Newbie bike rider



  • leannraya
    leannraya Posts: 95 Member
    Hey Everyone and thanks so much for the great advice! Besides my tush hurting all morning, I got back on my bike and followed some pointers you all gave me. @BrianSharpe I watched that youtube video and it explained how high your seat should be to ride comfortably, turns out my seat was way too low causing me to crunch my legs up more. Once I made my seat higher so that my leg extended properly when I petaled, it was a world of a difference! @AmandaDanceMore & @NorthCascades I also played with my gears and found my sweet spot for streets!

    I could only do about 20 minutes, but I did 1.9 miles and that was with a few on and offs to do some adjusting. Tomorrow my new saddle cover thingy from Amazon comes in so I can't wait to try it to see if it's softer to sit on.

    Thanks again guys, can't wait to ride again tomorrow!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    As for adjusting your bike, keep playing with it and realize that your seats can go forward and back, rock up and down (raise and lower the nose) as well as adjust the height. I prefer the nose of my seat to be slightly up.

    Me too. If the nose is slightly down, you'll tend to slide forward (so slowly it's imperceptible) and you wind up using your arms to hold yourself up on the bike. If your shoulders tend to get sore when you bike, try AmandaDanceMore's trick.
  • leannraya
    leannraya Posts: 95 Member
    As for adjusting your bike, keep playing with it and realize that your seats can go forward and back, rock up and down (raise and lower the nose) as well as adjust the height. I prefer the nose of my seat to be slightly up.

    Me too. If the nose is slightly down, you'll tend to slide forward (so slowly it's imperceptible) and you wind up using your arms to hold yourself up on the bike. If your shoulders tend to get sore when you bike, try AmandaDanceMore's trick.

    I haven't figured out how to adjust the seat except for up and down =/
  • AmandaDanceMore
    AmandaDanceMore Posts: 298 Member
    As for adjusting your bike, keep playing with it and realize that your seats can go forward and back, rock up and down (raise and lower the nose) as well as adjust the height. I prefer the nose of my seat to be slightly up.

    Me too. If the nose is slightly down, you'll tend to slide forward (so slowly it's imperceptible) and you wind up using your arms to hold yourself up on the bike. If your shoulders tend to get sore when you bike, try AmandaDanceMore's trick.

    I haven't figured out how to adjust the seat except for up and down =/

    There should be a bolt underneath your seat. When you loosen it, it should allow you to tilt it front to back and also slide it forward and back. Make TINY adjustments at a time, because it really doesn't take much. I KNOW my seat is tilted up in front, but you really can't tell.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Well we did about 2.5 miles and after that our legs felt like jello. Keep in mind we have only started becoming more active in the past month, we are both trying to get out in the fresh air more and exercise together, so I know rome wasn't built in a day. I will just push through the pain and see if we get used to it :)

    We all start somewhere - I returned to cycling just doing a little circuit round local roads on a mountain bike and worked up the distance and speed until I was doing various charity rides for a challenge.
    Now a few years later I'm doing 100 mile events and fitter than I've ever been. It's a sport/pastime without limit really.

    The mental/emotional aspects of exercising in beautiful countryside are a wonderful stress reliever.
    It can be very social too - bike riders look out for each other.
  • leannraya
    leannraya Posts: 95 Member
    I DID 3 MILES TODAY!! :) WAHOOO!!!!!!!