When friends aren't supportive?



  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    First off, CONGRATS!!!

    I'm sure your friend doesn't see fitness achievements as a big deal but she should, as your friend, go out of her way to support you! I guess shes not the friend to share fitness excitement with. Friends should be happy for one another.

    Maybe confront your friend and tell her that you are excited and just wanted more congrats for your earned achievement:-)
  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    edited April 2016
    Yeah it kinda sucks. For me no one I know really appreciates how much effort goes into it and how much it means to me. Some members of my family are even concerned for my health thinking I'm doing too much, while they are all completely sedentary and overweight.

    I just do it for me, but my friends on here are a fantastic source of motivation for me too.

    Oh, and congrats on the goal weight btw!
  • EmmaleeKristin
    EmmaleeKristin Posts: 1 Member
    I go through the same thing with coworkers, friends, and even family. I have recently started a new fitness challenge and when I tell people about it because I am so excited I always get back, "why the hell do you need a diet." I know I am not fat, but I am very out of shape and unhealthy. I have a great coach and some other girls that are doing the challenge with me, but it would be nice to have some friends or family to support me. I am not doing this for weight loss. I am doing this to learn how to be healthy and get into shape. I am a future nurse and to be able to do what I have wanted to do my whole life, I need to be in shape. I have tried to explain my goals to them but they just don't listen.

    You could message me on here, and we can share recipes/ give eachother support!
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I find weight loss is like fight club......rule number 1....never talk about fight club.

    Exactly! I've been at this for a year now, well on my way to losing 60 pounds, and literally four people in my life even know what I'm doing. I only ever even talk to one of those people about my weight loss, and he's my husband!