial sweeteners, which is fine by me. Whatever you choose, I'm not here to criticize. But, it's almost like, smoking don't cause cancer. That's a no-brainer, and cigarettes even come with a surgeon generals warning. And you may die in a crash if you dont wear a seatbelt, the list goes on. OK, because these things have been studied and proven over many years. It will take time, though, simply more studies need done on products we consume, and in time, after a boatload of people die from its usage, they will print consumer warnings on packaging, like they finally did with the pink Sweet N Low. .Don't hop on my original post question and my personal experiences of my family with cancer, like you're a fly on horseshit. It's not like I'm telling you how to diet and what will work best for you. Just asking for answers to my original post. Lets be respectful to one another through this journey, stay focused on our weightloss goals and the subject at hand without criticizing. Thanks, and have a nice day!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    All I wanted to know on this myfitnesspal community site was IS THERE A WEIGHTLOSS SHAKE THAT CONTAINS REAL SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE? all I'm saying is this type of weightloss plan is working for me, and I choose not to have the sugar substitute in my slimfast. Is there a problem with that?? Seems like some of you have real issues with supporting artificial sweeteners, which is fine by me. Whatever you choose, I'm not here to criticize. But, it's almost like, smoking don't cause cancer. That's a no-brainer, and cigarettes even come with a surgeon generals warning. And you may die in a crash if you dont wear a seatbelt, the list goes on. OK, because these things have been studied and proven over many years. It will take time, though, simply more studies need done on products we consume, and in time, after a boatload of people die from its usage, they will print consumer warnings on packaging, like they finally did with the pink Sweet N Low. .Don't hop on my original post question and my personal experiences of my family with cancer, like you're a fly on horseshit. It's not like I'm telling you how to diet and what will work best for you. Just asking for answers to my original post. Lets be respectful to one another through this journey, stay focused on our weightloss goals and the subject at hand without criticizing. Thanks, and have a nice day!

    Artificial sweeteners have been around for over 30 years. Half the people that were around and started using them back then have died of natural causes by now.
    They are safe. They've been studied MORE THAN ANY OTHER THING THEY PUT IN YOUR FOOD. There's no need for more except if you want to keep scientists busy.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited April 2016
    Most shakes use artificial due to it being less calorie dense, hence "weight loss shake". Make your own if it's that big of a deal... it isn't very hard or time consuming. And then you can use real sugar so you won't sprout horns, and consume the blood of innocents... because we know, that damn Splenda is devil food!
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I don't care that you don't want artificial sweeteners in your life. Have at it, more power to you. You should have kept your question related to protein drinks and left the personal opinions and fear mongering out of it.

    The best way to not get into an argument about your beliefs is to leave your beliefs out of your posts. Your OP could have been "Does anyone know of any weight loss drinks on the market that are made without artificial sweeteners?"

    There's no room for argument in that question.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    All I wanted to know on this myfitnesspal community site was IS THERE A WEIGHTLOSS SHAKE THAT CONTAINS REAL SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE? all I'm saying is this type of weightloss plan is working for me, and I choose not to have the sugar substitute in my slimfast. Is there a problem with that?? Seems like some of you have real issues with supporting artificial sweeteners, which is fine by me. Whatever you choose, I'm not here to criticize. But, it's almost like, smoking don't cause cancer. That's a no-brainer, and cigarettes even come with a surgeon generals warning. And you may die in a crash if you dont wear a seatbelt, the list goes on. OK, because these things have been studied and proven over many years. It will take time, though, simply more studies need done on products we consume, and in time, after a boatload of people die from its usage, they will print consumer warnings on packaging, like they finally did with the pink Sweet N Low. .Don't hop on my original post question and my personal experiences of my family with cancer, like you're a fly on horseshit. It's not like I'm telling you how to diet and what will work best for you. Just asking for answers to my original post. Lets be respectful to one another through this journey, stay focused on our weightloss goals and the subject at hand without criticizing. Thanks, and have a nice day!

    Uhhh no, it's not like that at all. Smoking has been directly linked to lung cancer in humans, aspartame has NOT been directly linked to cancer in humans. Bad analogy.
  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    edited April 2016
    All I wanted to know on this myfitnesspal community site was IS THERE A WEIGHTLOSS SHAKE THAT CONTAINS REAL SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE? all I'm saying is this type of weightloss plan is working for me, and I choose not to have the sugar substitute in my slimfast. Is there a problem with that??
    No one has a problem with that. The problem is that you made many baseless assertions about artificial sweeteners. It's the fear mongering that we have a problem with.
    Seems like some of you have real issues with supporting artificial sweeteners, which is fine by me.
    Nope, I have issues with people spreading misinformation.
    It will take time, though, simply more studies need done on products we consume, and in time, after a boatload of people die from its usage
    A simple pubmed search and you will find thousands of studies showing that artificial sweeteners are safe. They are the most studied additives in the world.
    they will print consumer warnings on packaging, like they finally did with the pink Sweet N Low.
    Umm... that warning was removed lIke 20 years ago. And do you know why? It was shown that the bladder cancer in rats caused by saccharin can not happen in humans, we don't have the same metabolic pathway for cancer to develop.

    Don't hop on my original post question and my personal experiences of my family with cancer, like you're a fly on horseshit.
    Very mature response here. I challenge you to find anyone who made any negative remark about your family or personal experiences. If you don't want your baseless ideology questioned then don't post it.
    Lets be respectful to one another
    From from the "fly on horsesh!t" comment maybe the respect issue starts with you. Again all we did was question your pseudoscientific beliefs and somehow that's disrespectful?
  • coonhoundmom50
    coonhoundmom50 Posts: 75 Member
    Well, if there is studies needing to be done on food items we consume, because their safety is in question, even in "safe" amounts, then why hasn't there been a study done on flax seed, carrots, or peas? The average consumer would rather put natural things in their body, rather than artificial, right? Healthy foods, healthy cells. Duh, that's a no-brainer, too. As far as I'm concerned, when I have to eat or drink something in "safe" amounts, to reduce the risk of health hazards, what happens if I consume something, like diet coke, in "unsafe" amounts? Theres no comment on this, because it's still too new (safety of artificial sweeteners), still being studied. Enough said. Case closed!
  • coonhoundmom50
    coonhoundmom50 Posts: 75 Member
    Why do some people get headaches from ASPARTAME, and some don't? Obviously it's causing some type of side effect. Sorry, rather enjoy my natural drink, like hint water, & chewing gum, rather than suffering from an aspartame-induced headache.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Why do some people get headaches from ASPARTAME, and some don't? Obviously it's causing some type of side effect. Sorry, rather enjoy my natural drink, like hint water, & chewing gum, rather than suffering from an aspartame-induced headache.

    Why do some people get sick from dairy? Why do some people have allergic reactions to peanuts?

    Many gums contain aspartame....

    You are seriously grasping at straws here.